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Everything posted by RichGotsPots

  1. Did you have a Tilt table test yet? That is one way doctors test for dysautonomia. If your HR changes in different tilts its POTS, but there are many sunsets of POTS...
  2. Yes, When I did my TTT they gave me Nitro, and my head and face how hot and my HR when to 200 bpm and got the worst headache. The worst feeling. Weird thing is when I went to ER and was laying down it didnt do much to me...
  3. Pam, I just posed about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disopyramide i saw it list on wiki pots page. They say it lowers ne and lowers heart rate...
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disopyramide It's supposed to decrease tachy and lower ne?
  5. Angiotensin is a peptide hormone that causes vasoconstriction and a subsequent increase in blood pressure. It is part of the renin-angiotensin system, which is a major target for drugs that lower blood pressure Angiotensin II increases thirst sensation (dipsogen) through the subfornical organ of the brain, decreases the response of the baroreceptor reflex, and increases the desire for salt. It increases secretion of ADH in the posterior pituitary and secretion of ACTH in the anterior pituitary. It also potentiates the release of norepinephrine ( adreniline) by direct action on postganglionic sympathetic fibers.
  6. Does anyone think pulse pressure or how hard the heart beats is just as important to how fast it beats?
  7. Here a partial list of adreniline (ne) blockers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sympatholytic
  8. Found a list of adreniline blockers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sympatholytic
  9. This is very scary because last year when I ended up in the hospital I had 160 hr and 165/110 BP. I'm getting a 2nd tilt in a week to measure my adrenalin levels. In the last few days I've found a treasure trove of anti adrenalin meds besides the ones listed. Almost all have the affect of lowering BP. I have a BP monitor and I usually have perfect BP, but it can go higher when I'm stressed and get adrenalin surges. But at the same time I had a pulm walking test and they found my BP plummets when I walk even for 3 minutes to before 100/75... So then if I have a adrenalin surge in theory shouldn't walking help? It doesn't though...and if i take one of these meds, beta b,locker, clonidine, etc... How will I be able to walk if it lowers my normal bp down to 105/78, let's say then when I walk it will go to below 90/? I need a adreniline lowering med that won't affect BP is there such a thing?
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenergic_crisis Adrenergic storm From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Adrenergic crisis) An adrenergic storm is a sudden and dramatic increase in serum levels of the catecholamines adrenalin and noradrenalin (also known as epinephrine and norepinephrine respectively), with a less significant increase in dopamine transmission. It is a life-threatening condition because of extreme tachycardia and hypertension, and is especially dire for those with prior heart problems. If treatment is prompt, prognosis is good; typically large amounts of diazepam or other benzodiazepines are administered alongside beta blockers. Beta blockers are contraindicated in some patients, so other anti-hypertensive medication such as clonidine may be used. It is usually caused by overdose of stimulants, especially cocaine, but can also arise from improper eating habits while taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors. A subarachnoid hemorrhage can also cause an adrenergic storm.
  11. I would say that we truly have love only when it is unconditional and we only know it true if we find ourselves in these situations. On the flip side not everyone responds to bad situations in the same way. It almost like the grieving process where daniel is a big stage to get over for some people. I think we need to be as patient as can be but try to be vocal about the support we need.... Try to talk about things calmly and ur in the open, sharing idea and hear each others thought and needs. It takes times and we can always expect quick miracles, if it's true they will come around.
  12. It's hard to say if Lyme caused my pots. I didn't get pots immediately afterward. I got Lyme bite in 2004/2005 and got pos 12-16 months later. Also btwn 2005 and 2006 i started getting back in shape and had hardly no problem biking long distance and fast for many months. But I think the Lyme or co-infection might have contributed because in 2006 I got severe food poisoning and a stomach virus and also paint my basement with toxic heavy duty paint. So I think one of those damaged my nervous system and Lyme might have weakened my defenses enough to allow that...
