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Everything posted by MomtoGiuliana

  1. Pam--thanks for the elaboration on potassium deficiency. It is a very good point. And you are so right--any new symptoms, particulary anything severe--like weight loss, feeling very weak, etc, should be addressed with a doctor as soon as possible to rule out anything else besides another bad bout of POTS. I am often very slightly potassium depleted when I feel ill with POTS (know this from blood work in the past). Eating potassium rich foods helps relieve this problem for me, and lessen the symptoms -- that include feelings of weakness and frequent ectopic heartbeats. hayley--hope you are feeling better soon and that your doctor can quickly rule out or identify anything else besides POTS that could be could be causing you to feel so badly right now. Katherine
  2. I found this on this website--this looks like a good list http://www.barttersite.com/potassium_page.htm I think the #s presented are mgs. Anyway, looks like a couple tablespoons of molasses a day may be helpful! Take care, Katherine FOODS THAT ARE RICH IN POTASSIUM Kellog's All Bran 532 Dried Apricots 454 Pinto Beans 531 Baked Potato 593 Orange Juice 479 Nabisco 100% Bran 354 Cantaloupe 412 Kidney Beans 452 Baked Winter Squash 590 Grapefruit Juice 360 Bran Flakes 251 Prunes 353 Lentils 374 Baked Sweet Potato 528 Tomato Juice 552 Shredded Wheat 155 Banana 338 Black Beans 309 Spinach 440 Tomato Sauce 459 Raisins 225 (3tbs) Avocado 510 Canned Beans 332 Peas 296 Blackstrap Molasses 1218 (2tbs)
  3. Thanks steph, Kathleen and tearose for your replies to my question! So does this mean that in your case (Kathleen and tearose) salt and extra fluids don't affect your symptoms--since (I thought) salt and extra fluids were recommended b/c it increases blood volume? If you have POTS, but don't have low blood volume, then it seems the extra salt and fluids wouldn't help/might even be detrimental? I don't mean to be nosey, but I am very curious. I realize from continuing to participate in this forum that I still have much to learn about this condition! Katherine
  4. hayley--I'm so sorry about your symptoms. When my POTS was very bad I had these same symptoms. I had to eat every hour or I felt terrible. My doctor recommended increasing salt and fluid intake with meals and adding a bit of fat to my meals (e.g., butter). The fat helps lessen the swings in blood sugar that could be causing some of the symptoms. Also, he recommended cutting out any added sugar (except from fruit)--even fruit juices should be eliminated. These things helped improve my symptoms. If you haven't tried any of this, you might consider trying it and see if it helps. I also agree with the above post that your symptoms suggest that you could be having trouble retaining sufficient potassium right now. Try to eat particularly potassium rich foods--there is probably a list somewhere--but fresh fruits usually are rich in potassium. When my symptoms are bad, I have trouble with bananas--it must be the sugar content, I don't know--but I find eating fresh grapefruit can be helpful, for example. Take Care, Katherine
  5. JLB So sorry for the rough time you are having. Whenever I get a flare-up I also try to figure out what has caused it, but cannot often come up with anything. They seem pretty random in my case, but also short-lived (perhaps a day or two). I hope that is the case for you with this too. I know this is my mantra--but, have you been keeping up with your fluids and salt? Odd about the teeth problem and I also wonder about a connection, although I have never had a problem with dry mouth. I have had 2 cavities filled in the past year, and prior to that only had 2 in my entire life. I attribute it to the changes that happen during pregnancy to the gums, but maybe it is POTS? My dentist asked me if I have been drinking a lot of soda--but I don't drink any soda, nor do I even eat much food with sugar, except fruit! My youngest sister who was also diagnosed with POTS last year, has had 6 cavities in the past year, and she also never had many before. However, she does drink a lot of soda. Good luck with your trip to the dentist. Hope you are feeling much better soon. Katherine
  6. Leah--I'll just add that one of my mother's best friends has lupus. She has one son who is about my age (mid-30s). She has a full, active life, and although does have flare-ups, she is basically highly functional. I think there is a lot of hope for you.
  7. Ditto--chin-ups and weight-lifting are probably not the best exercises for you right now. I have also gotten flare-ups following strenuous activity that involves my upper body. Try brisk walking, yoga or other floor exercises for now. Gentle weight-lifting (using small weights) may be beneficial. Hopefully in time you can get back to chin-ups and weight-lifting that you have been able to do in the past.
