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Worsening Of Gi Symptoms..

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hey everyone.. last friday i was admitted to the hospital b/c for about 5 days I've been sick with nausea vomitting and severre diarrhea..(and i do mean severe..like water up to 20-30 times in one day!) .i also had alot of other symptoms like severe chills...shaking from the inside out...alternating with major hotflashes.. I wasnt sweating but my entire body except for my feet they stayed ice cold.. felt like it was on fire...and my brain felt like it was going to explode in side my head.

SO this all started monday... now this is different from my normal Gi symptoms that i normally have... as if those where not bad enough... this new stuff takes the cake!

So by thursday I was like Ok enough of this i was unable to keep food or liguids in or down.. called my pcp again..

come friday morning my period started... now the same exact thing happened to me in may roughly 1 month prior to this recent spell..... and it started about 6 days BEFORE my period started and i was so sick that i lost 8 pounds the last time... and this time around i lost an additional 8 pounds.. so 16 all together....

i had one small eppy in the middle of these 2 large ones.

and i'm generally sick until my period stops. and fro several days after

Now my end conclusion from my hospital stay was that 2 things are happening.. one that my pots is attacking my GI track/stomach... and in addition to that its be magnified my my periods.. that my body is reacting to the spikes and drops in hormones levels.

now i know that alot of you get sicker then a dog around your period.. do any of you get the GI symptoms like this too? if you do what helps it?

I was on a potassium drip thingy the whole time i was in b/c my levels where low.. and that perked me up by day 5 on it.. and zofran..

SO if any of you all get some pointers.. i'm all ears...I found the only thing that i could keep down was naked Juice.. which is very exspsnsive..its like 3.84 for a small botttle! its made from fruit puree and fruit juices...its yummy..


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Wow. Holy Cow! That sounds like a rollercoaster! The only thing that I know is that the GI is regulated in part by the Vagus nerve and the whole thing ties into the hypothalamus. What a puzzle. I hope you are feeling better soon. I've never heard of pots attacking the GI tract, but it is possible (of course, if they said it) because it is all about auto regulation. I don't have much to help you with. I was thinking that maybe your stomach was upset from pain meds, but it sounds like there are some hormones off kilter. Maybe your body will adjust? I hope that the past episode will be isolated and not occur every month. Otherwise, have you thought about medical menopause? I take Aviane so that the endometriosis and the whole thing will stay away. I'm sure you might be considering something in light of your experience.

So sorry this is happening to you.


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Hi, sorry you are feeling so rough.

The autonomic nervous system (ans) controls everything your body does automatically which includes digestion. If the ans is sending out the wrong signals to the GI system it can cause a wide variety of problems from things going too slow and having gastroparesis, to the opposite and everything going right through you causing severe diarrhoea. So GI stuff is part of POTS but not exactly an attack on the GI tract, more a case of haywire instructions being sent to the GI tract making it misbehave.

I have GI trouble arround my period (but nowhere near as severe as what you describe). When not on treatment a few days before my period I get really constipated, then when my period starts I get diarrhoea and vomiting. The thing that has helped this the most for me is going on the contraceptive pill. I still get a noticable change in my GI system but nothing that makes me feel ill, just more of a nuisance.

There are lots of options for contraception but the ones that will give best control of hormonal problems are the combined contraceptive pill or the contraceptive patch, both of which can be taken without a monthly break so you only need to have a period every 3 months. I still have a monthly break but my hormones don't mess with my body anywhere near as much as they used to.


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Goodness, that sounds like... Not fun! :P I sure hope that you are feeling better and can soon find some answers and help.

Do any of the drs. have any suggestions? Stopping periods? Taking hormones to counteract that time of the month? Taking supplements (magnesium etc.) at that time (or IV?).

It seems like there has to be something. Maybe consult with a gyno. and would an endo. be of help?

I hope you find help for these symptoms very soon!!! :angry:

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Dizzigirl, can you tolerate the pills/shots that stop menses? It sounds like you're a prime candidate for that, since your symptoms are so severe in connection to menses. That much diarrhea is like worse than food poisoning. You better see an OB/GYN ASAP, probably in consultation with your neuro, in order to control this.

Hope you find some relief soon!


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yeah i have a script for zofran.. the pill form isnt quite as effective as the IV form.. but helps some..

Uhm i can not take birthcontrol pills.... myperiods are normally very very irregular... so its interesting that ive had one 2 months in a row!

Uhm i am only 26 yrs old so I'm not sure that induced menopause is something i want to do.. or even consider... and if i understand menopause in potsys triggers stuff...

uhm i can tolerate provera... so maybe that is something to consider...

thanks everyone for the pointers :P

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Sorry to hear your having more severe issues.

Geeze girl, you need a break! My guts are full of diverticuli---(I mean 3/4 of large bowel, and a very large one in my duodeum, and I don't get as sick as you are.) The trouble I have is that I can't eat a normal sized meal or I feel like I swallowed a bowling ball.

I'll bet your issues are ANS related, and you need to get better control of your ANS symptoms. I hope you were treated with respect in the hospital.

Also, I know your hormones are a mess, and maybe you should see a neuro-endocrinologist. I know that cyst you have on pituitary, and pineal gland can cause problems with the endocrine system.



BIG HUG----- :P

Maxine :0)

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maxine~ OYE VEY!!!

yes they treated me well in the hospital..

thanks for the links.....

better control of ans symptoms.. hmm what is that!?? :):blink::blink::huh::P girl i'm having trouble getting the normal things undercontrol with ans stuff.. let alone all this crazy stuff..

i didnt know there was a thing as an neuro -endo!..hmmm..have to check that out..

thanks again.. hugs back to you!

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