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My names dani. im new here but definently not to POTS. i was diagnosed a couple years back when i was 18 and ever since my life was changed. i have dealt with so many doctors as so many of you have. My biggest problem i have is brain fog. Im supposed to be in my senior year of college but i have not even started. of course for a long time i was told this was anxiety/depression and i started believing it. i do feel as though i have panic attacks but i know i would not if i didnt have my pots attacks. i feel as though i cannot concentrate and am constantly drunk. i have extremely high adreneline levels as i was tested. also my vision problems are getting worse and its not my prescription that is changing but just the POTS making it worse. Everything i look at looks shadowed over and not clear. It really gets to me. I feel as though i am not quite "all there" in my head. I guess you could describe it as always feeling as though i am high. i was wondering if anybody else experienced this? I do get extremely tachy and all those other horrible symptoms but this brain fog is keeping me out of school :/

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Hey Dani, Welcome aboard.

I also am trying to handle college. I ended up missing last week do to a relapse and it scares me of if I will not finish. Luckily I again am improving and made class tonight. I still had some brain fog, but luckily the teacher understands and is just glad im physically there. I hope that you will get to the point you can finish your schooling.

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hello dani,

i am new here, too... yes, yes, yes.... the brain fog... i often feel that i am simply daffy....

in sloooowww motion...find myself unable to converse normally, lack the ability to concentrate...

searching for words... forgetful... my short term memory is non existent some days...

i started to take tumeric... (with food) and have noticed (after 3 months) that

the brain fog is less frequent... when i am able, i walk.... and the exercise definitely helps

ameliorate the brain fog as well...

wishing you well.

with my best,


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Guest tearose

Hello and welcome dani!

Brain fog is unfortunately a natural part of our condition. I too have learned to appreciate oxygen in the brain! Do what you can to keep your blood pressure up and your heart rate down. Have you tried compression pantyhose? Also. some people take meds to raise the bp or lower hr. I use small dose of coffee/caffiene. I also need to nap during the day. I even find just the act of putting my feet and legs up seems to get more O2 to the brain.

There are others who have managed to complete classes eventually, I am sure you are being too hard on yourself. You may not get it done on a "regular" time schedule, but you don't have regular challenges!!! I know there are many losses with our issues, but we are a resilient bunch! I hope you will soon be able to find some more clarity and strength and will get back into your studies.

best regards,


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Hi Dani,

Welcome to the forum. I became a new forum member several weeks ago and have already found a wonderful amount of support here. I am sorry to hear that you are struggling to finish school, but I completely understand. Two years ago I had to leave graduate school because I simply could not function anymore due to my increasing symptoms of dysautonomia. It has been very disappointing, and I sincerely hope that you are able to somehow earn your well-deserved degree!

Hang in there with the brain fog symptoms... I hear you and couldn't even count the number of times that I have felt "out of it","drugged", "not all there", "like there's not enough blood in my head", etc.

Have you had much success with finding any helpful treatments? I am still searching, but the forum is a great resource for information.

Looking forward to seeing your posts, Broken_Shell ;)

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I have terrible brain fog as well. It has been really bad this last month and has made school nearly impossible. This whole not being able to think issue stresses me out so much more than just feeling ill. Today I am home sick because I keep passing out ;) But I also have major brain fog issues, right now I am looking into taking Cerefolin NAC, which is supposed to help with memory issues. My vision has been really poor lately too, the optometrist I saw said that it was because there just wasnt enough blood flow to my eyes. I dont really know what to do about that though, my doctor doesnt really have any ideas either other than just taking in more salt and fluids.

I hope we are able to get your minds back soon!



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Welcome to our house!!!!!!! I am the Mother of a daughter with severe dysautonomia. She was diagnosed at age 19 and has had problems with the "brain fog" for many years. And yes, she feels out of it, and totally spacey. I know this doesnt help you much, but at least you know you are not in that boat all alone. You have lots of company here. The best thing about this website, is the understanding and information. You will also find much compassion. I hope you are able to continue with your education, unfortunately, Sara had to drop college after only one year and has not been able to go back. But that doesnt mean its out for you, hopefully you will improve enough to finish. And the online thing sounds good too, you could have the ability to rest when you need to.

Warm, healing hugs to you


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thank you tons guys! its nice to be able to talk to people who understand what i am going through . i am lucky to have a very supportive family and boyfriend but i feel like he gets sick of hearing about it.

my other main issue is that i wanted for so long to do nursing but i have no clue when the POTS will end or if it ever will so im trying to find something that i can do. right now i work with the elderly so i am able to take naps and lay on the couch all day long but any other job would basically kill me lol

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