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Posts posted by gertie

  1. Naomi, I think, I read in a discussion on the meniere's forum that some people with Meniere's don't have vertigo.

    I have had symptoms you describe without the vertigo hopefully that doesn't start for you. A lot of my symptoms are

    caused from an environmental toxin such as smoke, perfume, cleaners etc. There are a lot of foods I don't test allergic

    to but I am sensitive to such as tomatoes, chicken,etc, anything with citric acid or additives in them. Eating them doesn't

    cause me a rash, sneezing, or the typical reaction but it will cause my ears to feel full or congestion. Can you take

    antihistamines? Even if it isn't an allergy the AH should help remove the fluid. If it is Meniere's you want to be careful

    not to get water or any liquid in your ears or it could cause vertigo. Hope you figure this out soon.

    By the way, I didn't get an email but I've been having computer problems so that may be the reason.

  2. Was the Dr you saw an ENT? Your symptoms could be Meniere's. Do you have vertigo attacks? With Meniere's

    it's fluid in the inner ear & I don't think they can see that. Mine started with constant ringing 24/7 & has progressed to hearing

    loss. Some people say antihistamines help the pressure. You might want to check out meniere's.org forums for more info.

  3. I have never been able to take drugs in my life & now I'm desperately trying to find something I can take to calm my nerves & still function. I have been able to a small dose of Ativan but I always end up with a headache. Because of Meniere's, Dys, seizures, allergies, I have a dental phobia that is paralyzing me with fear. I need root canals & I don't know how I can sit through it. Being put to sleep is out of the question for me. Would you share with me what you find works best for you in these situations. I can't tell you how great is to have this forum. Thanks.

  4. I have times when I look at an object that is red & look away everything is red. When I had purple sheets on my bed everything in the room appeared to be purple. It was like wearing tinted lens. This is a very strange feeling. Has anyone else experienced this? I mentioned it to my Opthamologist years ago & he didn't seem concerned about it.

  5. When I was trying to get my disability they would call me & questions me about what I did on a daily basis. I never

    knew what to say, other than it varies. Some days I am sicker than other days. It was more like they were interviewing

    me to see if I was mentally competent. I don't know how to explain it, but they would call me & try to get me to do all the

    talking. I know you've had people call you & they are mostly silent on their end & you feel like you need to keep

    the conversation going.

  6. My symptoms started many years ago with flushing & sweating & nothing has changed. I feel cold some of the time but I know it's only a matter of time before I begin blazing. When i start to eat or anyone in the house is eating I react to the food by flushing. It doesn't have to be a food I'm allergic to, just the smell of food. I use no chemicals in my home but when I go to bed at night I almost always flush for a few min until my brain gets accustomed to the change. Anyone that comes in my home I react to them & their odor in this manner. It feels like I'm burning from the inside out. Is this what you experience with adrenal flushes. I know this is nothing compared to all the other miserable things we experience but when I sit down to relax or sleep it would be nice not to start this. I know it's not menopause. Thanks.

  7. I had an MRI & SPECT scan several years ago when my symptoms first started. The MRI showed an injury in the

    temporal lobe (can't remember which side), gliosis, which I think means an injury to the central nervous system. The

    report also showed white matter which they first thought might be MS or Alzheimers but later ruled out both. My

    memory was terrible then & 25 years later I can't tell it's gotten worse except for things that happen with normal aging.

    The only thing I remember about the SPECT report is that it said my brain was not symetrical. I have no idea what

    that means.

  8. Thanks everyone! I'm doing the nasal wash. I tried NasalCrom & had bad reaction to it also. I haven't tried Periactin

    unless it's the same as some of the others but I will check it out. I've tried compounded meds before but I usually react the same way with them.

  9. Am I the only person that can't tolerate antihistamines? Can someone have an allergic reaction from AH? I thought AH was to stop allergic reactions yet when i take them I have allergic reaction. I need them desperately. I am only able to eat a few foods & have nasal congestion & ear probems. I've tried every brand name they make as some time over the last 25 years & they all cause seizures or some other side effect. Thanks.

  10. I've existed 68 years in spite of this illness. The thing that frightens me the most is that I've not been able to take meds for my Hashimotos thyroid, high BP, heart arrythmias, syncope, meniere's, arthritis, IBS, flu, strep throat & other infections. I know it's a miracle I'm still here. I try to never let the family know how miserable I am. I feel if you are able to treat your symptoms you will live a long life.

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