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Posts posted by hippychic258

  1. I know no one knows for sure what is going to happen but any guesses or experiences will help. By now everyone knows I am bedridden for about 5.5 months I sit up in the bed short periods of time I have never laid flat always propped up when laying down I stand for my husband to carry me to the toilet so up maybe 3 seconds so I have not walked at all. I take showers in a reclining chair, and get sick twice being in a recliner for over 30 min, so my question is: What do you think will happen if I were to stand for 30 sec or longer or try to walk? Will al my blood go to my feet will I pass out ( I never have) will I be really sick? Sometimes after just going to the bathroom I am shaking and vibrating inside.



  2. McBlonde I feel for you it is horrible!! How were your symptoms when you got up in February did they get worse for awhile? During the time you were bedridden did you get up at all to go to the bathroom? What were your main symptoms that kept you down? I am having such bad noise and light sensitivity now, What did you do to pass the time? What got you well enough to walk again? Sry lots of questions,

  3. I am getting scared I have been bedridden since beginning of March and have not walked at all ( pretty stupid of me to stop walking but the symptoms were so bad) Now I am wondering if I will ever be able to walk again. What is the longest anyone has went without walking and then walked. I thought i would be better by now but no end in sight. NOt only am I bedridden but I am so sick every single day.

  4. Sue1234

    Thanks for posting this I have been having something like this all week and I am not on any meds yet?? But if the zanax and beta help you I will have to try them. I can feel the adenaline coming on and my eyes are so sensitive I have to wear sunglasses or I get nausea bad also my I am so sensitive to any noise, but I havent had the stiffness that you explained.

    I hate this syndrome!!!

  5. Any stimulation even a conversation makes me over stimulated almost anxiety without the tachycardia, this has been happening all week even to much noise can extreme irritability, and anxiety it can last awhile or go away as fast as it came. My eyes are so sensitive just looking at a computer screen gives me nausea and dizzy. ( I am wearing sunglasses it helps a little). Hoping this goes away when I get back to Ohio. Im in Texas and have heard people say there pots is worse here. Not sure why.

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