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ok, so, as we all know. water and salt are two big things that really help with POTS symptoms. my question: how much water do you drink? i'm curious. i'd like a representative sampling here. my ideal amount, the amount which seems to make a difference without spending too much time in the bathroom, has been around 2.5 litres (or liters, for you stateside people).

does anybody drink more than that? or more than 3?

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I *try* to drink about 90 ounces per day- not sure what the conversion is, probably somewhere between 2-3 liters. I don't always acheive this goal, but I try- it's harder in the winter when I don't get as thirsty.

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Ouch! I use to try and drink 64 ounces of gatorade a day ... but ended up with systemic candida a couple of years ago. I think the sugar in the sports drinks is too much for my system. However drinking plain water feels like I flush out the sodium/potassium balance. I'm now probably only drinking 40 ounces a day -- and yes I feel like crap so when I see my cardiologist Thursday I'll see if he has any suggestions.


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I aim for 72 oz. water a day or at least 64 oz. water and the remainding 8 oz. from clear broth. I had a problem with flushing out electrolytes so my doctor had me use Gatorade as part of my fluid count but after a long time of doing that I realized the sugar was a trigger. So, now I drink broth instead and since it is cold out, it is a good option for me!!

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I would say I drink more than 3 litters of water a day easily. I am like a alcoholic with water. I cannot get enough water. Due to me having pots and the sugar problem some days my mouth is so dry I just drink and drink and drink. I have also noticed I feel worst if I don’t drink waters. Some nights I wake up to go and drink water. The first thing I do in the morning is drink water and I easily drink a litre of water before I even get to work. I can remember being thirsty my whole life and for me there is nothing as nice as water. So I just drink and drink and drink. I just love water. I can’t drink any gassy cool drink and I can't drink anything with sugar in and I can’t stand the smell of milk. So I only drink water and Rooibos tea.(caffeine free tea) Caffeine increase the insulin production, which lowers your sugar levels and blood pressure in return. ;)

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