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Posts posted by gertie

  1. Someone mentioned Butterbur. My dr send me home with "Petadolex" by Integrative Therapeutics.

    He said his wife had had less migraines since she had been taking this. I haven't tried it yet because just

    about everything triggers a migraines for me.

    I have also heard that drinking a tsp of Epsom salts in a glass of water helps. It's magnesium so that may

    be the reason. That's a very old remedy. Hope you're better by now.

  2. Dry mouth & dry eye is why I choose not to take meds such as Ativan or antihistamines all the time. I

    knew AH dried up body fluids but i wasn't aware that Ativan or Valium does the same thing until my dental

    hygienist told me. She told me she could tell the people that were on those meds because their mouth

    was always dry.

  3. I don't know if it's normal for your med's or not but my GP has been hesitant about giving me anything for my BP.

    Doc says he's afraid if he gives me a BP pill it will make me worse because one time my BP will be 190/89 & within

    a hour or so it will be 120/70. If I take something to lower my BP it will be too low. I don't know what the answer is.

    Good luck!

  4. Kate, Ditto everything you said. My Dr's have given up on finding any antibiotic I can tolerate as well as most other meds.

    I don't know if it's Dysautonomia related or not. I do know I was able to take an antibiotic occ before I had Dys.

    I'm in my late 60's & I know the time is near I will have to have an antibiotic to live. It's very scarey.

  5. Thanks for your replies. I need at least 2 root canals. I had my amalgams removed & the dentist drilled

    too deep & got into the nerve so now it needs a RC. My environmental health dr says he doesn't like the

    idea of RC but sometimes it's necessary. What worries me is that I will go thru the RC & then still loose the

    teeth. All because of careless dentist.

  6. Thanks everyone. The metal I'm speaking of is the post they put in the tooth after cleaning out the

    tooth. It's my understanding they always do this because the tooth is now a weaken dead tooth. I

    think people with autoimmune illness may have a negative response to this. The disinfectant

    used to clean the tooth is sodium hydrochlorite, which is bleach. I hope I'm wrong.

  7. I've read so many negative things about root canals. A lot of dr's now think it shouldn't be done especially if we have a compromised immune system. Having metal post in the mouth lead to

    more sensitivity. Metal conducts electricity. I also read that altho they cleanse the tooth they can't

    get rid of all bacteria in a tooth with RC.

    What are your opinions. If you have RC have you had any problems with them?


  8. I had an allergic reaction. Some of them caused itchy whelps, throat closing, others caused violent colon

    cramps & I would pass out. Others caused seizures, sometimes I would just faint. I've had so many reaction

    I can't remember them all. I have no idea what I am going to do when I need an antibiotic again. Very scarey.

  9. I wish I had a magic pill for you. I started going thru MCS & Dysautonomia nightmare about 30 years ago. I could not

    tolerate my home or anywhere else. Everything I ate caused some kind of allergic reaction even seizures. I went to

    the EHC in Dallas,Tx a couple of times having allergy testing. After 3 months & a lot of money I couldn't take the

    allergy shots, they made me worse. I did learn I should eat organically grown foods, & what to get out of my home

    that was making me sick. Altho, I did everything I supposed to do I'm as sensitive today or more so than ever.

    I finally saw a neurologist for migraines that told me I was having seizure activity & my brain was

    ( I believe the term is "firing too much") & he put me on Neurontin to try & control my daily migraines & help me rest.

    There are newer medications since Neurontin but I've stayed with it because it was the only med I could tolerate & I am

    afraid to change. I took it on a daily basis for a few years but now that I'm older & my migraines are not as often I only

    take it as needed. It helped me keep my sanity (I think). For some reason I could also eat more foods with less reaction.

    I find the generic neurontin/gabapentin does not work as well for me as brand name & I've heard others that take it say

    the same thing. Sorry this is so long, hope it made some sense & that you find something to help you. Good luck!


  10. Thanks tennille, That a lot of good info. I've only taken Ativan when I'm really stressed. I may ask the dr about

    Valium again. I tried it once & it also gave me a bad headache. If I took 10 mg of Valium I would never wake up.

    I take 1/2 of a .50 Ativan so far. I'm not sure there is enough of any sedative that will calm my anxiety about the dentist.

    Thank you very much.

  11. Is your new home built with environmentally friendly materials such as formaldehyde free insulation & non toxic glues etc?

    I bought radon testing kits & tested our home. I'm not sure they are as reliable as professionals but it's not expensive.

    Ours tested under the danger level. If what I read is true it is a cause of lung problems.

    I hope you do better in your new home.

  12. When I first started getting sick I was so sensitive to my house I had to wear a mask inside. My DH also had allergies.

    We started taking out carpet, scented products, shoe polish, dry cleaned clothing etc. It took a long time but I finally

    got it clean enough I can live in it. I had to, I couldn't tolerate a new house. I am still very sensitive, if I don't dust regularly

    I can smell the dust. It's a miserable life.

    Have you checked your home for radon?

  13. I know we've discussed this before but I have a question. I'm trying to figure out if some of my symptoms are anxiety/panic attacks. I've always thought that most of my nausea when riding was caused from inner ear problems but when I left home for my dentist app't yesterday my stomach seemed ok. The closer I got to the dentist office the sicker I got. By the time I got to the waiting area I thought I would have to re-schedule my appt. but I put an 1/2 of an Ativan under my tongue & in a few min I started burping. This time I didn't mind the waiting & by the time the nurse came & got me I was feeling better. I didn't get sick riding home so it probably was not inner ear.

    I know this sounds gross, but do you burp when you are nauseous? If so do you feel better? I know the burping was not because I had swallowed air. I do this a lot when I get nervous. Thanks.

  14. Thanks lieze, I am so sick of myself because I can't take med's. Most of the dr's I have had in the past hated to see me

    coming because they knew whatever treatment they tried on me ended up being a disaster. Once I over heard my fav

    dr. say to her nurse "here comes the woman that is allergic to everything". I never went back to that dr.

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