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I Feel Stupid...

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I feel really stupid... I just took my night time meds again this morning. The one I take in the morning anyways- so no big deal. The Atenolol is such a low dose (25 mg) I figure that isn't too big of a deal. Then, the Neurontin I took another 300 mg this morning- so I figured probably the worst make me more drowsy... The med I am most concerned about is the Zoloft. I recently increased the dose to 100 mg at night. I had been taking it in the morning and 75 mg. So, that is how I got confused because I am used to taking it in the morning, and I keep my meds all lined up, a morning and and evening row. So, I saw the Zoloft top which is different from the rest and took that row out of habit. But, all in all it means I took another 100 mg of Zoloft. Whoops! :blink:

Hopefully it wont be a big deal, I will call the dr. office when they open. But, I feel stupid, I messed up all of this yet again...

Anyone else have these types of problems or have insight of what this situation may bring?

I have been having a lot of hypoglycemic spells the past day or so... so, I have been extra foggy.

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You are certainly not the only one to do things like this. Mine was kind of funny. I take midodrine 3 times a day. My doctor had just prescribed for me a sleeping pill. I made the mistake of putting the sleeping pills in my purse. So at lunch I popped my TWO midodrine. Well 30 minutes later I felt really funny and I thought WHAT HAVE I DONE. I looked in my purse and I had taken TWO AMBIEN. They are almost the same size and same color. I was in LA LA Land at work. My hubbie came and picked me up. I did and said things I dont remember and was close to hallucinating. Scary, Stupid but I can laugh at it now. I DO NOT KEEP MY SLEEPING PILLS IN MY PURSE ANYMORE.

So dont beat yourself up and just learn from your mistake like I did. I hope you hear from your doc soon and they tell you everything will be fine.


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I had a horrible time with my meds. I would completely forget if I had taken them or not. I finally ended up getting three different colored pill cases, one for morning, one for mid day and one for night. That way I could easily tell what still needed to be taken and when.

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Join the club. I've done the same thing. There was one day that I felt absolutely horrible. I could hardly move or stay awake. Come night time I started feeling better, just in time to have to go back to bed. Sitting in bed I reached for my night meds, only to realize that they weren't there! I had accidentally taken them in the morning. Oops! :o

There was another time that I took my morning pills at night, but I realized this mistake after only an hour because I can't fall asleep without my sleep med.

I have AM and PM written on my pill boxes, but sometimes that isn't enough to get through the brain fog. I now have stickers on the PM pill box, which is easier for me to notice when I'm not thinking clearly.

I don't know what an overdose of your meds would do. I'm glad you're calling your doctor.


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I had that happened to me oftened. I can't even count the number of times.

It even happened at the hospital where the nurse gave me my midrodine twice in 30 minutes. They had to take my BP every 15 minutes for 4 hours.

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Many times, I have gone without medicine because I couldn't remember if I took it or not. My husband bought me a really neat pill case tray thingy. It holds 7 days of meds, with four compartments per day (Morn, Noon, Eve, Bed). Each day has a label (i.e. Monday) and it pops out of the tray so I can take the day's pills with me. So now, I only set up my meds once a week!


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I agree the 7 day pill box is great. After taking meds for years, I got used to them and didn't need the box for a while. But recently I switched to taking them at night, instead of in the am. That totally threw me off my routine - I kept taking my meds late or forgetting some. So now I am back to using the box and putting it on my pillow or nightstand. It has helped wonders!

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I used the 7 day box for a while, but now my problem is that I'm on too many big pills to fit in the compartments. Teri helped set up a plan for me using...are you ready for this???..... shot glasses. They're lined up inside our kitchen cabinet, using the glass ones for day time, and stainless steel ones for night time. They're in two rows, am in front, pm in back, and we set them up for a week at a time. Seems to work for me so far.


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Like all who go before me, I too have mixed up doses. The worst was taking midodrine before bed. I had to sit up for 4 hours before I went to lay down.

No need, I don't think, about the Neurontin and Zoloft. I actually have been instructed to take Zoloft in the morning. I take 250 mg at once. As far as Neurontin, I took mega doses 3 times a day.

There are big 7-day a week 2 per day medicine cases. I used to fill up about 5 cases so I'de have them for a number of weeks. Somehow, I got more depressed filling up one every Sunday. This way I could get all my sadness out on one day!


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OMG, I accidentally took my daytime meds before bed last night. I figured it out when hours later, I couldn't sleep--ugh--then I realized what I'd done. I should note that Teri's been away for 2 and half weeks and I've not been putting out my meds in the containers ahead of time as I usually would. I had them sitting side by side instead of one in front and one in back. Guess the system DID work, when I stuck with it!

Thank goodness I had ambien in the house and I did manage to sleep. AJ, must be that kind of week!


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