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Unexplained Sore Throats


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Does anyone get htese i have had sore throat pain for 2 weeks now that waxes and waynes throughout the day including swallowing problems and feelings of shortness of breath? what i can do to stop this sore throat, i tried cough drops doesnt seem to help much. it hurts pretty bad and inflammed, feels like i won't be able to breathe sometimes.

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Do you get a lot of heartburn? Reflux can cause sore throats and inflame the larnyx. I have these kinds of problems quite often and even get hoarse quite a bit. I can wake up with a sore throat almost every morning. I'm supposed to be taking protonix, but it bothers me, so I sort of just live with it until it gets too bad. An ear nose and throat can tell right away by peeking down your throat, a bit gaggy, but very telling. People seldom consider they can reflux right up into their vocals cords and it's acid going up there, so can cause the inflammation and swelling, which could explain the sense of difficulty breathing.

Just a thought, it's actually pretty common. morgan

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I've had a sore throat for a year now, since my skin burning pain really kicked in. My tongue also burns. I've brought this to my doc's attention several times (neurologist, PCP, and Mayo doc) and no one has any answers. Sometimes benadryl helps a bit, but tonight nothing seems to be helping. It gets worse along with my other POTS symptoms with stress, talking, standing, etc. I read somewhere that a persistent sore throat isn't unusual for chronic fatigue.

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I also have a sore throat to some degree all the time. It gets much worse if I am tired or stressed of if I have done too much. When it is at it's worst, I can also run a low grade fever with it. I have a diagnosis of CFS and sore throat is a symptom, possibly caused by some activation of the immune system all the time?? Mine does not seem to be related to any difficulty with breathing or swallowing.

Another thing I notice is that when I really do get a viral infection, my sore throat is "over the top" sore compared to what it used to be with a virus, and it lasts for ever. Takes me a really long time to get over an upper respiratory infection now.


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every time i go in for my lupus check on my ana they ask about sore throats.

this is another form of lupus i thought i show the link.

Another problem is coronary artery disease. Occasionally, angina will present as throat pain. Patients with SLE and throat pain need a cardiac assessment.

crdi vascular disease and sore throats.

just fyi.


hope all is well.

"when in doubt, check it out!"


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Thankful, a burning tongue is a hallmark sign for B12 deficiency. You might ask your doctor to do a blood level, quick and easy. I have no idea about the skin part, but the tongue part definitely is. And it's easy to fix.

I constantly feel like I'm on the "verge" of coming down with something, but it almost never blooms. My parotids swell too. Common in CFIDS. Also Sjogren's, which is an autoimmune disorder that causes very dry eyes, mouth nose, anything orifice and can cause parotids and other oral glands to swell and be uncomfortable. I've actually had to get my tear ducts seared shut to try and retain fluids in my eyes.

I think it's part of the problem with the sore throats. I am always sipping on something, all day long, but wake up with sore throats, so guess it's a combo of burning lava acid reflux and sjogren's. Ain't life grand sometimes! morgan

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Hi Morgan617, Thanks for your practical advice regarding B12 deficiency! I've had it drawn and it's actually super high as I've been taking prenatal vitamins for a year (trying to conceive). I even tried stop taking the vitamins for a couple months, but none of my symptoms changed. Thank you, though!

Do any of you get easily hoarse when you're more POTsy than normal?

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I've had the exact same thing the last few weeks. I think it's seasonal allergies. I'm not effected in the way a 'normal' person is but I believe the sore throat is post-nasal drip and the breathlessness is due to the histamine's vasodialation properties. My BPM has been around 80 supine and 110-130 standing (not running around - just standing). My BP has been 90/40 which says the blood is coming out of the heart just fine but is having trouble getting back from the body. I had acupuncture today in the hopes that it will help. I also have been doing the Neti Pot 2-3 times a day. I can't metabolise meds but if you can maybe try allergy meds.

Good luck!


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I've had the exact same thing the last few weeks. I think it's seasonal allergies. I'm not effected in the way a 'normal' person is but I believe the sore throat is post-nasal drip and the breathlessness is due to the histamine's vasodialation properties. My BPM has been around 80 supine and 110-130 standing (not running around - just standing). My BP has been 90/40 which says the blood is coming out of the heart just fine but is having trouble getting back from the body. I had acupuncture today in the hopes that it will help. I also have been doing the Neti Pot 2-3 times a day. I can't metabolise meds but if you can maybe try allergy meds.

Good luck!


im thinking it could be post nasal drip too but im not positive, i mean my nose itself seems very clear. This throat flare has also come with excessive burping, and some nausea feelings. I looked at mt throat today it looks ok, but there was like some white mucous stuck on the back of my throat, like pure white, slowly went away with gargling salt water. It really bothersome though, my neck is tight on both sides kind of like where the carotid arteries are, and its sore on the inside of my throat on the side occasionally. Its even difficult for me to drink water at this point it really *****, and i hope it lets up soon. Not ot mention the constant spiting up of clear mucous in my throat.

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