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Willows Husband Has Bad Fall ...........what Next ???


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I just think that not only is my house 'jinxed' but we all are as well. :(

OMG , what a week we have all had ..............will this bad luck ever end ??? :lol:

Sorry I haven't been on for sometime but 'mother here' our main online computer crashed big time and we lost the hard drive and everything on it , Yes we did back up everything on another external drive , but believe me everything it was not and we had to pay out over ?250 ( $500 ) to get the computer sorted and up and running again , but in between this OMG its been awful here.

On the Sunday I stared some new drugs for my Raynaud's , on Monday I felt a bit weird then on Tuesday .................. what happened to Tuesday , well I missed the whole day as the drug lowered my blood pressure so much I was out cold, didn't eat , drink, move and according to hubby didn't seem to be breathing either, lots of people came in and out of the bedroom according to Mark to check on me , the doc said I was OK to be left as it was the drug and not my POTS doing a nasty on me again ,so hubby, son and the docs have all decided that I'm not taking those anymore!

On Wednesday the doctor gave me yet another drug to sort out my cholesterol this time as I had to come off the last one as I stared to loose the plot and get a sort of pre-senile dementor, my level was now at almost 8 again so i needed to get this sorted or risk a stoke or heart attack , so I took the drug at 9 pm that night and by 10 pm I wanted to be sick , sick , sick and even more sick ................OMG here we go again .

I slept on and off all night only to wake up at 5:30 am with a horrible headache and to hear hubby fall top to bottom of the stairs............. shaking the whole house .......BIG TIME........and the language that came from him was enough to turn anyone's hair white and the local vicar ( who lives two doors from us ) must have heard it I'm sure :o:o

Both Mike and I managed to get put of bed to see him stagger into the lounge followed by the kitten who was crying at the top of his voice wondering what was going on . Mark had broken his middle toe, hurt his elbow, his knee and somehow damaged his back , he was white as a sheet , but as per normal would not let me get him any help.

I went back to bed to lay down as by now the room was spinning and I needed a bucket under my head !

Later that day Mark, who had just curled up on the settee in the lounge was still not getting up , eating pr drinking , which made two of us as I was still wanting to be sick .

By 6 pm that night , Mark and still not moved so I called our doctor and between me sicking up and having to stop because of the now chronic headache I managed to tell her that ........

1: Mark had done a spectacular fall from top to bottom of the stairs and was not moving , I suspected he had concussion as well as other Minor injuries including a broken toe, he was white as a sheet and his eyes did not react very well to light .

2: Also the last drug they gave me has caused me to be sick all day, my blood pressure was in my boots and I had a splitting headache to match Marks!!!!!

I don't think my doc knew what to say or do at this point !

She wanted to come round to sort us both out but having poked mark he refused ( this was more like his normal self again ) so after some advice I got hubby to drink and although white as a sheet he did start to stagger about a bit .

Its now Sunday night /Monday morning and Mark is still limping about the place , my last lot of drugs have left my system ( thank you so much ) and things are looking a bit better again .

Mike is going to see the sleep clinic next week , he has also been put onto some antidepressants for once again become very tearful, but as someone said in the last post I wrote about Mike , you really do know who your mates are when something like this happens and boy of boy Mike has some great mates............its been none stop here and I've just got rid of the last two lads who stayed the whole of the weekend , last week whilst mark and I took turns being unwell we had a couple of his mates come every day to see Mike, I'm so pleased with this as they made sure he ate properly.

With Christmas coming up fast now and things to make like the mince pies ( still unmade ) the food shopping to do and a few more gifts to buy ,I've bought, wrapped and got ready to post off 90% of the Christmas stuff so I'm doing well even thought the house seems adamant its going to inflict harm on us all !!!!

So with just a couple more presents to buy of the boys , well things are looking a bit better and as from today I haven't had a bucket near my chin for a whole 24 hours :P !!!!!!!

I will try to come back on again soon and let you know how things are going with the boys , although I have now called Mark ' Hop-along -cassidy ' , poor old man what next for him ????????

Look after yourselves and just think, I bet your happy you don't live in our house with Christmas coming fast . :P

Ami, Mike, Mark and the little black hooligan who keeps us all laughing .........Harley Davidson ......now aged 9 months ans still very much a mummys boy 'purrrrrrrrr-------purrrrrrrrrr.xxxxxxxxx

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Thank goodness that week is now over and behind you! It sounds like you're all doing as well as possible, and you're certainly ahead of me in the getting ready for Christmas department! It's wonderful that Mike has such good buddies, and Mark sounds like he's starting to heal up. Thankfully, you also sound a little better after coming off those meds. Have a terrific holiday season, and hope everyone stays well.



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Oh Ami,

I somehow missed this. How is Mark NOW? Geez, when it rains, it pours. My son, Mack, did a tumble like that when he was around 12 mos old. The sound was deafening. I can't begin to imagine the noise a grown man would make...and the pain. OUCH!!! I hope he's recovering by now.

A few years ago, I had the same experience as you regarding Reynaud's meds. I took some beta-blocker and had almost NO BP for about 8 hours. When I could get a reading, I saw numbers like 69/40 All I could do was lie down, with my head hanging lower than my feet. Awful and I didn't have the stomach sickness you did. I really feel for you...

So glad Mike's having a sleep study. Give us an update when you can.



