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Posts posted by cupcakemomma5

  1. I know this is a regular test, but I have never had either done. So I am really scared. :unsure:

    I don't know what scares me most, the testing or speaking with the specialist.

    Sorry, no one at home gets why I am scared. For me the fear of the unknown.....

    I was given a POTS diagnosis while in hospital for 21 days, due to the rule out of everything else. Let's say I go to this specialist and he turns around and says...ah, you have this and not that, and all this time...I just got my head wrapped around one thing....uuuggghhh.

    I guess it's the old "waiting for the other shoe to drop" attitude.

    Thanks for whoever reads this letting me vent. :rolleyes:

  2. Altruism,

    I am actually on an SNRI (cymbalta), and find its working for me. Now saying this I was on Celexa for 10 years treating anxiety I never really had (long story).

    After my lovely month stay in hospital, I was switched to Cipralex, which was ****. I actually became depressed on these pills.

    I also have a prescription for clonazapram as needed.

    I am one of those people that you need to do what's right for you. Having a new baby,being dx with POTS, post partum, all of this is hard on a body. If you feel comfy and the therapist was okay with upping the dose then try. The only down side is that it does take time for SSRI and SNRI to see/feel the either benefit or side effects.

    I wish you all the luck. Keep us posted.

  3. Def. Not attractive. This is speaking with experience. I have suffered with superficial varicose veins and one deep vein that had to be removed this was in my 20's. How sexy to we feel with knarled up legs and compression garments.....lol

    So...I actually got tattoos on my scar from the surgery.

    And as for beaches, honey I was in a tankini for the first time since being dx, let me tell you, I didn't give a rats patooty who was looking. The fact that you are even vacationing. Enjoy it!

    Don't think I didn't have my moments, I was sitting in my closet crying because none of my dresses fit because of the florinef...and we had a formal night to go to.....lol

  4. I want to say thanks to all that responded. My doctor dx klonopin (.5) twice daily as needed. I have been so paranoid of becoming hooked, I haven't really been looking at the big picture. When I have taken them, my symptoms so much more in check. And especially now with leaving on a big family trip (First one since diagnosis of POTS, so my whole system is outta sync)

    Thanks for posting : )

  5. Ts. Sad and scary how many of us think "if it was this diagnosis instead of POTS ". We can wrap our heads around the diagnosis that we know of and is almost tangible, but people look at us and come on, we can read that big old caption bubble, with them thinking "yeah sure your sick!"

    I am in the same boat with family cept my momma is so competitive, that when my diagnosis came in, she said, I think that's what all my symptoms are! All I said...bunny, you can Have them.

    Hopefully made someone smile, just enough to realize crazy comes to everyone's family! I truly have the most functional dysfunctional family going!

  6. Boy do I hear You!

    When you get into that spot...as moms we feel like we should be invincible, and then this! Something that is so difficult to explain to adults, but to your own kids.

    Sorry I had the same kind of day (trust me, mine would have preferred frozen pizza, they ended up with Kraft Diner...lol)

    All the respect for homeschooling the older 3.

    {{{Sending warm hugs your way }}}

  7. ecause I am still waiting to get in to the specialist, my meds are just doing the basics.

    I am also taking Cipralex for the anxiety, and clonazapram for the aaaagggghhhh moments.

    I was more curious as how other pots people travel. We will be cruising it. It was booked and paid for way before the diagnosis.

    So I am freaking that we get there, and I go into a "I can't get on the boat" all due to anxiety...I'd be so ticked at myself!

  8. Let me see how to put this. I had a vacation planned since March 2012 to go away this Feb.

    Now I did not forsee being diagnosed with POTS and the lovely anxiety issue that accompanies this "wonderful" thing we call pots...lol

    How in the Heck am I going to be able to find the inner mental strength and lack of stress...

    Please my fellow potsie.

    If you have ventured on a family vacation before, please tell me what to somewhat expect.

    I am terrified that I will let my kids and husband down. They have been all so great, I just don't want to be the one responsible for mucking up a family vacation.


  9. It's true, you can be on many medications that are just treating the symptoms and not the underlying problem. However it being POTS is just one of those crappy dx that we primarily have to symptom treat.

    My bp today was 106/75 and hr jumped to 120. And I am on a bb and florinef.....

    So yeah pills are doing their job (somewhat) but today was one of those days where the fatigue headache, nausea, and pooling in legs were there big time!

    Really sorry your having an off day.

  10. Please listen to this, I just found out about having pots, but I have had this since I was 17!

    The hardest times in my life were not knowing why I was going Crazy! I thought about nothing else except how how was ruining things for my husband and two beautiful daughters ( at the time ) I ended up being house bound, due to the overwhelming anxiety I would have by doing something normal. After the birth of my 3rd daughter my post partum was horrific and then it seems like my symptoms came back full fledged...I was crying, I felt the whole why us! What did I do that my family has to deal with a gimpy mom...like what the heck!i sat in my bathroom with the door locked for over an hour deciding if my staying earth bound was worth it for my kids....you know what. It is the biggest reason. think of your Lil ones eyes and the love you have for her.

    I wanted to prove that I was stronger, I pushed back. On my good days I took them. If I have to figure 1 good,2 bad. I'll tke it.slowly but surely I was able to conquer the postpartum and even better.....the anxiety! Even on my worst days, I would lie in bed and lock everything I needed for the day in my bedroom and made the best of it.

    We all have those. Moments. I can understand having no family around mine also are not around. Where you from?

    Please seek help about this. Having everything just seeming one thing after another can cracks even the strongest of us.

    I am here to chat if you want to pm me.


  11. Hi,

    I have been on propranolol since Aug. It took some time for my body to adjust to it. I still get dizzy and the fatigue is there, I saw cardiology today and he would have liked to take me off it and up my florinef dose but decided to wait for the specialist referral to change anything (I am on 20mg a day).

    It's funny Cuz propranolol does make you sleepy, but you do adjust.

    My other meds contradict the propanalol and now I have insomnia.....lol I would love for the drowsiness to be back!

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