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Took Laxative, Feeling Awful


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Well I have bowel problems and gastroparesis and I heard that the new Doctor I'm going to see for my gastroparesis recommends taking a laxative everyday. Stupidly, I decided to follow this by myself without waiting for the appointment and took a senna laxative last night. Turned out, it worked, and it was okay this morning, but every bowel movement I've had today feels like it's emptying me and now I can't stop being sick. What has happened? I feel awful.. dizzy, vomiting, nauseous, mega, mega POTS attack.

What have I done wrong? Has anyone else tried this?


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Hi Janey,

I take 2 Senna laxatives, one every morning and one every night. It's been the only thing that's helped with my chronic constipation. I can't take any of the harsh ones, like Correctol, but I've been using Senna for the last 3 years. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with it!

Take care,


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Sorry Janey, you got the plumbing going! Last year, after 5 days of bowel stillness, I broke down and took Sennakot. Man, was I glad that I was home...it was very effective! The cramping was horrendous! I have found that warm prune juice is far gentler (add a spoonful of sugar and it is not too bad, honest!) Good luck!

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Most all of our neurotransmitters are n the lower gut. Also the electrolytes are sensitive here.

Add to that the stretching and moving of the gut=SYMPTOMS! This is what laxatives do and some of are more sensitive than others.

When I had a partial hysterectomy a couple years ago, had to do the bowel prep. It made me feel super spaced out (MORE than usual) dizzy and headache-y.

Personally I can't do laxatives but I realize constipation is no fun. I would NEVER take any thing daily.

Years ago there was an affordable Ayurvedic supplement, SAFE for every day to regulate a persn but I do not remember the name...been about 10 years...got some for a friend. It worked to maintain bowel health and not just as an overnight to get you going kind of deal.

You may want to investigate something milder to your system.

Also when I have had to do small enemas for surgery I get very symptomatic..so this bowel stuff can mess up many of us. What you describe is perfectly normal for "some of us."

Good luck

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Maybe something like Miralax would be easier and more gentle on your body.

I have tried Senakot in the past, but my body can't take it. Senakot has too much fiber, and it makes my gastroparesis significantly worse. It is also too hard on my intestines.

I used to be on Amitiza, and that worked fairly well. It works neurologically to make your intestines move. I'm not on Amitiza currently because I'm pregnant, and Amitiza crosses the blood/brain barrier - not good for a baby. Currently Miralax is working well for me.


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Thanks for all your answers guys, so helpful once again. I will try alternative laxatives before I decide that laxatives and I don't mix. It's sod's law that I'm constipated and in pain for most of the time, but as soon as I take a tiny bit of a laxative I have uncontrollable diarrhea and vomiting!


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