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Posts posted by DSM3KIDZ

  1. Sorry to hear your having a rough time. My only suggestion is Advil or tylenol and lots of rest. Take it easy and you'll be good as new in no time.

    ---if it continues I'd go to the clinic just to make sure it's nothing major before school starts.

    Take care of yourself,


  2. Sorry for the late response but I've been doing poorly lately. When I first got sick last year I would always push myself when I felt able and than I would always end up sick again. Every month I have at least 1 good week and now I'm scared to push too much. I know it's just anxiety becasue I don't know my triggers but it's also an emotional thing. Everytime I felt better I thought YEAH!!!! I'm normal again, well every month I got a big slap in the face and am sick every month for a week or two-sometimes 3 I never do know.

    My point is if you feel physically strong enough but emotionally unsure, I'd test the waters and see what pushing yourself does. Maybe you'll push yourself right into remission. Good luck!!!


  3. I need your guys imput in regards to sending my son to preschool this year. Maybe other mothers with my illness can give me a better perspective. We always send our kids to 3-K because our kids are the oldest in their classes and they really should be in 4k so they are ready.

    I am nervous because alot of days I get so extremely nauseated that I can't move off the couch. Even the meds on these days barely take the edge off. Last year was hard with taking my daughter to and from Kindergarten but my husband only works 24/hr. every two days. So basically 2-3 times a week I'd have to drive. But as you know it's still ALOT when your really down.

    I'd have to drop my daughter off go home for 30 min. drop my son off and pick him back up at 11:30 go home and than leave to pick daughter up at 3:15.

    Not only that there is all the extra things like having snacks , doing projects, going to events, and the dreaded ...meeting others my age who are healthy and want to set up play dates etc..

    I don't know if I can deal with the added stress but my family is extremely pushing saying I need to do it for him becasue he is ready and needs an out or distraction from me on my sick days.

    Either way I'm going to have anxiety, either for myself or for him. If I could wear a sign saying no playdates, events, or parties maybe I'd feel better but with school that's just stuff that can't be avoided. I don't want to meet new people because than they will expect me to explain all my issues and I can barely explain it to myself.

    What's a mother to do? You want the best for your child. What if I don't do it and I get this health stuff undercontrol, or I do send him and I'm worse than ever and can't be "there" for him.

    Any imput?


  4. I am always sicker when I am at home. I know I have the extra stresses of my 3 (very active) kids, and the house to clean etc. But whne I'm outside or stay at my mothers for a few days I always start to feel alittle better.

    Has anyone ever got their house tested for anything that might be causing me to be sicker?

    I just started zoloft (12.5 mg) on Monday. I was extrememly sick so I went to stay at my mothers. I stayed for 2 days started to feel alittle better. Came home last night and woke up this morning really sick again. (Horrible nausea)

    Could it be something in my house or do you think it's the extra stresses here?


  5. I'm glad to see everyone could help you with your decision. I was in the same boat as you (kinda). I have 3 young kids 6,3&1 -I'm 28 and have been sick for almost 1 year. I refused meds after trying them when I was first really sick and know one knew what I had. They just kept prescribing things and I also no longer had trust in the medical community. The way they just let me suffer and tacked it all up to anxiety and I wasn't allowed to see a doctor at 2 clinics unless I got pshychological help first. I knew it wasn't anxiety. I love my kids and would never not take care of them but I was sooooo sick I couldn't and still at least for a week each month I'm horribly sick so I need alot of help on those days. My main complaint is nausea, complete debilitating nausea. But I also have migraines, dizziness, muscle aches and now depression due to all this. I tried alternative meds for 1 year and finally decided to try meds if not for me but for my family. I need some help and I trust my new doctor because she encouraged the alternative before meds and still says if I'm strong enough to work out it will help. Anyways I just started on mestonin and have noticed this has been my best month , yes I still got sick but it wasn't as bad as the previous months. I also started zoloft to help with both my physical symptoms and emotional crap I have now because of this illness. I just started that so we'll have to see if it helps. I just want to get to the point of feeling happy and taking care of my wonderful babies on my own and it taking meds is going to do that then I at least need to try and If I get healthy enough or have a long enough remission, I'll wean off. I'm not viewing medication as a life sentence, just a boost till I get strong enough on my own.

    Sorry for babbling but you post touched me since I'm currently going through the same thing.