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I really do hope things get better.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I was right poor old hubby had concision for about 4 days and lost quite a bit of weight from not eating , but I'm pleased to say he's feeling a bit better now ........................except for the toe ;)

About 7 days after the fall he had to go to see the foot doctor to have his big toe nail removed on the other foot as both sides of the nail for no apparent reason had decided to curl inwards and grow into his skin , the pain has been really bad as he has tried to walk on it and of course its become infected , swollen and very red indeed , so now he has two broken toes on one foot and a big bandaged toe on the other foot .

BUT............the best is yet to come................you will never ever believe this !!!!!!

My one handed , knee and foot braced hubby , who has degeneration of the cervical spin at brain stem C1 C2 C4 C5 , chronic fibromyalgia and fatigue syndrome, has now been diagnosed with a form of strange depression ( no he's not depressed its just something from his very early years playing on him ) he cannot walk without his stick on his hand less arm and falls without his braces on ( as the above has proved ) he had sleep apnoea plus other small heart problems .......GUESS WHAT ?????????????????????????

Some person in our area is watching us ................creepy or what :o

How do we know this ?? because my wonderful husband has been called into the DHSS offices and been accused of doing PAID WORK ( in other words he has worked for cash and not told anyone pocketing all the money and not paying tax or insurance, basically defrauding the country of money ) and guess where he has been accused of working at ...................HOGWARTS CASTLE :lol::lol::lol:

Some sick person has called the DHSS and told them that my husband has been working for HOGWARTS and being paid for it ..............OMG how sick is that .

Of course we both started to laugh when the interviewer told as the companies name and she must of thought we had lost the plot or gone mad !

So I spent about 3/4 of an hour telling this person all about HOGWARTS , who designed it , who made it , who paid for it , how much money we had raised in the past year when it was out and the vast amount of times this year it had been up for the children to see.............once .

I spent ages telling her who put it up and took it down , how much of a problem it is now causing us , and how that after 8 years of planning , making , finding , begging or bowwowing stuff to finish it ..............its now for sale , lock , stock and Dobbie the house elf ................

What a sad life this person must lead if all there life consist of is watching others and then making anonymous phone calls to the government because they somehow think a disabled family, who has spent time and money putting together something to raise money for sick children in the UK is paying the volunteer's who help me out .

OK ..............OK ...............I won up I did pay my husband !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He had 1/2 lb of strawberry foam sweets and 1/2 lb of foam ice cream cones, would the government like to charge hubby vat or tax on them ????

My hands are now very bad and the joints are growing bones lumps on them which is making running the castle very hard work , this and the fact that every time I've had the castle in use I've suffered an angina attack makes running the castle something our family had to look at hard, we decided that however much we love running it for the kids the pain and suffering that we all have to go thought in order to this is just to much and so its looking for a new home and new family to care for it .

It would make some little girl/boy who are Harry Potter mad the most envied child of all time because they have a wonderful play castle for the garden .

But all things aside , its really horrible to think that we are being watched in our own village by some nasty minded individual .

A very angry Ami .....................

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  • 2 months later...

Well we are still here biting the ankles of all around us

On Monday we are having a brand new stair lift fitted ..............you can hear the singing and dancing from us all if you listen hard :lol: :lol:

Mark is a bit better now , still not sleeping properly but his big toe ( nail removed one ) is just about healed BUT.............................we did have a small problem with a swede ............not not the living kind from over the water who are blond , but the hard round veggie sort that come from the ground !

Our fridge had a bottle of milk on its side in it and as per usual it leaked, straight into the veggie boxes, so hubby dragged the two veggie boxes out onto the kitchen sink and started to empty them , as he did so he was talking to each item ( :blink: strange husband is he not !) so carrots all lined up , courgettes , then a large head of celery ( which he hates ) was placed beside two large swedes which had been placed carefully just by the edge of the unit.

Hubby not content in chatting to the celery but went on to say how he detested the stuff and picking it up started to wave it at me , who was standing bare footed right beside him.

We are a family who walk about the house bare footed ( its better for your feet ) so standing there with nothing on was nothing unusual ( that's feet , not clothing or that would be rather strange !!!!!) so hubby having waved the celery in my direction went to put it back on the unit when he tapped a large swede ..........which then rolled off the unit and dropped right on his nail-less toe :lol: as I turned to see why he was shouting ............the swede bounced off hubby's toe and straight onto my big toe l ..... talk about noise.

Hubby was now dancing about the kitchen saying words I am not allowed to repeat on site or that a lady should say, followed by myself doing the same ( except I didn't swear ) .................Mike our son was sitting in the lounge watching all this ( he didn't see the swede fall or hit us both ) and was now shaking his head in amazement as he watched what he thought was two fully grown adults doing some sort of dance in the kitchen 'out of the blue' holding a foot with tears running down their faces!

It wasnt until he saw Marks toe bleeding again and us two whacking a swede on the head with a wooden sppon and a rolling pin :o telling it that its going to be boiled alive tonight and then smashed into little bits for playing tricks on us two defenceless people that the penny dropped .

Well its never a dull minuet in our house is it , next Sunday 14th is Mikes 19th birthday , Harley Davidsons very 1st birthday and Mothers day in the UK ...................blimey that is a lot of work for hubby .

By for now Ami and her little black shadow 'Harley'

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Swede?...Ah rutabaga! (I had to look it up.) OUCH!!!!! I'm so sorry, Ami. Hugs to you and Mark. Happy B-day to Mike & Harley. And, an early Happy Mother's Day to you!!!!


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