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Posts posted by puppylove

  1. Well, I went on the little vacation I posted about a while back and it did not go well. I'm not even sure what happened. The first day had my normal stomach issues but I just tried to go out anyways. I was miserable so after about an hour I went back to the hotel. I stayed there for the rest of the vacation because I just progressively felt worse and worse. It was nausea but I also felt so feverish and weak even though I didn't have a fever. By the end of the last night I wanted to go to the ER, but I didn't. I know I wasn't sick because when I got up the next morning I felt "normal". Any ideas of what this episode was? Oh, and I don't know what my vitals were because I forgot to bring my monitor...

  2. Thanks everyone! I have a doctors appointment in a month and I'm going to ask about it. For now though I know my heart is healthy because they already did all the tests on it. My heart rate was 193 when it was highest on the TTT. I'm 15, and I have been walking a little for the past six months, but I think I'm deconditioned. My heart rate sitting or standing is 70-80 bpm now that I'm on Florinef. I'm still having GI issues, blood pooling, brain fog etc. While I was exercising I got too dizzy and I probably should have stopped. I was nauseous after, but they both went away after I sat down and hydrated when I got home.

  3. I went to the gym today for forty minutes. I guess it went okay. I got super dizzy but I kept going. My question is should potsies keep their heart rates above, below, or the same as what it's supposed to be for their age when exercising? Today it stayed pretty consistently at 150, because I was on the recumbent bike. Thanks for any advice!

  4. About three times today I have gotten this feeling for one or two seconds where it feels like the world is spinning around me. It makes me feel like I need to grab on to something or shut my eyes. Is this vertigo? And is it just another lovely POTS symptom? Thanks.

  5. My whole stomach feels so wierd- it feels like someone lit a match inside of it. What is this? GERD? I have GERD, and its never felt like this before? Could this just be a really bad case of it? I'm also really nauseaous and burping a lot. Thanks for any ideas.

  6. Thanks! I went to the doctor and they said it was tendenitis and wrapped it up. The annoying thing is I literally just joined a gym yesterday becuase my doctor wants me to exercise with recumbent bikes etc. And the doctor said I should stay off of it while it heals. :rolleyes:

  7. Two weeks ago I noticed that sometimes when I walked the back of my left ankle hurt. I don't remember doing anything to it, like twisting it. It was a little worse yesterday, and today (if I don't take advil) whenever I walk on it I get a sharp pain that goes up my leg. It's a little swollen, and hurts if I press on it. If I sprained it would it heal by itself? It's definetly not broken because I can walk on it and it got worse gradually. Should I get it looked at? Thanks!

  8. I was worried about that medicine before my TTT also. My heart rate was at 193 without meds, so they decided they weren't going to give it to me. The nurse told me the medicine was suppost to show what would happen if I exercised. I hope it goes well, and don't worry because even if you do pass out you're all strapped in so there's no way you would get hurt. For me I did get all my symptoms, very bad blood pooling, and I was really exausted afterward, but I never fainted.

  9. Dr. Abdallah in Reston VA is a very compassionate POTS specialist. He is technically a pediatric cardio but I'm pretty sure he will see anyone. We have had some issues with the way the office is run, but the positives out weigh the negatives. Just to let you know he does not accept care first anymore. When I leave appointments with him I always leave feeling hopeful, not depressed like I did with previous doctors.

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