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Posts posted by JenniferInOhio

  1. LOL. I'm not cured, just functioning very well at the moment. I still feel POTsy when sick - high heart rate and quicker to recover than the average person. Heat is also a kicker, but I can't complain. I thank God in prayer that I function as well as I do. I'm so blessed.

  2. Hi everyone,

    I haven't posted as much lately, but still read posts on an almost daily basis.

    I'm doing pretty well. We just got back from Disney World and I kept up all day for 5 days with the best of them. My legs were aching by the end of the day - but so were everyone else's!

    Anxiety seems to be doing better. I don't fight the feeling anymore or the embarrassment of having to take a Xanax every once in a while. I've pretty much pinpointed the anxiety and panic attacks to the couple of days surrounding ovulation and the few days right before my period. It must be a hormone thing.

    Anyway, I just wanted to update and say that I am doing well, carting around a 6 year old and a 4 year old to their activities and doing pretty much normal everyday things. I would like to get into an exercise routine, but haven't made the time.

    Hope everyone else is doing well too - I haven't seen an update on Melissa (Sunfish). How is she doing?

  3. Like momtogiulianna, I believe I had mild POTS prior to my first pregnancy - of course, I didn't know it then, but looking back on things I remember always feeling bad when my mom and I went for a day of shopping (lots of walking) and I could never stand in the checkout line for very long before feeling dizzy.

    Anyway, I didn't know I had POTS...first pregnancy was fine. Vaginal birth. Lots of palpitations in the 9th month. Also 2 migraine headaches with visual auras 2 weeks before delivery - hormone related, I suppose (I thought I was having a stroke or something). Lots of palpitations during labor. My doctor was irritated that I was concerned about the palpitations. Hemmorraghed after birth (doctor pulled out placenta instead of letting come out on its own) and some placenta was stuck. Recovery was uneventful. No palpitations, no dizziness, nothing out of the ordinary.

    Second pregnancy, still no POTS diagnosis. In my first trimester, my hubby had to bring a stool up to our bathroom so I could sit and do my hair and makeup. Reaching up to curl my hair made me dizzy (I look back and KNOW this was major tachycardia happening) first thing in the morning. I just thought is was normal pregnancy dizziness, but it was definitely tachycardia - I bet upwards of 150-160 in the morning. After the first trimester, I did better. Palpitations again during 9th month. Also, 2 more migraine headaches with visual aura 2 weeks before delivery. Vaginal birth. Wonderful labor - no palpitations. No complications. Recovery was fine.

    Did not start to see more prominent POTS symptoms until I had a diagnostic laparoscopy 18 months after birth of second child. Came out of surgery with major adreline rushes with heart rate going from 70-130 in a matter of seconds. I also had anemia at the time which made the symptoms tachycardia and shortness of breath worse.

    After correcting the anemia, I am back to functioning almost as well as before having two children. The only things that are more affected now (than before kids) is my performance in the heat and exercise intolerance.

  4. I sometimes get left arm discomfort - not actual pain. Usually in the upper arm and elbow area. It used to freak me out about a heart attack, but it has happened so many times that I usually don't get concerned anymore. I take my Xanax and chill. I would think if it was heart related it would be tingly and actual pain.

  5. Mvdula, Calypso (Amy), & Dari,

    Thanks so much for your responses. It helps to know that others know what I am going through.

    Calypso - I am much the same way in that sometimes when I think that it would be a *perfect* time for a panic attack when I am extra-stressed - it doesn't happen. Yet, when I'm perfectly calm, they come out of nowhere.

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