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Uncontrolable Shaking


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I just came home from watching a movie at the movie theatre with a friend and was wondering if anyone else has this. Almost every time I watch a somewhat intense film, I start to shake uncontrolably. It usually lasts throughout the entire movie and then takes almost a half hour afterwards for it to completely stop. This doesn't just happen at the movie theatre, it also happens at home. Has anyone else expirienced this? Any idea to what causes it? Thanks for any input.


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I use to get this all the time. It was more than a bit awkward at board meetings. But folks came to just accept it was just something that happened to me and they more or less ignored it.

It seemed to be more pronounced if I was excited or anxious about something. Indeed I avoided intense movies altogether, because my system simply couldn't handle it.

Last spring, I noticed the shaking seemed to get much worse and lasted much longer after what I had assumed was the "trigger".

In my case, it took months for me to figure out that I was experiencing reactive hypoglycemia and the shaking was part of an overall adrenaline response to try and extract glucogen from the liver to rebalance my blood sugar.

As I looked back to the board meetings they also coincided with times that I was skipping meals.

A few months of a hypoglycemic diet (small meals, no sugars etc.) I rarely shake at all anymore.

Good luck finding something that works for you.

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yeah I shake/tremble all the time when Im bad, but usually only my hands when im not too bad. its fairly common for people with POTS and dysautonomia to say that even very mild stress can bring on a bit of the shakes.

My hands and legs shook so much I was tested like five times for an overactive thyroid (big history of thyroid complaints in the family) all negative ofcourse. I even went to this bigshot Thyroid specialist who said 'if it wasnt for your blood tests Id have you on thyroid medication straight away, it looks so much like thyroid overactivity'

A year later the culprit was POTS - possible faulty NE reuptake variety.

When my body shoots of adrenaline to counter the POTS blood pressure thing I can get even worse and my teeth chatter, etc.

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Shaking was the first clue I had something wrong. I was "happy" with all my misdiagnoses till no one could stop the shaking. During my orthostatic challenge at Vandy, my hands, arms and legs were all shaking uncontrollably. Beta-blockers have been my Godsend! They have allowed me to work again, for nine months I couldn't because of the tremors.

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Thanks for all the input. Its all pretty interesting. I am currently taking a beta-blocker, bisoprolol.

Its probably too much adrenaline and stress for me. About a month ago I was talking to my stepdad (whom I dont really get along with ) and trying to explain to him why it irritates me when he deliberatly tries to make me mad, and I was shaking so bad all over that I could hardly stand up. My legs were shaking the worst. It got so bad I just went in my room and had to sit down and wait for it to stop. It probably took about 2 hours before it went away.


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I use to get this all the time. It was more than a bit awkward at board meetings. But folks came to just accept it was just something that happened to me and they more or less ignored it.

It seemed to be more pronounced if I was excited or anxious about something. Indeed I avoided intense movies altogether, because my system simply couldn't handle it.

Last spring, I noticed the shaking seemed to get much worse and lasted much longer after what I had assumed was the "trigger".

In my case, it took months for me to figure out that I was experiencing reactive hypoglycemia and the shaking was part of an overall adrenaline response to try and extract glucogen from the liver to rebalance my blood sugar.

As I looked back to the board meetings they also coincided with times that I was skipping meals.

A few months of a hypoglycemic diet (small meals, no sugars etc.) I rarely shake at all anymore.

Good luck finding something that works for you.

I stopped doing this too but had no idea why ... thanks ...

Have you had your chromium level tested ? It's supposed to help with hypoglycemia by improving the way our body utilizes glucose. The Paleo diet helped me stop shaking before eating in the am, but I'm still having to eat every 2 -3 hours ... I tested low and am currently supplementing to see if it helps ...

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Are you feeling cold when you are shaking? I use to get this before meds. I would either be hot, my face flushed, sweating, or I would be so cold and I was shaking. After being diagnosed with POTS and learning about it. I learned your nervous system regulates your body temperature, and when you have POTS, your nervous system is not regulating your body temp. like it's suppose to.

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Are you feeling cold when you are shaking? I use to get this before meds. I would either be hot, my face flushed, sweating, or I would be so cold and I was shaking. After being diagnosed with POTS and learning about it. I learned your nervous system regulates your body temperature, and when you have POTS, your nervous system is not regulating your body temp. like it's suppose to.

Actually yeah, during the movie I was kinda cold.


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It looks like you're definitely not alone! I shake as well - especially if I'm in an intense conversation or some sort of intense situation arises all of the sudden. I don't watch intense movie's anymore either because my body can't handle them. I often feel really cold when this happens and bundle up which helps...but not instantly.

A BB didn't help me with this but Paxil CR did (I'm not on either at the moment).

Hope you find something that helps,


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It looks like you're definitely not alone! I shake as well - especially if I'm in an intense conversation or some sort of intense situation arises all of the sudden. I don't watch intense movie's anymore either because my body can't handle them. I often feel really cold when this happens and bundle up which helps...but not instantly.

A BB didn't help me with this but Paxil CR did (I'm not on either at the moment).

Hope you find something that helps,


Thanks Lisa, maybe someday someone will be able to figure all of this stuff out :angry:


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I don't shake during movies. However, I do shake during intense or even just semi-intense/serious conversations.

I don't watch intense movies or tv shows much at all, so maybe I would start shaking if I were to watch something like "Lord of the Rings." I like the movie, but I have avoided it for several years now because of sensory overload (too much to see, too many noises). If I watch something like a tv episode of CSI, I can tell that it is a lot for my autonomic nervous system to handle. It just doesn't make me shake. Conversation does.


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I to get boughs of this if I'm having a very bad pots day and my teeth chatter to :( quiet uncontrollably at times which makes it very hard to talk .

If I have fall or my heart plays up I go into my 'teeth chattering shaking dance ' which according to hubby who's got used to it now is quiet interesting to behold ( ha , thanks dear )

So , as soon as it starts out comes a sachet of the electrolytes mix , this goes into a measured amount of warm water or juice and its unceramoniously shoved down my throat , I sometimes cant even hold a glass I'm shaking so much and my jaws moving so violently ! Hubby recons I'd make an excellent limbo dancer when I'm like this :(:)

This works for me ........... good luck and hope it doesn't stay with you to long ..........Ami .

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Every now and then my hands will shake pretty badly. It makes me stop whatever and try to get electrolytes and food in my system. Sleep also helps for some reason, as does running hot water over the area shaking.

It used to be a lot worse when my symptoms first started though. I had to leave school cause the pencils would keep flying out of my hands. Those spasms were pretty vicious.

Seems like you can chalk another symptom up to POTS.

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