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Eating Only Chicken Is Helping Me

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Hey guys,

It's been a while since I posted---going through a life change. I'm moving this weekend into my own place, I started working again, I lost 15 lbs, all good things but it's been pretty crazy!

The one thing that makes me relapse is going outside the diet I created for myself. I've been eating roasted chicken and some veggies for most of my meals (small meals, frequent), and I've been having more energy and not as many digestive issues. As soon as I go outside that diet, I crash and get tachycardia, low BP, and just have trouble for the rest of the day. Because of the chicken, I've been able to start walking and being on my feet more often---helped me lose 15lbs! That's a huuuge accomplishment for me =) I feel great and I cannot believe that I'm saying that I may actually be happy right now and for the most part healthy. It's funny though that one meal can mess me up for two days though. I have to be SO strict about when I eat, how much I eat, and what I eat. Also, I can't drink anything but water or else my system gets messed up.

Anyway, it may just be something that is working for ME, or perhaps I am just in a period of time where my nervous system is able to regulate pretty well. Who knows, maybe I'll relapse again soon lol I'm hoping not though! I'm going to keep this up and keep active and hopefully I won't have to go start trying all sorts of meds again.

Another thing I've been keeping up is wearing my compression wear every single day. I really do think it helps. The first month of wearing it made me feel like it was actually worse for me----my legs seemed to pool with blood and I felt a little suffocated. Reminded me of when I was getting used to beta blockers lol But after a while, maybe it got stretched out, maybe I got thinner, but it seems to do its job now. When I walk around when it's off, I seem to be more short of breath----when it's on, I feel secure and slightly higher in BP where it counts.

Anywho, thought I'd share these tips for you guys if any of you are curious what works for some people =) It's taken me a long time to figure this out about myself, and I might end up having to adjust my lifestyle when it becomes a little more busy, but it seems to be working for my short days! (I get so tired after going out ;p, but it's great, I've been sleeping!) Another tip is that I always have a rest day after exhausting myself. I just end up relapsing if I push myself two days in a row. If I have one big day of shopping or something, I make sure to do only a little bit of activity the next day. Also, my work days are spread far apart and the day after work I sort of just take care of myself and a tiny bit of housework (which is enough activity to work me out) like laundry.

When stress is added to the mix, all this is thrown out the window though unfortunately. Just a tiny bit causes horrible nausea, and I still haven't found a cure for that. I still get morning sickness, but I eat chicken, soak in the bath for 30 minutes, and then I'm great about 2 hours later =) I've also noticed that I felt my best when I wasn't on birth control while doing this whole diet+activity thing. When I started it again, I started having issues again. I'm going to go to the doc soon about it, cause I haven't had a period in 5 months (not preg) and I'm having cramps for like 2 weeks straight.

One more thing: I've been checked thoroughly for digestive system-related illnesses and my tract is normal. But I don't know if you guys noticed how we rely on our intake of food and water SO much to feel good. I think everyone should experiment with strict diets to figure out what their bodies like the most. I still have all my little dysautonomia quirks, but they're -manageable- when I'm eating right, which I think is the important part! It's a huge step for me, because just 4 months ago I hadn't gone out of the house for months and was barely able to walk without feeling like death. Definitely hit rock bottom and was extremely depressed. Got a treadmill, started eating only chicken, then graduated to shopping for clothes, and then was able to go back to work (two days a week but that's something)! Life is still very hard, but I'm doing it =)

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I definitely a sweat a lot with it on lol Haven't found the best solution to that, honestly---I work in a place with no air conditioning, but it's in SF so it isn't AS bad.... still hard ;p

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Hi Melissa,

I am on a strict diet since 5 years as well. When i eat carbohydrates

My system goes out the roof as well but as long as i only eat proteins iam ok. I also eat only tiny little bites spread all over the day. A doctor once told me, that carbohydrates. cause expansion of the blood vessels and thats 100% true for me. And that eating too much at a time causes blood pulling in the stomach, thats also true for me. Concerning the drinks i drink i have to make sure they dont content much sugar otherwise my blood sugar goes crazy leaving me with worse symptoms again, so i drink only water mixed up with a little apple juice. I also wear my compression stockings every single day. My workplace doesnt have air conditioning either so i put a ventilator under my desk + a tiny one in front of me, every now and then i spray myself and my compression stockings with water, thats ok most days.

All the best for you, carinara

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This is really interesting for me because I have been a pescetarian for so long (someone who is a vegetarian other than eating seafood) and I've found that a lot of my digestive/POTS/EDS issues don't affect me as severely when I eat meat. And I've found exactly the same with carbohydrates , I feel awful after them! I've been eating lots of tuna and salmon and mackeral, but I'm sure it would be even better with chicken, turkey, lamb etc. Problem is, I don't want to eat meat, but I do want to feel better. If it came to choosing to be a meat eater or to have POTS/EDS/Gastroparesis really bad forever, then I'd choose the meat everytime. It's just THAT bad!

