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Posts posted by gertie

  1. I was warned by one of my dr's not to have a deep massage, even a gentle massage makes me sore. The experience I've had with accupuncture was not great either. There was no pain but everywhere they put a needle I had a bruise about 2" in diameter. I don't think it made me feel any worse. Sorry massage was not a good experience for you maybe the accupuncture will be better.

  2. I have been taking vit D3 for almost a year now & at first thought I felt some better. I later started noticing when I took vit D I would get so sleepy & tired I had to lie down. It seems to wear off in a few hours. I mentioned to my dr how I felt & of course he said there was no way that could happen & upped my daily dose. I forgot about it until I heard my niece telling someone that when she took D3 she had to go lay down. I did a search & found others that say they use it for a sleeping pill. That made me feel some better. If I took as high a dose as my dr wants me to I would never wake up.

    I thought I would mention it in case someone here is taking D3 & feeling more tired & sleepy than usual.

  3. I'm sorry I don't know the answer but I know I feel the same way. Most of the time I feel like I'm dragging my body thru concrete. I take care of a grandchild anywhere from 4-12 hrs a day thru the week. When I was at my worst I was terrified I would pass out or have a seizure with no other adult in the house. Sometimes I would get so tired & stressed I would go to the bathroom & cry. Kids are a joy but also a lot of work.

    Have you had your adrenals & thyroid checked? Hope you find an answer soon.

  4. I know I'm asking a lot of questions but I have adrenal fatigue & Hashimotos. My thyroid med says not to take if you have problems with adrenals. I couldn't take the med for AF because of migraines & I told my dr this but he still gave me a prescription for Armour. It's no wonder I stay confused.

    Do any of you with Hashimotos have AF & do you take your thyroid med w/o treating adrenals? Thanks.

  5. Did any of you feel worse when you first started med's for your Hashimotos? I've tried this b/4 & always felt so bad I've discontinued the med. I started Armour again this a.m. with 1/4 of my prescribed dose (per dr's instruction) and I feel worse than I did b/4 I took it. Are you supposed to feel bad? Thanks.

  6. The double vision usually happens with hyper thyroid. When I first started having thyroid problems several years ago the dr thought I was hyper until I was tested. If I can't tolerate Armour I will try Nature-throid but they should be similar since they are both porcine. The only synthetic I tried was Synthroid & the headache I had was worse than a migraine. I appreciate all your help. Thanks!

  7. Has anyone experienced any kidney problems from excess salt? I am beginning to see elevated BUN levels in the last few chemistry panels I've had done. I'm wondering if extra salt could be the reason.

    I do try to drink plenty of liquids altho I read that we can drink too much. Dr doesn't seem to be concerned at this point. Thanks.

  8. I can relate to the flushing. What I have noticed over the last 20 years is if the person I'm talking to has on any fragrance whether perfume or scented deod, hair spray etc, I start flushing & turn bright red. Any odor, even cooking odors send me into a flush. I do understand how miserable they are & mine won't stop until I get away from the cause. Talking for even a short while leaves me mentally & physically exhausted. I took large doses of Neurontin for years to try to help calm my ANS but I'm not sure if it helped. I hope you get better soon.

  9. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the BR I will get nauseous. If it doesn't subside within a few min I usually take an Ativan which helps most of the time. I do have a vagus nerve problem so I guess Ativan calms it. I thought maybe it was just the shock to our ANS of waking suddenly. The first few times it happened I thought I had food poisoning. Good luck!

  10. Have any of you with Hashimotos throiditis tried Armour thyroid med? I was not able to take the synthetic meds because of migraines. I tried very low dose Armour & had double vision so nothing seems to work for me. I have no energy, gaining weight, instead of being cold I sweat all the time. I don't know if it's part of thyroiditis or dysautonomia but my kidney function test are elevated.

    With all the problems I have (& I know you all do to), I'd like to just forget all these daily struggles & be normal for awhile. Sorry, now I sound like I'm whining.

    My ? is, have any of you have double vision from taking Armour? The dr said he might think Armour had caused it if I had been taking it for a long time but I had only had 2 doses when my double vision started. Thanks.