  6. I only tried Lexapro for 3 days. So anyways if I don't do well with this one than I'm just intolerant of them. My psychiatrist said she never had someone get bad side effects from such a low dose so who knows.

    Maybe it has something to do with the seritonin? I don't know

    Good luck on starting yours I hope it works well for you.


  7. Help ladies I need advise

    I am on my second dose of Zoloft and my symptoms are already really bad. Just like when I tried Lexapro. I called my psychiatrist and she said maybe I have an intolerance but keep trying it. she said it's not normal to have these side efeects on such a low dose (12.5). Well as you all know, we have no reason to lie. We want to get better, that's why I'm trying this medication, so why would I WANT to feel worse? Doctors stink gggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

    My symptoms are EXTREME nausea, dry heaves, anxiety, agitaion and my arms, legs and feet kinda tingle/burn. My feet are sweating -they haven't sweated all year. I have slow gastric emptying and just can't handle the nausea and agitation. I took alittle xanax and nausea meds but I don't want to be on those forever along with zoloft.

    I know I should stick it out, and I'm trying but if I'm intolerant how long should I try?

    I hope it's not just another wasted effort because than I'm back to square 1 if this doesn't work.

    Should it get better or stay the say each day or does the side effects get worse eachday? I know my psychiatrist should answer that but like I said she stinks so if any of you have any imput please help me.


  8. I'm sorry your going through this with your doctors. I get so angry over this, so many time soo many of us have been in you position and it stinks. I have never had anxiety until I started dealing with doctors on a regular basis. They are 1/2 of my problem so they should pay 1/2 of my medical bills.

    Well I'm happy you have your PCP in your corner.


  9. Thank you everyone for your posts and reassuring me that I'm not mean. I discussed this with my husband and he even said when his friend gave him the update he felt angry and disappointed that it wasn't our family on the finish line.

    He knew I was upset if he would have told me he felt the same way I would have realized that this is probally a normal reaction. But I'm over it now, shed my tears and sent her a beautiful card today telling her she gives me hope.

    who knows it could be me getting better next, or one of you, or better yet ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So thanks again for the emotional support (hardest part for me). I can always count on you ladies to get me over the hump.

    Have any of you ever thought about being a psychologist? You make way more sense than the ones I've paid.


  10. I have had problems with this in the past. For one I'm EXTREMELY honest about my feelings and usually tell my family/friends how I'm feeling. I have probally started a few topics on this board that nobody would usually bring up. Im just very open about my feelings. I feel this is partially becasue I am a stay-at-home mom of a 6,3&1 yr old so I can't have adult conversation for 24hrs. at a time (firefighter husband) Anyways, this leaves me with myself and my inner thoughts.

    I talked to a counselor about this 2 months ago. I told her that I over analyze most everything and sometimes can't turn off my thought process. She said alot of her patients have these complaints. She said some of them are dx with Obsessive Compulsive Thinking.

    I wasn't dx with that because when I am occuppied I can turn it off and she feels my problem is more of an isolation thing. Stay at home mom for almost 7yrs, since I was 21yrs old. So anyways since then I started scrapbooking and trying to get out with friends or on a date with my husband to try to reconnect to the adult world and that works for me.

    My husband says "stop thinking so much about thinking so much"

    I hope this helps and maybe it's something to look into???

    I'm happy to hear you have your mom to listen to you. That's cool.


  11. Well I finally saw a psychiartist today. She prescribed Zoloft 12.5 mg and to increase each week by 12.5. Till 50mg I'm hoping I don't get all the bad side effects that I had with my few days of Lexapro. Does this one help anyone?

    She kinda made me mad because she asked about my illness and I gave her some paperwork from this site. I said it was autonomic dysfunction and she said " well, that's just a general term since they don't know your etiology" Kinda like saying yeah that's just a label because the doctors don't know what's wrong with you. So that part sucked.....it's been awhile since I had to validate myself. Oh well I only need to see her for the meds because she's not a therapist.

    She does highly recommend me to see a bio-feed back dude ....but couldn't quite explain what he will do. Do you know anything about this? Or does anyone see one of people.


