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Frequent Urination, Anyone?

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Hello. Weird question here. I know that with dysautonomia, frequent urination is a symptom. How frequent, though? Every hour, for instance?

Can being nervous make that worse?

Also, is the urine becoming pale part of that, since you're urinating so much?

I was just tested, in hospital, for diabetes insipidus. After three hours, my diluted urine began to concentrate, my sodium levels did not elevate, thus, I was deemed normal. Yet, last night, I urinated all night, once an hour, and by 3:30 am, it was pretty pale.

I was also pretty anxious last night as I stayed home alone, with my husband working all night, and as many of you know, I don't usually stay home alone (I usually go to my mom's), but I'm trying to stay more by myself. Could the nervousness have caused this to happen, the excessive urinating with pale urine?

Thanks, everyone.


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Guest tearose

I do have bladder issues with frequent urination but I think it is related to pelvic prolapse. I should say pelvic prolapse again! I did do repair only a few years ago and am now having trouble again!

Do follow up with a urogynecologist to figure this out. A urologist does not look at the "complete" picture, in my humble opinion.

best regards,


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The more you drink, the more dilute and clear your urine gets. You actually want your urine to be pale and clear. I can pee on demand, anytime, anyplace. I pee almost every hour and it's never very much unless I am having problems, then it's gallons. If I have a surge where my BP goes up really fast, I can pee 2000 cc's in about an hour or so. So yeah, I think a lot of us have problems with that, for various reasons. I've also had blood in my urine for at least 30 years now, it has never not tested positive for blood. I think even the small amount that it is irritates my bladder and urethra and makes me have to pee more. morgan

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Yes I go constantly,I believe it is part of POTS,even with all I drink I can't retain the fluid.The more I go the more POTSIE I get.


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Yes, I have times that I pee a ton... earlier today I had to try and venture out to the grocery store for a few things and knowing I might be too pooped to pop to make it through the store, I got some stress over it and sure enough, had to pee every 5 minutes for about a half an hour. I'm amazed how much I can go sometimes without drinking any more water! So you are not alone with this annoying symptom :o

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I could not live without DDAVP or would be dehydrated beyond BELIEF due to excess urination.

You can problem google this problem here as I have spoken many times on DDAVP but too whipped at the moment to explain ..but yes, i can lose 5 lbs during waking hours years ago before discovering DDAVP.

scant literature about it in POTS but it does help in 'some pts' and you DO NOT HAVE to have diabetes insipidus to benefit.

also used in kids with bedwetting issues. been around awhile.

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The frequent urination is a brand new symptom for me, I am in the testing and evaluating stage and have the fresh needle marks to prove it!

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