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Posts posted by DSM3KIDZ

  1. Well thanks for all your imput. I have 0 pain. My only complaint is the nausea. Is that weird that there is no pain? I know it's good but I'm hoping taking the gallbladder will help with my debilitating nausea. I had the HIDA scan. The normal ultrsound on the gallbladder came back normal. I guess the functioning of my gallbaldder is fine it's just there is chronic inflammation???


  2. I started SSRi's with the intention that it would help my POTS symptoms and that would help clear up my nausea. I didn't get this confirmed by a doctor I just wanted to give it a shot.


    Has anyone got nausea relief from SSRI's? :rolleyes:

    I know I need to wait longer but I've been sick for 3 weeks and if noone had good results as far as nausea than I'm going to have to reevaluate this SSRI thing.

    I was doing better off it than I am on. :)


  3. I'm glad you went to the doctor so you can clear this up before school starts. I just wanted to say I think your amazing for continuing with school and getting out on your own re: of all your obsticals. I don't know if I could be as courageous as you and I admire that.

    As a fellow slow gastric emptying person.how had your stomach been on mestonin? I haven't really noticed any benefit so I was curious how your doing with it.


  4. I'm sorry to hear your having a bad time. I was dx in Jan or feb with Autonomic Neuropathy, POTS and Gastroparesis my doctor said that's all in the categorey of Dysautonomia.

    Too be honest I am still in denial. I keep having my doctor run different test thinking maybe it's this or maybe that is contributing to my sudden illness. Well so far all the tests are coming negative for the magic pill cures but I'm still hoping there is a missing piece to this puzzel. I got sick overnight and there had to be a reason.

    I don't have the same symptoms as you. My major #1 complaint is NAUSEA, than migraines. But as a mother of young children I feel for you and know what your going through and I wish there was a magic cure for all of us.

    I guess if we hold on to hope maybe we'll be able to dig out of this hole at some point in our lives.

    But in the meantime we have everyone on this site to support and help us with our daily struggles.

    I wish you well.


    Stuck in a POTSHOLE in Milwaukee. :lol:

  5. No but i was wondering the same thing. I talk on a support group on yahoogroups for gastroparesis and there are some that got the pacemaker. Some had good reports and some it didn't help. Some it stopped the vomiting but didn't help the nausea.

    I wish I could be more help but I know they could help you there


    Are you just researching or are you getting a pacer ?

  6. Thanks for all your imput on this subject. I get alot of anxiety when the school year starts because alot of the time my nausea makes me nonfunctional.

    We live in milwaukee city and our kids go to a suburban district school so having other parents help is not an option. I don't know anyone who will want to drive 15min. there and 15min. back when all they have to do is watch their child walk to school from their front door.

    We have alot of really nice neighbors but they all work full-time and we don't have much of a connnection with any of them.

    I also have a REAL hard time asking for help, which I do need to get over but it's hard when somedays I'm great and others I'm extremely sick. I feel like I come off as being fake.

    I came up with this. For the school year my husband can switch his firefighter schedule so he works 48hr. every weekend but has off all week. That way our kids can live as normal as possible. They can still have activities and if I'm feeling better my husband and I can both go to family events together.

    We usually don't have much going on in the weekend so when I'm home alone with the kids we can relax and "hang out". That way also if I need help on the weekend, there are ALOT more people available to me than during the week.

    It doesn't have to be permenant we'll schedule it 6months at a time and if I get better or figure out how to get the nausea undercontrol than we can go back to our normal routine.

    It sounds easy but we'll see if it can all work out.


  7. I know this is not a lyme diease forum but my mother told me about a website I thought might interest many of you. After reading it I'm actually going to push my doctor to give me a more extensive lyme test.


    I had IGG/M AB screening for Lyme it came back negative. Now I guess the most accurate one is QRIB-b. Anyone familiar with this?

    Has anyone had one negative lyme test than another kind and it became positive?


