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Everything posted by gdomaracki

  1. I've had very good response to cranial manipulation so far. I just wish my health insurance would cover it because it is very expensive but so worth it!
  2. So I went for my first appointment about a month ago and wanted to let you all know how it went. The first 24 hours I was VERY sore and extremely tired but within 48 hours, my achiness had subsided and I began to feel SOO much better. Overall my body felt great, no more neck pain or back pain. And no more headaches every day. I haven't been back yet because the guy I see is booked two months in advance, but hopefully I'll be able to get in soon. I believe that this therapy is going to help and will keep you guys posted.
  3. Steph06- He referred me to a Dr. Leaster closer to where I live in PA. Supposedly this osteopath is really good also, as he has a 3 month waiting list. I figure if anything, they will help me to relax and help realize stress & tension.
  4. Mack's Mom- Thanks for the information! I'm always nervous when it comes to new therapies just because of all the negative effects I've had from the past ones. But I'm definately trying to keep a positive outlook on this one. What exactly is the difference between integrative manual therapy and craniosacral? I will definately keep you posted.
  5. Broken Shell- All I know is that its called cranial ostopathic manipulation. I'm not sure if theres a difference between craniosacral and this or if they are the same thing. But either way I would love to read about your experiences from it, so feel free to PM me Thanks so much!
  6. Hello! So I'm off to try another experimental treatment suggested by Dr. Goodkin. I've read up as much as I could about cranial manipulation, but to be honest there really isn't a whole lot out there. And as my appt gets closer (MONDAY) the more nervous I am getting. I guess its better to try and know that it either works for me or it doesn't, than to not try and never know. I am so desperate for some kind of relief from my symptoms. I was wondering how many of you have tried cranial manipulation or have thought about it & your thoughts and experiences on this form of treatment. Take care & God bless
  7. Since friday, i have been experiencing an elevated resting heart rate around 100-110 bpm. Then when I stand up, it obviously goes up even higher. I am also having wierd chest discomfort/pain. These spells of tachy are usually worse when Im trying to sleep or take a nap. Im not sleeping well at all because of this and Im not sure what to do. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this? Should I go see my doctor? Thanks for listening!
  8. I actually never drink coffee or anything with caffenine because it supposedly makes tachycardia and palps worse. And doesn't help with the anxiety. I've actually had anxiety disorder for a long time, but of course the POTS makes it worse. I've never been a fan of stimulants because of my anxiety disorder and am not sure what to do. :/ If the Ritalin makes me sleep less, is it going to make my POTS worse? I also crash every afternoon, so I take a nap to help give me energy and feel better. If I don't, I will get a bad migraine in the evening. Do you think that the migraines are from the reduced cerebral perfusion? Will the Ritalin affect me being able to nap in the afternoon? Thank you all for your wonderful advice! What makes this decision extra hard is that I've gotta start teaching preschool in a week, and don't want any negative side effects to make me feel bad so that I can't do my job.
  9. Hello All, It has been awhile since I have posted last. I have had POTS for almost four years now. I was feeling almost completely better up until June when I started having attacks every week and have been symptomatic ever since. I decided that it was time to see a new doctor, and visited Dr. Goodkin today for the first time. Along with having POTS, he believes that I also have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and that we need to address this issue. However, I'm really skeptical about the medication he has prescribed me because of the negative side effects and because I have anxiety. He suggests that I start taking Methylphenidate aka Ridalin 20mg ER once a day, and then try twice a day. If I start to feel jittery I am to stop taking immediately. I'm kind of scared because i have alot of anxiety as it is and am current learning to deal with it without xanax. I also have problems with tachycardia, palps, etc... Will this medication make me feel more anxious? What other side effect have you experienced from this medication? What are your general ideas on this stimulant? Thank you for your imput and advice! PS. I current take midodrine, florinef, and zoloft.
  10. Geez, your really have a rough time! Hope your up and feeling better soon Amy.
  11. I unfortunately closed my finger in the car door one day & had to have Tdap because they had to drain my nail with a needle. The doctor did forget to tell me that people tend to have reactions to this shot and that it can actually make you really sick. The next day I woke up with a high fever, feeling fluish ALL over. This lasted about 3 days. Everyone is different but its always good to be informed ahead of time, so your prepared for what can occur! Good luck with you Tdap, I'm sure you'll be just fine.
  12. My mom tends to pick on me for this. I'll come to her and say I have a fever & when I tell her that my temp is 99 she'll laugh tell me thats not a fever. I even take advil/tylenol bc rarely does my body temp ever get around normal let alone higher.. But for people with lower temps to begin with, when our bodies reach normal temps we feel just like we would if we had a fever.
  13. Going off of what Maxine said, you will notice that your legs feel heavy. And if you push down on your legs with your finger tips, you will leave white marks. They fade but will show you when your pooling.
  14. After time you learn to let it go in one ear and out the other... People don't understand pots & the treatment necessary for us to feel better. The salt should really help you
  15. Midodrine & Florinef along with H2O & Salt Tablets are my miracle drugs! Along with alot of prayer & time. . . I have come from being bedridden to working part time at a preschool in the past 2 yrs. What a blessing! nicole
  16. I have always been a worry wart too!! But i do think that having pots really forces you to let go of feelings/symptoms that would normally cause you to panic, and to try and relax.
  17. Hi, When I was struggling with fibro, it felt like I had the flu everyday but without the fever. It was painful to do just about anything, and my body ached all the time. Not a plesant feeling! Luckily, mine has seemed to ease and only flares up when my pots is too. I do hope you find relief from this condition, it can be quite miserable. Nicole
  18. Jaime, Keep your head up! I actually do believe I remember you posting quite awhile back, of course my fog was quite worse those days so... I know exactly what your going through, getting a diagnosis from a doctor that has a clue about pots is quite a task. But I will tell you that the road is much easier knowing that its not all in your head, and having the right treatment regime. People tend to judge me because they cannot see my illness, including my family. Which at times is the hardest part of this whole ordeal. I'm glad you've found a doctor to help and I do hope your doing much better soon Nice to talk to you again,
  19. Thats wonderful new Ernie! I'm glad you've found someone to help you feel better Funny thing, I'm waiting for my medication to come in from Canada. hehe Only 18 more days!
  20. I had a seizure enduced from my ttt and they didn't take my dl away. But my doctor did advise me not to drive for six months, or until they got my condition under control. I was in not state to be driving anyways, with my fatigue and brain fog. nicole ps. im from pa too!
  21. Welcome to the forum Mary You are definately not weird. Getting a diagnosis can be such a relief, knowing what is going on with your body and knowing what you can do about it. Rather than having to worry and wonder all the time. Anyways, welcome again! nicole
  22. Dari~ Welcome to the Forum I'm glad you've found a doctor that is willing to work with you, its such a relief when you find someone who wants to help you get better and not just "give up" when things get confusing and beyond their knowledge.
  23. Angela. Sorry to hear that your sick Nothing worse than having to deal with an infection in the middle of the summer! Hope your feeling better soon. As far as your question goes about coughing, I know exactly what your talking about. Even when I'm not sick, and I take a deep breath, I get lightheaded. I can't stand when a dx listens to my heart..and makes me take big breaths!! I'm not sure if its normal that your heart rate goes up when you cough, but i'm sure that if the dx isn't to worried about it, you shouldn't been either. Rest up and feel better deary!
  24. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Best of luck
  25. My search button was working yesterday, but I tried again and found the link from back in Oct. 04. Thank you for your input!
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