Can anyone suggest a diet that I might go on with chicken/fish? How can you go on it without it ending up like an atkins diet? Where do you get your vegetables from? And do you eat chicken for breakfast? How do you cope with eggs?

Sorry for so many questions!

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Janey, I really don't like meat... I really hate chicken and turkey. Something about the texture grosses me out... but I do feel better when i eat it. I also do not like eggs but I can tolerate them scrambled with cheese and salsa. It helps me to think about my food as though it is medicine. Last night our power went out and I only had veggies and fruit for dinner. I was horribly sick and panicky all night. If you hate meat like I do try eating it on a bed of salad greens. I also don't eat cheap meat (except I will cook a london broil or strip steak in my crock pot and cook it with seasonings all day). I live in rural Pa so it is really easy for me to buy high quailty cuts on red meat (I will buy a whole filet mignon and have it sliced). I don't think that you need to eat huge amounts of meat but try to eat a little with almost every meal.

Anyway I really feel that high quality red meat helps me feel better. I also will buy already roasted chicken from the store and eat it many ways. (sometimes when you don't like meat it helps to buy it already prepared). I personally love seafood but find it harder to get since moving from Md to PA. Be careful about eating to much canned fish because you can get too much mercury. Good luck... I think you are really doing the right thing... but I know it is hard. I would love to just eat bread fruits and veggies... but I can't. KayJay

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i'm getting so i don't want to eat any more, when i eat it hurts my belly, i also never know if it will pass right through me. i was told to eat lots of fiber and little meals throughout the day. i would rather drink, and i drink salt water, gatorade, gingerale, plain water, milk. occasional, i crave meat, cereal and ice cream. :angry:

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I do best on a high protein diet too. I am supposed to be "grain free" (ie no cereals, no flour, no rice) and dairy free. I have given up on the dairy free as I am addicted to de-caffienated iced lattes!

For breakfast I will usually have eggs or meat and some fresh fruit, or a fruit smoothie.

Main meals are a generous portion of meat (I rotate beef, poultry, lamb and fish over a 4 day cycle) with a large helping of fresh vegetables or salad. I avoid potatos, rice, pasta etc as they cause me to get very bloated and also I get worse POTS symptoms after eating those sort of carbs.

My diet is not Atkins because I let myself eat as many calories as I need (Atkins is a low calorie diet to cause ketosis) and I make sure that I get enough carbs from fruit and veg to balance the high protein.

I try to buy organic when I can or from local farm shops so that I know that the animals havent been given lots of antibiotics and that they haven't used lots of pesticides. Mostly organic food just tastes much nicer than factory-farm food.


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Hi, I saw your comment on craving meat, cereal, and ice cream...

I wanted to say that recently this has been me! This came around at the same time of the diagnosis of low ferretin (3), and iron deficiency anemia. Because this can affect so many things, including arrythmias, make sure that you look into it and get assistance on effectively treating it. If I remember correctly you said you already know that you are deficient. It really affects so many things, fatigue, heart, muscle twitches, etc. It is awful, and very uncomfortable, but at least there is a way to try to treat it.

I hope that you are able to eat more, and of more variety.


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What a good memory you have as it started when my iron dropped to 4. they keep checking everything and unless recent antibiotics are interfering with blood work like I keep telling them. I'm fine, although they don't know why I have the belly pain all the time and have just developed a habit of not wanting to eat much. I will crave these things in the night. They say I'm having waking dreams and eating and passing out. or near passing out. The other night I came to with oatmeal all over me in a chair. Oh what a mess! Today we start more meds for the low bp. We'll start with the am first at least at night I'm most passing out in bed or chairs. Think I'll cook a bunch of chicken today and start eating right. Doc said I'm addicted to carbs and sugar and to eat lots of chicken and protein.

Thanks for you kindness and concern.

Blessings and love to all,


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I also have to limit carbs or I'll become sick.

I eat meat, fish and veggies. For breakfast I have (natural no preservative) sausage or some leftover meat along with black coffee, lunch is usually a big salad with tuna, chicken or turkey, and dinner is large serving of meat and veggies.

When I eat carbs my POTS symptoms increase, can't think straight, have brain fog and dizziness. If I keep eating carbs then I bloat, gain weight and feel miserable.

I love animals also and its conflicting to eat this way, I feel guilty about how we treat the animals we use for food.

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I eat and bloat and hurt so bad. The bloating is getting so bad.

:) I've got to get my back brace and see if that helps. Getting

places is difficult when you depend on others and I don't want to

make a day at the medical store a memory for my kids. I have a

lot to pick up. They'll probaably be picking up me.


I will do this gracefully.

Thanks for the tips and kindness.

Blessings and Love to all~


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