  12. As a 28 yr old mother of three (6,3&1) I feel this is a very touchy subject. I personally feel with out my beautiful children there would be little meaning in my life to fight this illness as hard as I've been trying all year. My illness came on OVERNIGHT while I was already a mother of 3 small children. My son was 5months and I still have no idea how or why I got sick but I am and now I have to do the best for my kids that I can. My husband and family are great so regardless of how I feel on any certain day they feel loved, cared for, and special. My kids get more of me now that I have an illness than before when I was chasing a better financial future and worrying about the stupid little things in life. Since my illness my children have learned more compassion, patience, independence, self worth and family teamwork than anyone else I know in their age group. So illness ***** but good does come out of it if your not blinded by the obsticals

    If I got my illness undercontrol there is no doubt in my mind that I would have another child.

    You may choose to have kids or not but ultimately you don't decide. It's already been decided for you. So every child born to us or anyone with a chronic illness is born for a reason. It is a gift.

    I'm sorry to hear your struggles with your daughter. She is also here for a reason she is a gift.


  13. Kristen- I was wondering the same thing but my doctors don't want to stop my period either. Lets just say it is hormonal, than there has to be SOMETHING to help us out.

    I've even irrationally thought about getting pregnant because you don't get your period but that was just a silly thought because when I'm sick my 3 kids are a big enough handful for us. And who knows if I'd be worse after delivery

    Thanks for your response


  14. Hi Catherine.... I have tried to get the doctors to look at the hormonal side of this and they constantly blow it off. I finally got on e doctor to check my levels and they were fine so she said their was no need for furthur testing and ended it like that. I was on b/c for a few months and I still had tis pattern. When I was on b/c it was around the time I should be ovulating but wasn't so I don't know if it's hormonal like female hormones or hormonal like endocrine?

    Thanks for the imput


  15. Dealing with an illness involves ALOT of emotions. Alot of them unwanted because I am no longer the person I was....

    Have any of you experienced sadness in someone else's happiness?

    My husband's friend's wife has been feeling sick for about 9 months and for some reason during that time I felt more content knowing that my husband has someone to talk to and our families could some what relate. She had thyroid problems but I'm unsure the extent. I felt no so alone. But I did feel bad for her hoped she would overcome this.

    Well she's better. 100% better and for some reason I'm depressed. Why can't I be the one getting better? Or better yet why can't we both get better. I feel awful about myself that I am depressed instead of jumping with joy for her.

    Have any of you experienced anything like this? I've been sick for almost 1yr. (Aug 23) and am still sooooosooooosooooo sad about it. If a friend has a baby or moves into a new house or has any accomplishments I express happiness but inside I feel sad and angry that I'm left in limbo trying to find any kind of balance in my life while I watch others excel in theirs.

    I know this is a subject for a counselor but mine *****. I'm finally going to try zoloft on Mon when I meet with a psychiatrist.

    Do any of you feel this way or have early in your illness or am I just a mean person?

    Mean Girl Dayna

  16. Hello everyone. I still feel like there is a missing link in my illness. For all of us I just feel that people shouldn't have to live this way, that there has got to be SOMETHING that can be done medically. I just had to vent that.

    I started a journal 3 months ago and looked back on it. Every month I'm real sick from 4th - 13th. Than I start feeling better and am real good the rest of the month. Why is there a pattern or cycle? Does anyone else experience this? I know hormonal adds alittle to it but I'm no longer on b/c so my periods are way different every month-so that's no longer the answer.

    I just feel that during this time my body is lacking something either chemically or hormonally. How would I find this out? I asked to see an endo thinking it could be adrenals or something but my doc said that's not necessary.

    I have NO triggers so I can't avoid being sick during this time. My family asked if it's anxiety knowing I might be sick in the beginning of the month. That's not it because I never realized it until I got sick again this month and am currently extremely struggling to care for my cuties AGAIN.

    If anyone could shed some light on this situation or tell me if there is a pattern to your illness I won't feel so psychotic. It makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. I guess since I've been hearing "your sick AGAIN" alot lately I just feel that theirs got to be a way thatb I could control this.

    I just started mestonin last month and it helped during my good days but don't do squat during the bad.

    Any imput ?


  17. I just wanted to welcome you to the board. I hope you find all your answers and the support you need here. I have POTS Autonomic Neuropathy, Gastroparesis and that's all I know now. I am also a mother of 3. What are the ages of your children?

    I think it's wonderful that you work with children with disabilities. I wanted to go to school to be a teacher but this illness crept it's ugly head in overnight and left me with enough energy to just care for my children (6,3,&1).


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