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Is Anyone Else Not Able To Nap In The Day???


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I tend to have the hyperadrenergic form, but for probably the last 10 years, no matter how tired I am, my body will not nap in the daytime. It's like when I get up in the morning, my "switch" is turned on. I can drag and drag all day from a bad night's sleep, but not be able to take a nap. Then, thankfully, XANAX turns that switch off at night. And so on, everyday. I mean I remember for the 30 years before I was able to nap if I was tired, but not for 10 years now.

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I tend to have the hyperadrenergic form, but for probably the last 10 years, no matter how tired I am, my body will not nap in the daytime. It's like when I get up in the morning, my "switch" is turned on. I can drag and drag all day from a bad night's sleep, but not be able to take a nap. Then, thankfully, XANAX turns that switch off at night. And so on, everyday. I mean I remember for the 30 years before I was able to nap if I was tired, but not for 10 years now.

I can't nap either. The ONLY way is if I take something strong like, klonapin AND a vicodin. When I had a kidney stone removed 2 years ago, I was prescribed vicodin. Besides being able to nap. I also felt 98.9% better (POTS wise) on vicodin!

If I wasn't afraid of addiction, I'd probably just take one vicodin a day and be good to go. Of course why they work I don't know. And then there is the issue of building up tolerance and needing more, and more. Plus no doctor would prescribe them. I do have a lot of pain. Maybe I should just ask. Nah, I doubt anyone would give them to me. <_<

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I've had phases when I'm unable to sleep during day. The phrase "Tired but Wired" comes up with some conditions and seemed to fit rather well. One can be really tired and getting disfunctional as a result, yet unable to get the rest they need. I've also had extended phases where I'll fall asleep suddenly during the day. So I don't fit a consistent mold very well.

I have never had effect from codeine or vicodin (except a little constipation), perhaps due to a metabolism issue??? However, SOMA has a really mild anxiolytic and mild pain relief effect for me. It helps my chronic lower back troubles... but it is almost more beneficial in these other ways. Thankfully I didn't get sleepy from it, so it helped me stay functional for long upright night shifts (along with ample fidgeting and stretching)... but for some it could help with napping and count as a "lesser opioid" if worried 'bout the others.

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I have never been able to nap during the day, not since I was about 6 months old. I can count the number of naps I have taken on my fingers. Now the only time I can nap is when I have been up for more than 24 hours, if I am not writhing in pain or throwing up by then. All I want to do is sleep all the time, but my body won't let me. I started sleeping eight hours or more a night when I was a infant, but since getting POTs I toss and turn and am disturbed more than ever. I have problems falling asleep because of pain and I CAN'T sleep in. If I do fall asleep during the day I end up with a horrible stomach ache and never feel refreshed. I just assumed all people felt like that, and I could never understand why people like to nap.

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I can nap most of the time no problem. <_< I am so tired an fatigued that it comes easy. But, I should also add that I am a night owl and sleep during the day anyways. But, I likely wouldn't nap well in my awake hours (night) all the time. When I am on a normal day-night schedule I can nap, but recently have been quite the nightowl.

I have had a lot of insomniac episodes where napping or sleep of any kind was insanely difficult. That was mostly caused by meds. Other times by the air being to hot, dry, or humid and with sleep apnea didn't sleep well. But, with the med issues I have gone over a week with less than three hours of sleep a day that is broken and almost more tiring than just staying awake.

I totally understand "tired but wired"!!! :P

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Yes - It's so frustrating! I feel so tired, and yet I just can't fall asleep. Then I end up going to bed early, asleep by 7 or so, and have a poor night's sleep with a lot of tossing/turning/potty runs. I'm awake again by 4 or 5, but make myself stay in bed until 6. It seems like if I could take a daytime nap, I could stay up later at night and perhaps sleep in later. What I'd give for a solid 9 hours of sleep!

I'm not sure about sleep apnea, and I don't think I'd sleep at all with little electrodes stuck to my body in a strange bed and room. Anyone done this?

Also, Notgivinup, I have the same experience with pain meds. I take 1/2 a Percocet on some days because my pain is so bad, and it does make my symptoms seem better, and gives me a little more energy.

Good sleep to us all!


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Yes - It's so frustrating! I feel so tired, and yet I just can't fall asleep. Then I end up going to bed early, asleep by 7 or so, and have a poor night's sleep with a lot of tossing/turning/potty runs. I'm awake again by 4 or 5, but make myself stay in bed until 6. It seems like if I could take a daytime nap, I could stay up later at night and perhaps sleep in later. What I'd give for a solid 9 hours of sleep!

I'm not sure about sleep apnea, and I don't think I'd sleep at all with little electrodes stuck to my body in a strange bed and room. Anyone done this?

Also, Notgivinup, I have the same experience with pain meds. I take 1/2 a Percocet on some days because my pain is so bad, and it does make my symptoms seem better, and gives me a little more energy.

Good sleep to us all!


Potsgirl, I'd like to ask one of my many doctors for a low dose of vicodin. But how can I do that without looking like a drug seeker? I have pain, but, of course without a real physical cause for it, I don't think they'd give it to me. KWIM? POTS causes pain, but x-rays don't show anything.

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I would just be honest and tell them about the level of pain you have, and ask for it in a direct manner. My PCP prescribes 5 mg doses for me for my chronic pain, and then I take 1/2 when I need one, which is probably 4 - 5 days a week. They know that pain is an attribute of a disease that doesn't 'show' on any tests. Just ask them for a trial run with Vicodin, and see what they say. You'll never know if you don't ask, and it could make your life much easier to manage. Go for it!



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I used to have the wired but tired thing... now on meds I can nap. Today my husband was home and I have to rest before my children get home from school so I took 1/2 of a .5 Klonopin. I slept for two hours and was able to make dinner etc.

On meds now I can take a nap and I think it really helps with the quality of my life.

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YES .... I have not napped during the day since i got sick.....And beforei got sick i had trouble napping during the day unless i was mega tired and had been out and not slept the night before.

Since i go sick i also hae not had a 'full' nights sleep.....constantly waking up in 2 hour intervals.....this would never happen before i got sick. before i got sick i had mild issues falling asleep but once i was asleep i was asleep for a full 8 hours!

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Before I got treatment for my POTS, I could not nap during the day and often not even fall asleep at night. It was definitely "tired but wired," for me it was exhausted but wide awake! If the kids woke me in the middle of the night, I was up the rest of the night. I have never been able to fall asleep while upright, even on an all-nighter flight coming in from the West Coast. Since taking my meds, particularly Propranolol, I can sleep at night like I have never done in my life! Klonopin alone doesn't do it for me, but then I'm extremely hard to sedate. If I take my BB in the morning and melatonin at bedtime, sleep comes very quickly!

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