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Back To The Hospital--again

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Well, here we go again, Sara was admitted to the hospital on Thursday of last week. Shes been running fevers ranging from 100 to 104 off and on for over 2 months now. The docs thought it was from her dysautonomia, and we thought so too. Last Wednesday I took her to her PCP for a checkup and we had a very long wait in the office. On Thursday morning she phoned me to say she was in soooo much pain she couldnt move. I went to check on her and had trouble rousing her, tried to check her temp and she couldnt hold the thermometer in her mouth and was almost unresponsive. I called her doc and he said take her on to the hosp. After xrays and such, they tell us she has pneumonia and she was admitted. More xrays and tests were done and come to find out she had double pneumonia,pleursy,and staph infection in the blood stream.Her oxygen was very low when the ambulance came to get her and she stayed on O2 until the last day she was in. No wonder she had fever--you think??????? geez----- She was given vancomycin, zocyn, and levaquin. Shes home now and still feeling lousy, but at least maybe the pneumonia has cleared up. By the way all the antibiotics also gave her a nasty yeast inf and thrush in her mouth. Yippee. As all of you here know if it aint one thing its another.... I also understand the recent posts about depression, she was very depressed this go round. She usually has a good outlook, but this time she seemed to have lost her hope. Its hard for me to encourage her when I feel so down FOR her, but I do try to encourage her all I can. Thanks for listening and all the support ,I truly need someplace to go for a sympathetic ear. Love and hugs to all--Susan

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Hi Susan,

I'm sorry to hear that your daughter is having such a difficult time. Wow, pneumonia, pleursy, and staff infection all at the same time. :unsure: Poor girl. I hope she gets through it all soon. Tell her to keep on keeping on. I'm glad she has such a loving and caring mom.

Hugs to you both,


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(((((Susan & Sarah))))) Big Hugs to you both!!!

Shame on that doc for not doing a white cell count- it would have identified the infection before things got critical. Sometimes, I think docs write us dysautonomiacs off (blame everything on our whacky autonomic nervous systems) and don't practice good medicine.

All the best-


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