  8. This still confuses me, b/c I thought if you had POTS, you had low blood volume. Is that not always true? Can you have POTS and have normal blood volume? Thanks, Katherine
  9. Miriam OK, sorry, I understand what you are saying now. Gosh, I am sorry you have been through so much. Katherine
  10. Hi Miriam Thanks for clarifying your statement. However, I believe that Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disease. The immune system for some reason produces antibodies that attack the thyroid. True that the pituitary gland is involved in thyroid regulation, but I do not believe the pituitary is impaired in Hashimoto's. I am not aware that there is any evidence at this point that POTS causes/is related to menstrual problems--just curious about where you got this information. Unfortunately, menstrual problems are all too common for women in general, particularly as we age. Thanks, Katherine
  11. I had no trouble producing breast milk with the fibroid--maybe I don't understand your comment, Miriam? Actually, I did have an MRI of my pituitary about six years ago b/c of concerns about possible adenoma (elevated TSH, yet hyperthyroid symptoms)--turned out I had both Hashimoto's and POTS. Thanks for the reassurance, Amy, that you also experienced a change after childbirth. My period is very very heavy for 2 days and then scant after that. It doesn't last as long as it used to. So I don't know if I am really losing more blood than before or if it is just a different flow pattern now. Katherine
  12. One question I have to anyone who can answer it, is what do you do with the blood volume result? Meaning, I know I have low blood volume due to symptoms/being diagnosed by a specialist, but what more does this test tell you or your doctor that helps with treatment? Thanks, Katherine
  13. What a pretty name. Take care of yourself and your beautiful little Gabby! It goes without saying--POTS or not--the first weeks are hard. It will all get more manageable as time goes on. It's a big adjustment and responsibility! Congratulations again on a wonderful accomplishment. Katherine
  14. Have you been evaluated by a rheumatologist? Seems like the high sed rate would be best evaluated by one. I would definitely pursue an explanation for new symptoms that don't go away relatively soon on their own. I know it takes much mental and physical energy to do so. Take care and I hope you get answers. Katherine
  15. It doesn't take much to make us POTSies light-headed! Thanks--interesting. I don't think I meet that criterion most of the time--but I have had some days that would. I did go to the ER when I got my first period after my daughter was born. It was more blood than I had ever seen and it scared me. They just gave me fluids and ibuprofen and sent me home. Oh well, I guess I need to explore this concern/issue with an ob/gyn. Thanks, Katherine
  16. Melanie I am glad this forum is a help to you. You are really going through a rough time. I hope you find improvement soon. Please post whenever you can or need to, but don't worry when you can't. We're here for you and you are in my thoughts. Katherine
  17. What troopers you both are. I hope you both get good rest and things improve soon. Hugs to you both. Katherine
  18. This is probably a stupid question--but how is "heavy bleeding" defined? My periods are heavier since my daughter was born. I attribute it to the fibroid. It has been getting better/not as heavy over time so I haven't really talked to a doctor about it. BUT, I do seem to have slight anemia and have been prescribed iron pills. Anyway, any comments on this would be appreciated! Katherine
  19. GREAT point. Anemia can definitely exaccerbate POTS. Katherine
  20. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So happy for you and your husband. What is her name? If if will be easier for you -- send the photos to dinetphotos@yahoo.com I will post them on the Faces of DINET site! Katherine
  21. Welcome Pam. Have you been evaluated by an electrophysiologist? I second Corina's vote--it sounds that a tilt table test is in order. Good luck and hope you get a diagnosis and see lots of improvement. Katherine
  22. Tearose I have nothing to add that hasn't been said except to offer my support to you as well. I can't believe this--it is a great injustice. I am sorry you need this income so badly too. That makes it of course even worse. You have such a strong spirit, I know you will persevere through such a great challenge. Katherine
  23. Of course you should post here about this! I wish we could do more to help you and Marissa. It is scary when a child is vomiting that much because of course you worry about dehydration, as well as other serious problems. At least they could determine it wasn't a life-threatening problem. ER trips are the worst and often are not very helpful, sadly. I hope Marissa improves and can see her specialist soon. There does seem to be a nasty stomach bug making its rounds in certain places of the country, anyway. It has gone through my daughter's day care. She has vomited four times in the past two days and it is really ahrd to get her to drink anything. She is finally on the mend. Nothing compared to what you are going through, of course, but I can relate in that I know how much I worry about my child when she is sick. You are a very strong person. I have much admiration for you. Let us know how Marissa is doing. Katherine
  24. Stacey So sorry for all you and your family are going through. It is so stressful when a family member is ill and even more so when the care is not evenly shared. I wouldn't worry about corrupting your 3 year old niece with an afternoon of television! She has your love and a comforting place to be when she can't be with a parent, that is most important. Hope that your dad continues to stabilize. Take care of yourself. You are in my thoughts this weekend!! Katherine
  25. I have one large fibroid that became about the size of a cantaloupe during pregnancy. My ob-gyn claimed that it was largely responsible for the complications I experienced during childbirth that resulted in a c-section. She said the placenta was partially attached to it. Anyway, I do not believe that fibroids secrete hormones. They are benign tumors of the uterus made up of uterine tissue. They do *respond to* estrogen, which is why they grow so much during pregnancy. If a woman has high levels of estrogen that would exaccerbate fibroid growth. Fibroids are very common--in women over 30, about 40% of women have them. They can cause very heavy periods and can be problematic for that reason. Depending on location they can also affect fertility -- and also cause problems during childbirth, as I learned. You probably have some time to learn more about the condition and treatment/management options and possibly get a second opinion before going the surgery route. Katherine
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