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An Unpleasant Topic

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Hello All~

I struggled for a while before I could finally scrape up the courage to put this out to Forum members. I was diagnosed last week with herpes (genital), which was a total surprise to me. I have always been monogamous, never 'slept around', and have been in a relationship that has had no infidelity for the past five years. I know you can have this disease and not know it, so passing it to someone can be very easy - most people never know they even have it.

My problem is that I've had the virus for at least 6 weeks, and can't seem to get rid of it. I have severe symptoms, and have just started on a course of anti-viral medication. Does anyone else have this problem? I feel like I'm never going to get rid of this, and it drags me down considerably. It feels like the flu, with stomach pain and cramping, nausea, etc. Please, if anyone know anything about having these two diseases, let me know what I could expect and how to manage it better.



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I am sorry to hear this. The gift that keeps on giving, unfortunately. I have the type that causes cold sores, a different type, but in the same family. I get them very infrequently, about one every 5-6 years, that is, until this year. I have really been plagued by them, but it has also been a really stressful year. and it can be dormant for a very long time before it rears it's ugly head.

I feel fluish before they break out, but typically feel better once the blister appears. Were you feeling this sick before the antiviral? I actually use a cream, acyclovir, as opposed to an internal systemic med, so I don't get the systemic side effects of the drug. If I get it applied at the first tingle, it tends to really lessen the course of the sore. From 2 weeks to a few days.

6 weeks is a very long time to be dealing with it, have you seen a doctor and are they sure that's all that's going on? Herpes of any kind can bother the nerves and so you can feel discomfort long after the active faze of the out break. Shingles is another one. You get the blisters, but still can have the discomfort long after the blisters have healed, because they follow the nerve tracks in your body. It sounds as though you may have something more along those lines, as opposed to herpes. Shingles can happen anywhere, (I took care of a patient who got it in her eye of all things) and is caused by the chicken pox family.

I would get a second opinion, if you haven't, because this doesn't sound normal for run of the mill (classic) herpes. And you shouldn't be embarrassed, there are so many people that suffer from this! good luck sweetie, morgan

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I second what Morgan said. Don't feel bad. Many people have this, they just don't talk about it. But I would also say get a second opinion. Did they do a lab test, a culture to diagnose this? When I was younger, I was told I had genital herpes also. The doctor looked at the sore I had , and said I am going to do a culture, but it doesn't matter what the results are that is herpes. Well years later I thought maybe the "herpes" I had was causing my problems, (before I was diagnosed with POTS.) So I went into a very mean doctor, and asked him about it. I showed him the sore (I hate male doctors for this sort of thing :angry: !), and he said "that is not herpes. That is just a clogged folicle like an ingrown hair. I can drain it for you if you want." He also took a culture just to "make me happy." The culture was negative. You can not imagine how I felt after so many years of thinking I had this, (even though the symptoms really didn't fit me) and then to find out that I don't. So be really sure this is what is going on, so you are not taking drugs that you don't need. And if it is not clearing up, then maybe you should be a little suspicious if that is what the problem is. I think that they are only supposed to last one to two weeks, but I really am not sure on this. Take care, and don't worry. We all have things in our closets.


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Morgan & Suzy~

Thank you for your kind words and acceptance. I think I will get a second opinion, because my doctor was like yours, Suzy...I haven't had the results of my culture back yet (it's been 10 days!) but she thought it was herpes for sure, and told me to start on the medication.



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I am glad you are going to look into this. While I thought I had this I was really upset and talked to a doctor about it, and he said it is really no big deal. More people have it, then don't. That made me feel better. But I will be praying that you don't. Good luck.


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Ten days, good grief! It could also be a bartholin cyst, they are very painful and make you feel crummy too, although a doctor usually knows what they are instantly. But then, after worththewords experience, who knows. :angry:

I would call and get the results, because if you are really breaking out constantly after never having had it a single time, you need to figure out the culprit for that anyway. I still wonder if it is though. morgan

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potsgirl, i give you a lot of courage for talking about this and my thoughts and prayers are with you. you will manage this although right now it seems like one more thing. there are new meds out there now and like someone said before you have nothing to be ashame of.

in fact that's one of the questions they ask when you first see the as/neuro for pots is if you have ever had herpes or a herpes like infection. They are all related in some way or another. try any breathe easy potgirl, as stress only makes all of these things worse. here you are loved unconditionally, so feel free to talk any time at all about anything. to me you are one brave woman. good luck, i sure things will have a way of working out once you learn all about treating and living with it.

I'm glad you're going for a second opinion, but whatever it is you be Ok. It's the unknown that is scary. Hang in there we are rooting for you!


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Thanks, Bellamia, and all the rest of you, for such kind words and acceptance. You've done more for me than you know...

Hugs back!


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Yay! My cultures finally came back, and they were negative for herpes. Now they just need to figure out what it IS...

Thanks to all for the support! Love to all.


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Yay!!!! I am so happy for you...There are so many other benign things it could be! I was even told you can get a rash like herpes frome yeast infection. Don't know how much truth there is to this, but at least that is easier to deal with! Have a happy stress free day!


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