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Everything posted by RockiesGirl

  1. I my goodness these are funny. Thanks for sharing!!!
  2. Wow...I wish I could've taken this to some of my appt. Thanks for posting ;o)
  3. And, on how useless my gi care has been, after my thyroid surgery I had to take lots of calcium due to parathyroid issues. Twelve, yes 12, days later I still had not had a BM despite every oral laxative in my arsenal. I called the gi office multiple times and left messages with the nurses, and more days went by with no response. I finally remembered to try a Fleet's enema, and FINALLY had some results. The doctors office finally called later that day and said, "oh, you shouldn't have used that". LOL...but I'm sorry as well Don't you just LOVE it when you get useless information too late! Hope things are better with GI docs now or maybe you have switched offices?? Kinda sounded like more of an emergent situation of importance than they thought..... Good Luck to you ;o)
  4. For what it's worth I had a fever for about 9 months, it never spiked over 103, but it made living life a terrible inconvenience. I had every test although they did not put me with an infectious disease specialist. I had cervical and uteran cancer but did not need chemo or radiation after the hysterectomy. Ended up with an extended hospital stay (more than a week) where they discovered an abcess 6 weeks after my surgery? Now, I know that they probably had your wife on lots and lots of antibiotics but they tried several with me as well....it finally helped!!! But then all of the other symptoms started getting worse....Numbness in legs, hands, difficulty swallowing, dizziness etc. finally ended up fainting so much that I was not 'all there' and required another hospital stay. Also, my symptoms did and do seem to get worse when I am/was hungry or when GI issues flared up. Do not know if this helps but I wanted you both to know that at least it gets better. It has been 3 years and was finally diagnosed in Jan of this year. Now with the meds., fluid loading and vitamin intake I seem to be handling things a wee bit better. With that said it has been a long road. I might add that I believe this is something I have had all my life. It was just exasperated by the Cancer/abcess etc. Thank God you are such a wonderful person and I think via all these posts you understand how helpful that can be!!! Best of everything, prayers and love to all of you!!! Take care and please keep us updated, Michelle
  5. I too have had a rash/ raised itchy bumps mostly on my legs, feet and lower thighs. Sometimes it appears on my torso. The doctor I was seeing at the time told me it was because of shaving. I told him that I don't shave my feet and I honestly did not shave 3 1/2 weeks prior....he had no reaction. I too have low blood calcium, low Vitamin D and low magnesium levels (sometimes). Just was tested for Celiac Disease but they sent my blood to an allergist too and I have a wheat & baker's yeast allergy. Hence, not a gluten allergy but wheat is in almost everything. Just started illiminating wheat so we will see how that goes Glad to have you on the site and best of luck to you Please keep us posted!!! And take care!
  6. I too was on Toprol XL...very low dose but my hair was falling out and I was freezing. I mean freezing almost all of the time and my hands and feet would turn a light shade of blue. Cardiologist switched me to Bystolic about a month1/2 ago. Hair has stopped falling out as badly, although I am now supplementing with Hair Loss Prevention Vitamins and my feet & hands only turn a lovely shade of blue when I first get into the bath. Still a little cold in the afternoon but not as bad as before.....lots of layers of clothing ;o) Gained a little weight 4 pds. but I could stand a little weight gain. Hope all goes well for you and take care
  7. I'm so very sorry to hear about your son. Hang in there and like everyone is saying there are A LOT of wonderful people on here & lots of help!!! I was just diagnosed in Jan. after years of searching so let me preface that I am a Newbie. With that said, Milk has always been one of my huge issues and seemed to aggravate my symptoms. I wasn't always this way, but when I was pregnant with my children I existed on DAIRY.... I think I ate so much of it that my system just said forget you...NO MORE. I got so sick from it, that was one of my 1st hospital stays. The only way we figured it out was that I was put on a strict diet, gradually improved and kept a strict record of what I was eating. DAIRY was no Bueno. Anyway, I say all of this because it seems to be a common thread amoungst alot of us. I have changed from Milk to Almond Milk and Coconut Water....your son might not like the coconut water at first but mix it. The Coconut Water has some Great things in it. My prayers are with you and please keep us posted!!!!
  8. Not sure about this.....but I too have low body temp. When I was in the hospital the last time, my 'low' temp was 95.7. They never said anything about it, but I was freezing. I always run below normal but not that low. I do not understand it either??
  9. Just wanted to tell you that your post REALLY touched me ;o) Great words of encouragement!!! Thanks
  10. I've had a cyst that self resolved and surgery for ablation of endometriosis. I have thought of having a hysterectomy but am scared to death that I'd have a huge flair...not to mention I'd hate to lose the function of my ovaries in a few years which typically happens after a hyst. I still have my ovaries but I find it very interesting that so many women have so many of these issues with Ovarian/uteral/cervical/hormone problems. Talked with my OB Gyn & a OB GYN in the hospital and they had never heard of POTS. (Imagine that??) Yet I have found a lot of people dealing w/ this that female reproductive issues is a major source of the problem?? I happened to suggest that maybe all of these things were inner-twined to both Docs?? I was dismissed before I could even finish my sentence. HOPE THINGS are going well today
  11. Hi Ryan: My heart goes out to you and everyone else who has gone through what a lot of us have gone through. Just know that WE are listening and WE understand. Best of luck to you and keep us posted Michelle
  12. Well obviously I have to read up again on how to reply So Sorry to everyone!!! But have you signed up to meet the members on DINET yet? Maybe you can find some help this way and hopefully you can get 1 month of Cobra (Insurance) or something so that you can get on some Meds that will help you!! Best of Luck!!
  13. YOU, unfortunately are going through what so many of us have gone through with the medical profession. I am truely Sorry, but at least you have found us ;o) I am on Bystolic with a few side effects but there are many other drugs out there that are successful with our symptoms as well. I was just finally diagnosed in Jan. but like you, it took moving mountains and ending up in the hospital for a week. Where are you from?? I found a great cardiologist and have an appt. with a Neurologist who specializes in POTS. I recvd. these Physician names from people on this site and Facebook. Hopefully, I pray, you can at least start getting the help you need. Keep us posted and Good Luck!!!
  14. I am so sorry to hear about things with you!! Hope you are feeling better... I wonder how many females with Dysautonomia also suffer with Ovarian Cysts? I have had several and they seem to exasperate my symptoms. Also, my symptoms & my cyst episodes became worse after my hysterectomy 3.5 years ago. Is it the same for you?
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