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Posts posted by P SUDIK

  1. I am no longer able to shop in large stores,I can however sometimes go to a small market or small drug store. I grab onto a cart.but I have shop quickly.

    Anyway my point is people talk to me,and I literally walk backwards,and keep walking out of the store, while people are talking,(cause I can,t wait to sit in the car) I seem like I am being rude,anyone have this experience?

  2. I also say yes to almost everything you said. As far sitting,if I sit with my feet up it does help me. The other thing that differs from you ,I am far from shy,I am however more quite since having POTS (4 yrs.). I am reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly with you as far as the unknown and unexpected of POTS. I used to think if got sick ,you would go to the dr.or in our case many drs. and you got well,not so with POTS. Pat

  3. :P Amen to that!!!!!!!!! When I first got POTS,I kept saying(to any dr. that would listen) " I have no stamina" I had back surgery,so for the longest time,drs.said" you are getting older it is taking you longer to bounce back from surgery"(not the case),but it took about 18 months and 19 drs. to get a dx of POTS.

    Tell your sister as far as I am concerned,she got that right! Pat

  4. I also have problems with bloating and feeling bad after eating,as far as the nausea,I am almost always nauseated,from mild to very severe. I find eating small amounts,more often does help.

    This brings me to more questions???? I am never sure if my eating problems are from gastroparisis or POTS,or both?? I am wondering what percentage of the POTS patients have gastroparisis? Do they go together? What came first the chicken or the egg?

    Thanks Pat

  5. Angela, sorry for your bad experience!!!!!! I was dx with POTS 4yrs ago,after testing positive to 2 TTT,I did not faint either time,I have many near syncope episodes,but have never fainted. I don't beleive you have to faint to be dx with POTS.???????? Also my blood pressure does not go down but my heart rate goes way up. Take care Pat

  6. Angela I am truly sorry your feelings were hurt,people really do say dumb things,some intentional,some not.

    I have been overweight my entire life,even now when I am so ill. Trust me people have said many nasty and mean things to me,the remarks are very hurtful. As I get older,I guess I just roll with the punches,hope you will be able to do that.I know that I am a good person fat or thin,as I am sure you are.One other thing,being heavy forever,I used to think telling someone "your so thin" was a compliment,I guess we all have alot to learn. Oh I also get that"you look good" all the time ,that still bothers me. Pat

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