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Hi Guys...

Just need to ask...is there anything to help sweating? I sweat in the afternoon or after any real sustained activity...I sweat in really weird places too..like in my elbow creased...on my stomach..

I can sweat and be cold at the same time!! How is this possible?? ;)

It is like I am not really sweating from being hot...altho sometimes I get VERY hot and sweat as well. Sometimes I am just so uncomfortable I don't want anyone to touch me.

I don't sweat like terribly...but non the same..I don't like it!! I don't even understand how I can sweat and not feel hot at times...??

And it is embarrassing!! like almost everything else I live with..if I lay very still for a while it gets better...I can get very hot at times too!! IfI get upset...I get very very hot very very quickly as well...like I need a fan!

I don't think this is menopause..(I am 46)...I get regular periods and never had this before POTS..

What is this and can we make it stop!!


Erika :D

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hi erika,

i have been having these problems for as long as i can remember. i often (used to) sweat while being cold (which seemed very strange to me) and also haven't been able to sweat at all during some years. nowadays i am back to sweating which in a way made me feel very happy as my body is now able to get rid off the heat. i don't like the sweat streaming off my body in every possible place though. (for example i didn't know that my legs could sweat so much). i think hormones have to do with this a LOT as i also think that hormones have to do a LOT with dysautonomia in general. i think there is a nmed that helps with the sweatingproblem, can't remember the name though. do talk with your doc about it, s/he might help you out.

good luck,

corina ;)

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Erika, I had this very problem... to the extreme but now I can't sweat. I don't know how you feel about it but I was really only embarrassed by the sweat under my arms. (I felt like it was so visible and I worried about what to were). I always wore tops with out sleaves and a sweater or something over (always like a twin set. I also bought the really stong anti-persperant that you can get from the drug store. You put it on at night and it really does work after a few days... but it may be horrible for you, I am sorry that you are dealing with this... as a girl we are not supposed to "sweat" we "glisten" right? Anyway for me it really is the Dysautonomia and now I don't sweat at all. Maybe this will go away in the future.

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I have had this problem for almost 25 years. Menopause & Dysautonomia also started about that time. When I first became ill I couldn't sweat. I would get very hot but no sweat. Then I would be so cold, even in the summer, I would wear a coat. I was put on Neurontin & that seemed to relax my ANS & I was able to sweat & that felt better than no sweat. I am on no meds now & I sweat night & day. Sometimes I feel so hot I could blaze & other times I just sweat. I hope you find something that helps but it wouldn't be healthy not to sweat at all.

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Hi Erika,

I have the same problems, and I'm close to your age - 47. My doctor thinks I'm going through perimenopause, which is the stage leading up to menopause that can last 5 or more years. That may certainly be happening in your case, too. Lucky us! ;) But I also think part of it is from the dysautonomia. I get especially sweaty on some nights, where the backs of my legs are really sweaty, but then I get a chill, too. Sometimes during the day I get flashes of being really hot, but I also can get very chilled from the A/C, especially if I go to the store or to a movie. Let's just say I'm one of the fortunate ones who has a very small 'comfort zone' of temps, and always carry a sweater with me!



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Welcome aboard ;) The dysautonomia-perimenopausal express. It's a wild ride. I also sweat like crazy, in normal life, and especially when I exercise. I look like I just got out of the shower when I finish :D Very embarassing.

You really do sound like you're describing hot flashes. No one told me that they would be so much more than simply feeling warm. At first, I thought I was going to faint- I didn't.....then I waited for anaphylaxis- didn't happen.....then I ate a high protein snack because I was certain I was experiencing a major dip in blood sugar. The hot flashes feel awful, a feeling that something bad is going to happen- impending doom. Hot, and then freezing cold, especially at night.

I'm 47 y/o. My Mom is 72 and she still gets them. My grandmother is 92 and she occasionally gets them as well. This is clearly not a 5 year cyclical phase for me :( Things that that have helped me is to very carefully watch my diet. Nothing white, no refined sugar, very little alcohol and caffeine. I'm also using a hormonal patch with bio-identical hormones called the Combi-Patch. I only use 1/2 of the prescribed dosage and I'm doing much better. I had 2 mojitos this past weekend and experienced several hot flashes in lieu of a hangover. Grrrrr.

No doubt your dysautonomia is rolled up with your hormonal changes which can make perimenopause so awful for us and it lasts Y-E-A-R-S. The patch, super healthy diet, and exercise have been godsends for me. Let me know if you figure out some additional helps.


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