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Amazing Healing And Hope For The Future!

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Hey guys,

I haven?t been on the boards in a while and for a good reason! I have experienced amazing healing! I was diagnosed with POTS in the spring of '07. Back in November and December I got worse because I took an over the counter cold/flu medication that completely messed my nervous system up. I went from doctor to doctor in complete misery. I even went to a POTS doctor here where I live. They didn?t know what to do with me. I really wanted to die. If it hadn?t been for my faith in God I think I would have. In late December after my second hospitalization we decided to go to Mayo clinic. There were some very nice doctors there especially the neurologist, but they couldn?t do anything for me except treat the symptoms and not the cause.

When we got back I was exhausted and completely depressed. The back of my neck was acting that the nerves were going crazy and it was so uncomfortable and worrying. I thought I was going crazy because it didn?t show up in the MRI or CT scan. One of my mother?s friends told us about this woman who did electro-dermal screening. I would have never done it if I hadn?t heard about someone?s daughter who had a staph infection on her legs and the woman who did electo-dermal screening really helped her. So I decided that since the medical community couldn?t help me, I would try alternative medicine.

Basically she tested me and then when she found out what some of the problems were she gave me drops that had high frequency flowers in them that would fight whatever was going on. She found out I had central nervous system issues (no surprise to me!) as well as the Epstein Barr Virus (Mono) which one of my doctors theorized that the virus can cause POTS. Anyways there was a slew of other issues that I had to deal with. It was relatively easy. All I had to do was the drops and eat better (no white flour or sugar) I did feel worse before I felt better because it was detoxing my system and getting the toxins out, but now more than six months later I feel amazing. My POTS symptoms are improving to the degree that I can stand for an hour or more if I wanted. Some days I feel like I've taken two steps back, but it?s like peeling layers of paint off the wall of an old house. We?re dealing with issues that have been building up for twenty years. I am so thankful God led me here and although I was in bad shape I am now closer to him because I had to cling to him during the horrible time I had over the holidays, not to mention when I was first diagnosed with POTS in April of 2007.

Here is some information about EDS-

What is Electrodermal Screening?

Electrodermal Screening (EDS) is a non-invasive data acquisition process which measures electrical currents in the body much like an EKG machine measures the electrical activity of the heart. The computerized EDS device measures that electron flow throughout the body allowing the technician to conduct an ?interview? with the body?s organs and tissues. These readings are taken from pathways near the surface of the skin known as meridians, where the electromagnetic energy generated in the internal organs circulates throughout the body.

This astounding advancement in scientific technology is a modern

form of biological-energetic science, which was first discovered by Dr. Reinhold Voll, M.D., of Germany in the late 1940?s. The Discovery System, used in our office, is recognized by the FDA as an investigational device. Computerized biofeedback analysis is endorsed by many doctors and dentists here in the US, including Dr. C. Shang of Harvard University who has urged the medical community to make full use of this technology in order to gain knowledge of the body?s functions. Today, this technique is used in the most progressive institutions in countries throughout the world including; Germany, France, England, South America, China, Canada, Australia, and the United States.

There are many organisms, substances and stresses of modern day living which alter normal body processes. Some of these disturbances include: allergies, bacterial and viral infections, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, parasites, pesticides, drugs, chemical toxicity, and heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, nickel, etc). Many symptoms are associated with these disturbed energy imbalances.

The testing process is safe for people of all ages and the procedure is non-invasive to the skin. A technician takes a small handheld probe connected to the computer and gently presses specific meridian points on your hands and feet. The computer measures the degree of electrical resistance. These measurements detect the balances and imbalances of the organ systems and tissues in your body. Imbalances reveal disturbances which weaken the body?s immune system leaving it vulnerable to disease. Incredibly, this system also indicates the nutrients and/or natural remedies that will restore balance and health to your body.

Based on the data collected, the technician then offers a personalized natural therapy program using high-quality herbal and homeopathic remedies, therapeutic-grade essential oils, and supplements. The EDS device is then used to monitor progress, thus avoiding much trial and error. By eliminating the identified imbalances and strengthening your immune system, you can make your body a fortress against illness and disease!

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Guest tearose

It is wonderful to hear that you found something that is helping you to feel so restored!

