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Never Thirsty?


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I don't have this problem, in fact, I'm usually thirsty a lot, especially in the morning. However, it sounds to me like you need to contact your doctor pretty quickly to see what they can do to help with your throat issues. As I'm sure you know, being dehydrated is one of the worst things for us, so you must figure out a way to get more fluids down you. Another trick is to try and eat foods with a high water content - watermelon, other fruits and veggies. Also, does a milkshake feel good going down? I hope you and your doctor can figure out a way to get you more fluids!



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Very good suggestions potsgirl! I have this problem too...mine is more of pain then lack of thirst, but I must say I don't feel really thirsty very often...If I drink water too fast, or sometimes for no reason at all after I drink I get chest pain, and then begin to throw up...this will sound weird, but if I drink water standing, or sitting I am almost guarenteed to vomitt at least once from it, but if I drink it laying down I can usually keep it down. It makes staying hydrated difficult! I like pots girls suggestions of eating food with high water content...as long as I am laying down I can accomplish that! I hope you get some help for this!


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I have the same problem, I am never thirsty, then I forgot to drink water and then tachycardia starts, I feel dizzy, tired.... etc....when I drink water it is ridiculos how often I can go for just drink 1 glass of water, about 4 times, so if I drink more you can imagine, I can't even go out of home...... I can feel hungry sometimes, but usually it is that I just feel the sugar lows down, and I start shaking, feel like sleepy, etc.....

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