  13. I wounder what affect albuterol has on catecholamine levels?
  14. Jp- if your daughter is hyper pots and has high NE then in my opinion leveling it or using meds that won't raise it are important. I think I'm hyper pots too I'll post after my tilt next week. When med are ne reuptake inhibitors they are preventing NE transportation out of the body so they are preventing elimination of NE, therefore they are actually increasing NE levels... I haven't found too many NE blockers per se because there isn't a market for it. I have to do more research to find a link btwn NE and anxiety...
  15. Low cortisol is tested by endochronologist and they treat it. I don't know if I personally would trust an alternative docs testing but if it help great...
  16. I'm almost 100% sure my fatigue and sob is caused my metebolic issues like mito but went to a neuro muscular doc and he wasn't willing to test me for anything just simple physical. Was very disappointed... Mito issues aren't easy to test for and most docs don't understand them and there isn't a cure. So even if they discover this wack metebolic issue idk if they will have a cure in my lifetime Do you ever get sob while walking or standing for long and do u wear compression garments?
  17. That's like an increased risk of .0001% or 1 in 50000. What the article doesn't mention is how many died from their illness when on it compared to other antibiotics. What if more people were healed while on it?
  18. In my opinion Xopanex is better, it doesn't work as fast but it's almost the exact same thing. But really inhaled steroids like asthmanex are good, but not rescue inhalers, they usually last 24 hours strengthening the lung muscle. Do you have any pots related breathing problems? I find xopanex and albuteral excite the sympathetic system and they give me the shakes with adrenaline rushes, but after I take it for a couple of days the tacky and shakes last for less and less... There are long acting albuterols that I've heard are even better without the tacky. I've been to chicken to try them though..
  19. I'm reading a book now on how to cope with illness. The book says to be positive and try to get people to visit you and tell you about events u are used to doing before being ill, that it will motivate you to be a part of your community in a way. I have to read more about it, but be positive and maybe order a book online that your husband can read to motivate him in a positive direction.
  20. Has your daughter had her Catecholamine levels checked during her tilt table test? I'm doing my TTT over this week with the levels taken because if i am hyperPOTS I do want to stay away from NE stimulants as best I can..
  21. I wanted to get the co-infection tests and wouldnt you know it the only doc i think is credible to test for it around me, canceled all his visits the day before my visit and isnt rescheduling
  22. I'm realizing docs are getting pissed by me sounding smarter than them. I have figure a way to say it, not use big words and still be honest lol
  23. The A and I in NSAIDS, which is what asprin is, stands for ant-inflammatory. Prednisone is also an steroidal anti-inflammatory. I've heard of them using prednisone in bad allergy or anaphylaxis cases but not asprin, still I read all the mcas material and only saw anti-histimines, singular and epi mentioned..
  24. my pots doc did a 24 hour urine test to rule out pheo.. Adrenal fatigue means something different to alternative docs... not sure about hydroc but predisone is given for autoimmune issues, so it weakens the immune system over-attacking the body. I have heard of some autoimmune issues causing dysautonomia thats why i stayed on prednisone so long, but in the long run it didnt help me.. Wikisays: Anything that can damage the autonomic nervous system can potentially cause POTS. There are hundreds of things that can cause autonomic nerve damage, for example: physical traumas to autonomic nerves (car accidents, falls, head/spinal injuries during sports) toxic drug and chemical exposures (organophosphate pesticide poisoning, some chemotherapy drugs, thallium, pyroxidine, etc.) vitamin deficiencies (B12 is the most common vitamin deficiency associated with autonomic neuropathy) infectious or acute diseases, such as HIV, Diptheria, Chagas Disease, Lyme Disease, and Guillain Barre Syndrome chronic diseases, such as CIDP,[13] Diabetes,[14] Multiple Sclerosis,[15] Sjogren's Syndrome,[16] Lupus,[17] Celiac Disease[18] and other autoimmune diseases. inherited or genetic diseases (Familial Dysautonomia, Hereditary Sensory Autonomic Neuropathy)
  25. what kind of asprin doses? i cant handle asprin ever since i 1st got pots
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