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Posts posted by gertie

  1. You sound exactly like me. Mine started this week. The ragweed pollen has started in N Ga & with it most everyone has sinus problems. At the first sign of sore throat or headache I start taking antihistamine. The only AH I can take is Allegra w/o decongestant & it usually takes about 2-3 days for it to help. If you can tolerate a normal dose of an AH it should help. I dread winter. Good luck!

  2. I'm sorry for your situation. I know how hurtful it is when family doesn't believe us. In my case I'm old now & have lost my parents but I've been dealing with the same thing from my siblings & now my child for 20 yrs. I no longer even mention I'm sick. If I do I'm ignored. I've come to realize it's all about them. I've had them tell me, "you've got it made". My family is always telling me how sick or stressed they are. Try to ignore them if possible.

  3. Thanks Sara & Nina. I had not heard of that lamp. I will check it out. As for the warmth they put out, that would be great for the coming winter.

    What size bulb would you recommend?

    Also, what do you think about the lamp on website summertan.com Thanks.

  4. I had my Vit D level checked & it was 10, very low. I am struggling to take supplements. I have to start with small dose & work up to 5,000 IU daily. I try sitting in the sun but am very sensitive to it & can't stay out long enough to do much good. Do any of you know of a home lamp or tanning bed that will provide needed Vit D? Dr Mercola has some on his website but they are very expensive. Surely there is an expensive lamp that would do the same thing we could use in the winter. Thanks.

  5. I have had dysautonomia for many years. One of the results of my dys is Interstitial Cystitis & IBS. My question is a little embarrassing. With IC there is urinary frequency & bladder pain but this summer I have had mild IC but have had vaginal burning/stinging & occ anal burning. It gets worse at night. I am not sexually active at this time so I am not irritated. It feels like nerve innings stinging.

    I have an app't for a physical this week which I dread. I hate trying to explain this to a male dr that does not understand allergies or dys. Does anyone have these type symptoms with dys? I have stopped my B vit's & vit C hoping that is the cause. Thanks.

  6. Hi,

    I also just thought of what if you tried D2 instead of D3? D3 is derived from an animal byproduct (sheep or something?), maybe D2 would be a better fit for you. I don't think it matters which you consume for the most part as long as it is Vitamin D.

    Thanks for the suggestion. Now that you mention it, I seem to remember that D3 is from the lanolin in sheep wool. I do have a problem with lanolin. I may be wrong about all this but I think they spray the wool with chemicals of some sort. Thanks again!

  7. Be glad the GI cares enough to hospitalize you. I've tried & failed 3 colonoscopy preps & dr won't hospitalize me. I have hypoglycemia & can't go 24 hrs w/o eating. The more I drink the lower my glucose gets. What they were going to give me for sedation was Deprivan/Propoful. It's an anesthesia that wears off quickly. I was told the prep is easier on you if you eat lightly for 2 days b/4 the prep. No seeds, fiber, red meat etc. Good luck!

  8. Do any of you have a problem with this supplement? I'm deficient in so many vitamins & minerals but I also seem to have a bad reaction to them. I'm buying physicians grade brands but I can't tell they are any better than the other brands. It seems to me if our body needs these things we would be able to tolerate them. Thanks.

  9. I am sorry you had to experience that. It may be a blessing in disguise. Maybe the dr you find will be more caring & have a better nursing staff. I'm finding lately that in every office there is usually one nurse or office personnel that is a horror. I would write the dr a "private & confidential letter". He will probably never get it but you'll feel better. Good luck!

  10. I've been asking myself that question. I also read post of others that keep going to a dr that doesn't know how to help them. I went to a neuro for awhile that didn't understand dyst. Everything I ask her she just says, don't worry about it. I quit going. If you do, why do you continue going to a dr that isn't helping? No disrespect intended, just curious. I think I kept going simply because I know I need medical attention & think they would eventually be able to help me. Thanks.

  11. I haven't heard that about no B-6. It usually says to take B complex so you will get a balance of all the B's. B-1 or B-2, can't remember which, supposed to prevent migraines but neither of them worked for me. It's trial & error usually error for me and supplements.

  12. I've probably tried every vit supplement twice & have had a problem with all of them. Since dr said I was deficient in B-12 I'm trying again. I have 3 different brands, all S/L. I took only 1/4 of a 1000 mcg tab methyl B-12, which I'm told is the best, & I got heartburn, & sweating. I don't believe this is possible yet I'm experiencing it. Does anyone take B-12 & what kind do you take? Thanks for sharing.

  13. This is one of the weirdest things I've experienced & I can't remember what dr called it. It took me a lot of years to find a dr that had ever heard of it. If I look at something red, purple, or pink, then look at something light colored it looks pink. I've been having this for several years. The first time I noticed it I was in bed. My pillowcase had a red flower on it & when I looked at my white sheet, the sheet was red. I freaked out. It's very distracting to be looking at a red hazy computer screen. If I wear pink or red clothes the world looks pink. I wonder if that's what they mean "looking at the world through rose tinted glasses". It didn't happen for a few months & now it's back. Has anyone else had this problem? thanks.

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