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Posts posted by P SUDIK

  1. Danya I hate that you are suffering with this.Nausea is one of my primary symptoms.Beside anti-nausea meds,the only suggestion have is keep drinking or sipping something,because the more nauseated we are the less we eat and drink,and the vicious cycle goes on.One doc pointed out to me that even little sips help. I have Phenegran for nausea,it knocks me out,just wondering if anyone takes anti-nausea meds.on a regular basis or just as needed?

    Danya, hope you feel better soon. I pray for all of us potsies everyday,but I'll say an extra prayer for you !

    Love Pat

  2. Hello everyone, this is a two parter.I had a two day bout with diarrhea,am really weak and dehyrated,more than usual,and usual is bad enough.I am drinking alot of gatorade,would appreciate any other suggestions and remedies that may have worked for you. Secondly,beside going to the ER,does anyone get IV hydration any other way? or on as need basis? Thanks Pat

  3. Dayna I am so sorry you are so miserable,I know exactly how you feel and it is horrible!!!!!! Have you ever tried maxalt?It is the only thing that has ever helped my migranes. One other thing I saw work for someone else,was a caffiene push.I was in the hospital and my roomie had a migrane for days.The dr.had her drink gallons and gallons of pepsi,it worked for her. You are in my prayers,please let us know how you are? HUGS PAT

  4. :angry: I truly hate to hear of your frustrating experience,but I hate so say that it makes feel better that I am not alone.btw, how are you feeling now ? ER visits are the worst. About a month ago I was hospitalized for 3 days for coughing and SOB,after the first few hrs.they ruled out heart problems and any water retention.I practically begged for a bag of fluid,anyway 3 days in the hospital and no fluids(the 1 thing that makes us feel better).I have a least a dozen more stories,but I'll leave them for another time. Where do you live.Take care hope you feel better,HUGS Pat
  5. I don't have the kind of pain,you are referring to,but numbness and tingling(especially in my feet)the muscle jerks and sensitivity to touch on my hands and arms ,I have quite frequently. I always think,just more POTS symptoms,or is it something else? Oh, I also have twitches in my face and sometimes numbness in my lips,anyone have this ? Pat

  6. I get this all the time,I guess I should'nt let it bother me but it does.I feel like I always have to prove myself,that is prove that Iam sicker than I look,is'nt that sad? I am basically homebound,the only thing I can do away from home is go to the dr.I envy those of you who can let all the dumb and rude comments we get, go. I can't used to the fact that "nobody gets it".I am so grateful that I have all of you to talk to. So thanks to everyone, Pat

  7. Lisa, you are not alone IV 'S are a nightmare for me ,for blood draws they use a butterfly(not sure what that is) but it helps.I was in the hosp. for 3 days a month ago and my arms are still discolored from the the IV's and blood draws. I had an endoscopy last wk. they put the IV in my thumb,the dr. had a fit but it worked. Once after a long hosp stay, they even had to draw blood from my groin, do we not have enough humiliation??????? Hugs Pat

  8. Without any changes in meds., food,makeup ect.I have been getting redness and heat( no itching) on 2 different places on my face,it is not the whole face,but always in the same place and shape. Also my lips have been burning, swelling and peeling.Any ideas? suggestions? I am seeing my pcp next wk,I'll mention it then.

  9. I had an endoscopy Fri, I have had GERD and Gastroparisis for years.Dr.says my stomach is irritated and inflamed,and he found a nodule and took a biopsy.

    He rx Reglan ,he wanted me to take it 2 yrs. ago I did not and don't want to take it now.He suggested that I take for 2wks. I have read many of your posts about Reglan,just wondered if it bothered you right away or took awhile to build up?

    I really am afraid of it ,any experiences or advice would be much appreciated, Thanks Pat

  10. Well I have never thought I had a small throat,but I certainly have a swallowing problem,especially pills and I do burp and get the hic-cups and then the heartburn.I had a barium swallow 2 wks. ago it was normal. I am having an endosocopy Fri. I don't think that will show any the these kinds of problems,but they want me to have it for Gerd symptoms. Does anyone know if dysphagia Is related to POTS and how is it detected?

    Madeline,I would certainly talk to your talk about this problem,I find it to be more than a nuisance, Pat

  11. I am literally sitting here reading a clipping(my cousin sent me)from Time Mag. , entitled "Where Doctors Go Wrong" It tells a little about Groopman's misdiagnosis of a friend's child. This started his journey of research and led to the book "How Doctors Think". I do think it would be interesting to us. Just this clip gives a few examples ,such as the doc does not like you, or just looks at your appearance,or your emotional state.

    This article basically says this book should be a must read for any doc. who cares about his patients.

    My sister works at a library,I am going to see if she can get it for me.


  12. Hi everyone, I PMD Flop, She wanted me to let you know she is "doing ok" but is still a little brain fogged,and not quite up to posting.She will update us as soon as she is able.

    Wishing her a speedy recovery, Pat

  13. Hi guys, I hate to complain again,but I know you are the only people who really understand.

    This doc. was recommened by my neurosurgeon,because he supposed to treat POTS??? First he says"you don't have POTS", He gave me about 1 minute to stand and says "you do not exhibit signs of POTS" also "nausea is not a symptom of POTS".

    He had me change into a gown and never even listened to my heart, no exam at all. He finally read my test results from Dr Fouad, and says I cannot treat extreme cases of POTS. I left crying, shaking and extremely disheartened.

    Thanks again for listening, a very sad Pat

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