  8. I just wanted to say Happy anniversary. You definitely are not alone in these feelings. I think it takes a special patient man to be supportative through an illness, and it sounds like you've got a great one. Alot of people on this board seem to have very supportative husband (including me) I think that's awesome. I couldn't cope with out my husband and he gives me hope and makes me feel loved everyday. But I too feel there should be more. We are 28 and there is so much we should be doing. We've been married for almost 7 yrs and I 've only been sick for 1. I know he misses the way things used to be. I know he misses my energy and our old active life. And it hurts me that I can't be the mother and wife that he married.

    I'm trying to hold on to the hope that someday this will pass.

    When I get down or my husband gets fustrated we sit down and talk about all the positive things that have come from this. I know it's hard but it helps.


  9. From my last post I mentioned I started zoloft 1-1/2 wks ago. My nausea is getting ALITTLE better but I also have increased anxiety. I don't usually have so much anxiety on an okay day. When I'm extremely sick I do. I'm worried about everything and wake up feeling kinda down. I don't like this...my mind just keeps racing. I thought SSRI's are suppose to help with this. Have any of you experienced this and has it gotten better over time?

    I have a call into my psychiatrist but she not very good so I'm better off getting information from you guys.


  10. I just wanted to mention that I too had these fears. I think they are normal when dealing with a chronic illness. I must say, though I'm not where I want to be I have improved very much since last year. So I'm hoping next year at this time it will get even better and so forth.

    I say live in the moment. I struggled alot with this when I was first dx in Jan 05. Everytime I felt good I worried about when the bad will return. I wasted alot of good days when I should have been enjoying my kids and getting things done. I now know the bad days will come so I definitely live my good days like it might be the last. I accomplish and have soooo much fun on my good days.

    I'm glad you can express your feelings. Getting it out helps alot. And were here to listen because we've all been through this.

    Have a good day


  11. Wow, here I thought I was alone in this. I'm sorry to hear so many people are dealing with nausea. It's such a fustrating thing.

    Chrissy - I also have soreness in that area and if I touch it, it's sore.

    Thanks, I'm going to take these suggestions to the doctor tomorrow. It's my neurologist so I don't know if she will have any suggestions with this.


  12. As I have mentioned many times in the past nausea is my worst symptom. If I wasn't nauseated I feel I'd be pretty functional with some limitations. The nausea is debilitating for me. They say it's GP but I can eat and am even more nasuated if I don't eat every 2/3 hr. Also I have no stomach pain or constipation just nausea.

    The meds sometimes take the edge off but I still feel miserable. I've tried all of them phenergan works the best.

    The only time I'm depressed is when I'm nauseated. It's like having the flu every month.

    Is this a main symptom for anyone? I feel kinda alone with this and everyone says there's got to be something the doctors can do to take the nausea away. Is there a special test or procedure that I'm missing?

    I would litteraly give my left arm than to have this horrible nausea.

    Any experiences?

  13. Hi Jennifer

    I'm trying to figure all this out myself. I don't have many answers for you but would like to welcome you to the group. I am 28 mother of 3 (6,3&1) and I know how hard it is to not over do it.

    My symptoms are horrible nausea, migraines, brain fog and easily fatigued and becasue of this illness depression. I don't have all the tachy symptoms so I can't relate. My doctor says my hr/br is on a rollercoaster - up and down. I'm probally just so nauseated I can't feel anything else. I've been sick for 1 yr. I don't know the cause

    I hope you find the answers you are looking for. As long as your a member of this group you don't have to feel lonely anymore. The support these people give is wonderful.


  14. Well I'm on my 5th dose. I'm still nauseated but not as bad as when I first posted. I am in a deep depression though. My husband had to yell at me to get me in the shower. (I'm not gross, just really down). I tried to call my psychologist yesterday but she was off and will not be in till Monday.

    I get depressed when I'm sick so I don't know if it's the side effects getting me down or the medication itself. I do admit I never feel this bad emotionally.

    My husband suggested upping it to 25 mg and if I can't tolerate that then I need to stop taking it. for some reason I won't feel the effects of upping it until tomorrow morning. I don't know why, maybe it's getting in the way of my gastric emptying.

    I'm upset if my body won't adjust because I wanted it to help me. I know I won't be willing to try anything else after this. 2 tries is enough for me.


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