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Everything posted by songcanary

  1. FYI, tomatoes and kidney beans are both high in histamine. I take allergy drops for both foods but still can't tolerate either one. Oh how I miss my chili!
  2. Lieze, I buy only raisins or any other dried fruit that is clearly marked 'unsulphured'. And I can only find those in the health food market. Many years ago I thought my only problem was a sulfite allergy but that was just the beginning; I ended up having many other allergies as well. It has been a process of elimination. It has taken me several years to narrow down my allowed foods, and even now I frequently have to reassess. Take heart, you aren't alone. But I'm sorry you belong to our club My allergist told me that corn is a biggie. LOTS of folks allergic to corn.
  3. I had to laugh when you mentioned the Pepsi. I had one or two of those every single day for decades and looked forward to every one. The longer you are off of it, the easier it gets. I don't crave it anymore, and now that I know how much crap is in it, I actually avoid all commercial soda. Your tastes will change gradually, and for the better. I am just so grateful that we have more food choices available at the stores now.
  4. I like that one Rach. I usually just put on a really sad face and say 'it doesn't like me anymore...'. However, I don't know if that would have flown in my 20s, I'm much older now.
  5. The day before, I was drinking my usual 2L water/1 tsp salt. Addison's was ruled out long ago because I have a very high cortisol level. Certainly explains the insomnia. I actually suspected Addison's when I was at my worst because I had every other symptom so it's a good question. Of course, I don't have Cushing's either. I feel like I just don't fit in anywhere! I have never had renin tested and I didn't think of it before the recent labs were done. I'll ask my fibro doctor what he thinks about it at my follow up in May.
  6. I just got new labs by my fibro doctor and I asked him to throw in aldosterone just for giggles. AM fasting result is 4, with a reference range of < or = 28. Seems pretty dismal to me. Is it good or bad to be low? Anybody familiar with the ranges and when docs decide to use Florinef? My a.m. BP runs around 90/60 and rises about 10 pts when I get hydrated.
  7. Thank you for this post. I couldn't believe what I was reading. I have the exact same symptom and it has been bothering me off and on for years but recently it seems worse. I have had two prior EGDs and I have been on Armour thyroid for a year, but structurally I am told there is no problem. I haven't mentioned it to my new PCP yet because I am just SICK of seeing doctors right now. I am seriuosly considering the possibility of MCAD as well.
  8. I get what I like to call 'clown button hives' from chicken. Big fat hives right down the middle of my chest, in addition to the regular ones on my face. I eat only organic meats from our local heath food store with no additives whatsoever. Those would send me right to the moon! However, if they feed those organic chickens corn, well then, that would complicate things because I do have a corn allergy. I am going to ask the butcher next time; it's a good point.
  9. Sue, I loved your comment. Throughout my whole life when I would have strange symptoms, I remember thinking 'I am SO WEIRD'. I blamed my symptoms on myself. Now I know better, and it is so helpful when others mention seemingly unrelated problems. I have learned so much here
  10. I think we manage better. Almost one year to this day, I referred myself to the Cleveland Clinic. I had lost so much weight it was dangerous and I felt like I was watching myself die. I figured they could at least pass me around until somebody figured out what was wrong. And that is exactly what happened. In the year since, I have resumed working a little, and I have gained back my weight. I am so much improved that I sometimes forget how bad it was. That's a big deal because I never thought that would be remotely possible. So there is hope for you. My hubby was clueless until I started dragging him to doctor visits (I finally got too weak to drive). Now he gets it. Men don't like complicated problems they can't fix. Welcome to the forum
  11. It was so comforting to read your post. There is nothing like home to help make the world go away for awhile. I hope you heal and get some much needed rest.
  12. I completely and totally understand. If I could just avoid food altogether, I think my body would be happy if it could stay alive any other way. I react to almost everything. And get this---right now I am having a reaction to Magnesium Citrate for a colonoscopy prep. My face is majorly flushed and the crap made me dizzy in addition to tasting like carbonated paint thinner. I mean really, how much are we supposed to take here???!
  13. I have the same issues, although I don't react as badly as some. I get nausea and it just depends on the scent. I can detect the faintest of smells of all types and my hubby says I'd make a great sniffer dog.
  14. Sarah4, Thank you for that! I tried to get into the site long ago as well as today, but apparently they are still having an upgrade? My allergist is always really on top of things but I want to research this as much as I can before driving him more nuts. You made me feel better. I was actually disappointed in the low tryptase level, it would have explained so much.
  15. I couldn't agree more about Julie. I learn more from her at one sitting than with all my doctors put together! I just got tested for tryptase and it is low normal. So my allergist says there is no support for mastocytosis. I still can't help but wonder about MCAD. I have some intermittent vague anaphylaxsis type symptoms, too. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
  16. I have low BP and low body temp even while taking Armour thyroid. My temp was even lower before I started using salt.
  17. I am so glad this worked for your son. Can't say the same for me. Just this week I took two (oount 'em two) doses of 30 mg Cymbalta for fibro and the nausea was so overwhelming that I had to stop. Plus, my arms went numb. It took four entire days for the side effects to go away. I have read of really good experiences with this drug so I was hopeful. NOT--LOL! But still happy for you both. Nausea bites
  18. Rach, That is an excellent link. Thank you for posting. `
  19. I agree that's it's all confusing. I wish I had a better answer. But I drink 2L water with 1 teaspoon iodized sea salt added. That is the recipe I got from Cleveland Clinic. I can't taste the salt, and sometimes I add a little juice to flavor it, but it's usually just plain. Then I sip it all day long. I am very grateful that this works for me, at least it has so far.
  20. Oh brother do I know that feeling. Are you on any meds? When I finally got on doxepin, the nausea just seemed to fade away. Are you able to get extra fluids? It is so hard when you feel so sick, but even tiny sips will add up over the day and help the BP. Zofran didn't do a thing for me. Phenergan can help but it's very sedating and doesn't last long. I do hope you feel better soon. Nausea is THE WORST.
  21. No official diagnosis. It's just that I can't stand it. Ick!!!
  22. Lieze, I finally remembered the brand. It is Bolthouse Farms. They have several flavors and I used to like the antioxidant green one and I think it is still available. Anyhoo, that's the brand. I wanted to try the Nakeds also but there is something in them I'm allergic to (what else is new) so I didn't try that one. I cannot STAND cigarette smoke. My parents were both chain smokers and they never so much as opened a window for me. Selfish pigs. TMI I get horrible nausea if I'm anywhere near it anymore. I mean, I realize we all have rights, but I think I've paid my dues in advance!
  23. I would love to find a good replacement too! It was driving me nuts for so long and I just finally gave up. My weight has finally stabilized so I don't need it anymore for weight gain. But at the time I did find a juice blend drink at the health food store that came in a quart size, I think, in the refrigerated section. It had added nutrients also and I tolerated it very well. I can't for the life of me think of the name, but I'll continue to look. It came in several flavors.
  24. This is good, solid information. I am allergic to corn as well. And there's plenty of it in Ensure, that's why I couldn't drink it But I'm so glad you have a place to start and I hope this new diet really helps you. I found out something interesting lately. I started the low histamine diet two weeks ago and it has made a major difference for me so far. No more unexplained hives. So in the unlikely event you still have symptoms after starting your new diet, it would be something to consider. Best wishes!
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