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Posts posted by giftcreations123

  1. I was wondering what this means and if anyone has this

    EMG results says " Evidence for widespread sensorimotor polyneuropathy c/w mononeuritis multiplex/"

    Dr. said to take mega sodage of B vitamins and that I have nerve function like a 80 yr old...gee thanks, I am only 35..


  2. hi..

    I comepletly understand how you are feeling. I feel that way alot. My dr. gave me Meclizine and it helps a bit. However, sometimes its hard to distinguish if its true vertigo or if I am feeling whoozy from blood pressure drops and raises...

    Sometimes, when my allergies are bad, the vertigo really kicks in so you might want to try a decongestant that you can tolerate. Mucinex works for me because I cant take anything else.

    Feel Better...

  3. Hello

    Since most of us cant take regular cold and allergy stuff, I take Mucinex when I need it.

    I dont seem to get any reactions from it and I think it might help symptoms....Its only ingrediant is guefisien which thins secretions.

    Any one can explain this...


  4. hi

    my husband told me I need to go back to work pt because we cant afford me styaing home anymore. I understand but terrified I will not be able to cope. I can barely get the kids off to school, still not feeling well, and havent been able to find a dr or treatments that make sense for me.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you for listening!

  5. Thanks for your responses..

    So, nothing much I guess can be done?

    I am trying to eat salt before bedtime, maybe and hoping that getting up in the morning would be easier.

    Its just awful not being able to take my kids into school without feeling like my eyes are going to fall out and heart racing..

    \thanks again

  6. hi..

    Mornings are very hard for me. I have kids who need to get off to camp and school. I really force myself to function as I really dont have a choice. In the home I barely lift my feet off the ground to walk. However, they need to be driven. By the time, I get evryone in the car, my heart is racing and head is in a cloud.

    I once had to walk them in and thought I was going to pass out..

    How do you deal? I cant avoid taking kids to school , my doctors arent sure what to do yet.

    Thank you for listening

  7. Hi..

    The thought of doing the ttt is to much for me to handle. I know I get tachycardia when I stand, pick something up etc...My dr. had been monitoring bp as wellas heart rate. ..

    y bp is usually in the 100's over 50's range with normal hr when sitting. When I get up my heartrate and bp increases. However, when I stand for a while, my bp lowers again.

    I feel horrible in the mornings, and often feel dizzy, lightheaded ad woozy.

    Thank you

  8. Hi..

    My internist feels a beta blocker would help with tachycardia ( I have an appointment with cardiologist soon) but I dot understand something. If it lowers blood pressure and us POTSers get low blood pressure, wont a beta blocker cause it lower more.

    cant wait to find this all out..


  9. Thank you ..

    I am in NY...

    Its funny because I complain that the mornngs are worse for me, by afternoon I do feel a little better, and the vision issues . I aso feel like sometimes I dont get enough oxygen.

    My internist is not the greatest, she did pick up a small heart murmur though.

    Going to meet with her again.

    My cardiologist suggested checking heart rate and blood pressure throughout the day which I will do.

    Thank you again

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