  11. I'm sorry for what you're going through. I can't diagnose you, but I have had times when I felt like I was choking, couldn't breathe, trouble swallowing, & shaking. Mine was usually after I had eaten or had been exposed to perfume, pesticides, paint, or other chemicals. I have lost consciousness after exposures. I kept oxygen for several years to help with symptoms. Dr's didn't know what was wrong with me, so they made me feel like it was my imagination. Who would imagine such a horrible thing? Several years later I was diagnosed with Dysautonomia & realize that was my problem then. I hope you find someone who can help you.

    Hi Alicia,

    Thanks for your reply. Did the doctor's ever tell you that those times were directly related to your dysautonomia?



    Babette, Yes, I was told the reason my body reacts this way is because of my autonomic nervous system hypersensitivity or dysautonomia. The only thing to prevent it is to stay away from the things I know will trigger it. I took Neurontin for a few years which also seemed to calm my ANS. When I get severe reactions now I take a small dose of Ativan which helps the anxiety. Good luck!

  12. I'm sorry for what you're going through. I can't diagnose you, but I have had times when I felt like I was choking, couldn't breathe, trouble swallowing, & shaking. Mine was usually after I had eaten or had been exposed to perfume, pesticides, paint, or other chemicals. I have lost consciousness after exposures. I kept oxygen for several years to help with symptoms. Dr's didn't know what was wrong with me, so they made me feel like it was my imagination. Who would imagine such a horrible thing? Several years later I was diagnosed with Dysautonomia & realize that was my problem then. I hope you find someone who can help you.

  13. I have a dr's app't tues a.m. I live in fear of something like strep that I might have to take an antibiotic for. Since dys. I haven't been able to take any antibiotics. Before all this started I took an antibiotic when I needed it. I can't figure out why the change. I've reacted to everything from penicillin to mycins with seizures, throat swelling, rash, cramps, etc. Thanks for your help.

  14. Yesterday was the first day in a long time I felt like running errands & accomplished a lot but today I'm exhausted. Late this afternoon I started getting a severe sore throat, one that gargling & lozenges don't touch. I must have picked up a viral inf. I have bad reaction to most meds & know that a lot of you have that problem also. I would appreciate any suggestions of OTC meds that have helped you. My PCP is out of the office until next Tue. I envy people that can take meds when they get sick. Thanks for your help.

  15. Thanks everyone. I haven't used pesticides in 25 years, since I became ill. I won't use it outside because of the birds & other wildlife. We also have an organic vegetable garden. I do wish I knew something that would keep the Copperhead & other snakes away. I am terrified of them.

  16. I have burning in my lower legs & feet. I can't tolerate socks, sheet or anything that touches my feet. It's almost impossible to get a pair or shoes that I can wear. Certain foods such as hot peppers seems to make mine worse. I take Neurontin for migraines & notice that it also helps the burning. Good luck!

  17. I have noticed that the senior population is usually ignored in everything. It may just be the area I live in. When you get 65 or over it seems if you sneeze or have a memory lapse they immediately diagnose Alzheimers or dementia. If you ever voice your opinion about something & it doesn't agree with the norm your considered a troublemaker or senile. The same problems that in my 40's no one noticed now is a big deal. Maybe I'm over exaggerating just a bit but that's how I see it.

    I had dysautonomia for at least 25 years b/4 I was finally diagnosed at age 64 . Every dr I went to for years told me my symptoms were all in my mind. When a dr finally told me what was wrong with me I almost cried from relief. He could not believe what I had gone through.

    Sorry for the rambling. Don't be ignored. Good luck!

  18. Thanks everyone! Having to carry on long conversations really zap me. The worst situation for me is being in a social situation with a lot of people I haven't seen for a long time, sometimes years. It's very stressful trying to remember all their names & families. It's a relief to know I'm not alone in this. It seems all seniors now have some form of dementia or alzheimers. I think I worry too much.

  19. Do any of you have trouble remembering or memorizing things? When dys started & I began having debilitating migraines & seizures my memory has gone down hill ever since. I'm at the age now that memory starts to go anyway and it is very scarey. My DH & I are always quizzing each other on trivia questions. One minute I will know the answer & the next min I've forgotten it. Sometimes I think I have ADD. Neurologist said it was probably caused from damage to the brain from so many migraines. I eat everything that is supposed to be good for the brain but I can't tell anything helps except sleep. Sleep is the one thing I don't do much of. Thanks.

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