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Everything posted by fire_lupine06

  1. I had something like that but it was a UTI...nothing pots related...tho i do pee upwards of 10 times a day...
  2. What if someone has POTS and doesnt have INS....like me...?
  3. Thanks, I am alil worried cause my doc is sending me to a cardio doc to have a stress test done
  4. I have to have one of those ...as soon as i can find a way to pay >< ...doc found i have some PVCS and wants to see my heart.
  5. Bananas and hotdogs ...if i eat either of those , its soooo painful.
  6. Whats the normal persons normal sodium range? and what should a pots person be getting ?
  7. It happens anytime i eat..and i dont know what is the real cause
  8. How can I deal with the bloating and tummy pain I have from these...its so annoying
  9. How did you read my mind...thats exactly how it happens to me ...
  10. I game...alot , chat on the laptop ..alot, ride in the car , drive when i can get away with it . But thinking back on it ...i've had POTS for longer then even I could have known I think.
  11. Well Most times I start in a good mood...but if i stand alot or have to do alot of stuff i get really short tempered, so ...
  12. Does any one else have Really Really sore legs after walking whats considered a normal walk? Or sometimes having really bad mood swing?
  13. well with me the only times i have had full synscope was behind the wheel....
  14. Does anyone know how having POTS will effect being allowed to drive...my doctors suspect pots and i will be having the fun tilt table test done soon to confirm...but till then my license is pulled...any ideas?
  15. is having an overly full feeling and tummy pain common with pots?
  16. Today was in the mall shopping, and had bad "hanger" pains ...seems to happens anytime i stand for awhile
  17. It spiked at about 115 then settled at 105, the doc i am seeing plans to take my bp and hr with me 1: Laying, Sitting and then Standing
  18. I was at a friends ...shes an Emt and she checked my HR sitting and then standing ....sitting it was 60 when i stood it was 105
  19. Ok heres the story... i feel run down alot, hear my heartbeat in my ears some before i go to sleep, get ligthheaded some when i bend over or stand or raise my arms . Oh and the blackouts... A few months ago , I was driving and started to grey out , then blacked out...no harm done, I thought it was cause I lacked sleep. 2 months ago, I was again driving and blacked out again...veered into the lane beside me but it was empty. Yesterday I was driving home , greyed out then passed out, went into a ditch, up an embankment and was tossed back into the road...scared me bad but no harm done to the road or to my car....needless to say I am not driving till I see a doc...any thoughts?
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