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Eyes Dialated


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I am supposed to go have my eyes dialated as part of a regular eye exam. I haven't had that done in years (maybe even before POTS). I was wondering if the medicine used to dialate my eyes could cause any POTS flare ups? I am extremely sensitive to many medications.

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I had an eye exam about 6 months ago while I was quite POTsy, and just had severe sensitivity to light and some more dizziness. Be sure someone else drives you home. And, one optometrist I saw actually has drops he can put in that shrink your pupils to normal size! This doc unfortunately didn't have those drops. Normally, my POTS makes me very light-sensitive, so hubby drove me home while I held a book over my face and I laid in a dark room the rest of the day...

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They don't use those drops anymore. Take sunglasses, or ask for a pair. You might get dry eye after being dialated. Ask for a sample of eye drops (no preservatives) and use them the next couple days. It helps. I unfortunately am a frequent flier, everyone knows my name at the eye hospital. Good luck Miriam

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I was worried about this as well because of the dysautonomia and my sensitivity to medications, but I have not had any problems with the dilating drops since developing this condition. Good luck... hope it goes 20/20 :blink:

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The dilating drops always make my eyes dilate too much---they actually use less on me now because when they're dilated too much I can't even seem to see straight. Gives me a headache and a little bit of nausea.

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my eyes always take days to go back to normal. :unsure: anyone else have this problem? also have to get plugs put in the tear ducts for the dry eye. :blink:


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