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Article In First Magazine About Neurally-mediated


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I would like to point out that the magazine is FIRST, not that I meant it was the first magazine! I was glad to see a mainstream article addressing the issues that most of us face. The only problem I saw with the article is it made it sound too simple to fix the problem. They didn't address the lightheaded/fainting issue as much as they should. It kind of just sounded like if you are fatigued, you might have NMH, and if you do these things, you will get all well! I did like that they mentioned hypovolemia, as I really think that is my personal issue, even though I don't know why I might be. But overall, it was an article in a major magazine(well, it's in all the grocery stores!).

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I get my magazine by subscription, and it's dated August 24. It may/may not yet be on the racks at the stores. Anyone else ever read this magazine? The article is based and quoted on a Dr. Peter Rowe, a NMH specialist at the Johns Hopkins Universtiy Medical School.

We love Dr. Rowe- He's my son's physician and he's been a huge help to me as well in understanding orthostatic intolerance! I'll look for the article.


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They said the same thing way back on DATELINE in 1998 I think....Just add SALT to your foods and it fixes you. :) I think it was before they had the eye doctor on with this illnessand did a good half hour or more on Dysautonomia. SHAME they never did a follow up...sigh.

The over simplification of this illness and the name often linked with it, "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" makes me wanna scream!

So many over simplify the situation or act like most all 'get better' and return to normalcy. Good day for many is getting dressed, or taking a shower. It's HUGE for me to leave a house for long period of time without having to recline or put my feet up constantly. My record for being gone from the house (without lying on the couch as I visit somebody) is 4 hours.

Somebody needs to do a real documentary or real reality show on this...but I detest reality shows and don't give them my energy...but y'all know what I mean.

Still a mention in a mainstream mag beats nothing. If you could find an email to the person who wrote it or the magazine many of us would LOVE to give our two cents and ask for a follow up, lol.

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