It takes years for new product to become known, thank you for sharing your experience.

best regards,


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I've heard about this. My son has a holistic therapist (Integrative Manual Therapist) who has talked about something called EFPX, which sounds very similar to what you're describing. My son has never tried it but has gotten so much better under the care of the Integrative Manual Therapist. I think that "peeling off the layers of paint" is exactly how she would describe her work with my son. I know it all sounds very wacko to people, and unfortunately insurance has not covered our Integrative Manual Therapy costs, but sometimes you have to go outside of the mainstream if the mainstream isn't working. I started out very skeptically, and now I'm just grateful we tried it. Thanks for letting us know about your experience.


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I have been doing a lot of research today on Electrodermal Screening, also known as EAV (Electroacupuncture According to Voll). I found some information that I think is important to share. These devices carry some pretty serious warnings.

There is an extensive article on Quackwatch about Electrodermal Screening. It is written by Dr. Stephen Barrett, and it gives a clear explanation of the device. Anyone who is interested can find the article here: Quack "Electrodiagnostic" Devices

These devices have been widely used, but there have also been many warnings about them. In addition to FDA warnings, there have been civil actions, lawsuits, professional board actions, and criminal prosecutions. You can read about the warnings, lawsuits, etc. here: Regulatory Actions Related to EAV Devices

The American Cancer Society also has a warning about Electrodermal Screening. They say that the FDA has not approved the device for diagnosis, even though it continues to be promoted as a diagnostic tool. American Cancer Society: Electrodermal Screening

Please, everyone, be careful and very cautious.


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Thank you Rachel. it is essential that, although we keep open minds, that we don't blindly fall for things without this type of investigation.

I have no real problems with natural alternatives, but I have seen several people die from abuse of these. I've also seen people die from FDA approved drugs, but they are at least regulated to some degree. I would feel much better about things that have some regulatory rules in place.

I have to say I don't like the first sentence...non existent illnesses...there's nothing non existent about our problems, that being said, I would be skeptical also. morgan

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Thanks Rachel and Morgan. Just want to support what you?ve said. I think it is especially easy for people with difficult to treat illness to fall prey to quackery/alternatives that have not been scrutinized for their safety and effectiveness. I have been there myself. I also have an open mind, but skepticism is healthy. I don?t want people harmed or their financial resources unnecessarily drained.

B/c POTS symptoms can wax and wane with no discernable cause (as many of us well know) it is especially hard to know if a treatment worked or not for us.

There are treatments that ARE known to be effective and safe due to ample medical evidence; I would want to eliminate those options first.

Kate I am glad you are feeling better. Thanks for sharing your experience.

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I think the old-fashioned medical way requires a lot of patience because it can take ages to find the right treatment, and along the way there can be lots of mishaps b/c docs don't know enough about the condition. It took me a year to get on a treatment that worked and four years to find another med that works even better for me. In the interim, it's easy to question the medical system and become anxious to find something else that works more quickly.

Though I'm also not opposed to alternative medicine that is researched and well though out. Kate, I'm glad you found something that works for you and are feeling better.

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I agree there are a lot of quacks out there, but the woman I worked with is most definitely not. I did not blindly go into this experience without research and came across many of the warnings you did. I think that we should try everything we can to get rid of the POTS because this is not something we should just cover up with more medication. With the EDS system she could tell me things that a lot of doctors couldn't.

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I agree wholeheartedly that there are a lot of people out there who prey on the vulnerable, and you have to be very very careful about which bandwagon you jump onto. But I also know that medical science is in its infancy. Can you remember how things like acupuncture and chiropractors used to be scorned and the patients who used those techniques were ridiculed or warned of its dangers by their doctors. Radiation? Chemotherapy? At one point they were not mainstream treatments. Remove gluten from your diet? I'll bet there was a lot of skepticism about the necessity of that not too long ago. I don't know much about electrodermal screening and I'm not defending or criticizing its use, but I encourage anyone who has not been helped by tradtional medical science to investigate other options. Talk, read, research, ask questions. I KNOW that Integrative Manual Therapy has given my son his life back while traditional POTS treatments did not help at all. The timing was not a coincidence and his recovery has lasted long enough for me to be certain that it isn't just power of suggestion. There are a lot of holisitic approaches out there and some of them might help some of you. Just as you shouldn't jump into something with both feet unless you're really comfortable with the practictioner's credentials, turning your back on a technique because it's not mainstream can be equally harmful to your life.

I don't mean to sound preachy! It's just that my son missed the entire school year because he was so sick and I never imagined that I would rely on holistic treatments to help him overcome POTS, but every morning when he goes off to his counselor's job, and then bikes to his friends' houses after work, I thank God that someone on this forum encouraged me to give Integrative Manual Therapy a try.


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