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Posts posted by Sue

  1. Hi everyone!! Today I am celebrating my birthday by thanking this forum first!!

    I have had NCS for a long time. My days are alot better these days then in the past. I remember having days when I didn't think I would be able to make it through, and then there were the days I didn't want to. The worst, was always feeling alone. Even though I have been blessed with a wonderful supportive family they can't fathum what I feel like at times. and thats where I thank everyone here. I don't post as much as some, but I am on here alot. Reading and feeling the same pains and fears as you do. And even though I wouldn't wish this disease on anyone I am thankful that others actually know how I feel and can sympathize with me. so I just want to thank you for being here for me and my family. I love you guys!!

    and again thank you from my heart,



  2. Quick update!!

    Quynn had her check up this morning at childrens hospital. Her platelet count is on its way back up, 92,000 suppose to be 200,000 but alot better then it was last week. She will have weekly check ups until its back up to where it is suppose to be and maintained...

    She has to wear a helmet when she is playing for protection but other then that all restrictions were taken back off, so back to being a kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

    Thanks again for all the prayers and good thoughts...



  3. Well this morning was the day we were praying wouldn't happen. My neice, Quynn woke up with bruises all over her body again. So they are off to childrens hospital, at least this disease has warning signals which helps tremendously to catch it in time before anything seriously happens.

    I'm asking for more good thoughts and prayers again, as I truly think they help in watching over Quynn..

    Will keep you posted and thanks so much again..



  4. What a little hero!!! Dogs always amaze me, personally I think they are the most intelligent of all animals. I always know what kind of day I am going to have just by the way my dogs act around me. If its going to be a bad day he is immediately by my side hovering over me. If not he's pretty carefree in his actions.

    I love them!!



  5. Happy St. Patricks Day to you as well!!

    Thought I'd share "my' dorkiness ;)

    My husband, Aubrey is originally from Ireland, yep right off the boat!!! My family isn't Irish so of course we never celebrate St. Patricks day to the extreme we do now. My poor husband, lol

    Well to start the day off he is served his breakfast of, yep you guessed it LUCKY CHARMS!! complete with green cereal bowl, spoon with a gigantic clover and naturally green tea.

    Lunch, well he will be at work when he opens this. Two corn beef sandwiches, bread cut into clovers.... Two green gatorades, adorn with Irish wraps we made on the computer. Green bag of chips, green gummy clovers, green apple, green pear, green grapes, pack of green gum. Hostess green coconut thingys and cupcakes from the bakery, my mom picked up complete with shamrock frosting!! (He works 12 hour shifts!!)

    We have also put clover confetti, and kiss me I'm irish pins in the box as well as putting clover stickers all over the sandwich bags. Can you see his co-workers faces yet.. LOL

    For dinner when he gets home he will have his favorite. Shephards pie and Salad....with his favorite dessert, not green, Cheesecake!!! For putting up with all my silliness through out the day.

    Have a great day



  6. Its been a while since I have gone anywhere "ALONE", but boy I was needing some time out lately. Well they opened a new Kohls store not even a mile from my house, straight shot there and back. It took me about thirty minutes to get my nerve up, but I drove there, parking lot was pretty empty, parked close and went in.... BRAVO.. Managed to buy myself two pair of pajamas (my usual outfit of the day. lol ) and two sports bra's. Noone in line, YES, purchased my stuff, drove home and cried my eyeballs out. WHY??? who knows. I have some real emotional days sometimes. But I am very content right now. oh and with new jammies on.



  7. I love using the slow cooker... Alot of times I feel good when I start something by the time I'm half way through I have to quit and someone else has to finish.

    Favorite recipe.

    Throw one roast (your choice) chuck, our favorite, in slow cooker. Salt and pepper to taste

    Pour two can French onion soup over roast keeping most of the onions on top of roast

    Throw in one bag of ready to eat carrots

    Cut up potatoes and throw in with the carrots. Or use instant mash potatoes (just as easy and good)

    Cook apx 4-5 hours

    An hour before finished throw in two cans of cream of mushroom soup, will make a nice gravy.

    Dishes. just one pan :) BONUS!!



  8. I am seriously having some motivational issues here and have thought about trying some hypnosis?? Has anyone tried anything like this. My biggest problem is excercising, Dr. Grubb has always enforced the building of the leg muscles to me and I just have no energy...My diet is pretty stinky too, I basically just eat saltine crackers, pretzels, anything with salt and figure I need to change all this before I am worse off then what I am....so I figure I may start off with the hypnosis and then off to dietician.

    any suggestions??



  9. Name: Sue

    Birthplace: Macomb, Michigan

    Kids:daughter Kelly, son Stephen

    Pets: yellow lab Buddy, cocker spaniel Bandit, kitty Smokey, bunny Bunny'to

    Favorite color: burgundy

    Favorite flower:daisies

    Kitchen theme: nothing yet, just moved

    Favorite drink: today decaf coffee and gatorade before NCS beer

    Last TV show you watched: American Idol/I'm hooked

    Last movie you rented: Just like Heaven

    Favorite food: Chocolate

    Favorite TV show: American Idol/House/CSI

    Red or Pink: Red

    Favorite ice cream: chocolate chip

    Favorite crayon color: New box, all of them!!!

    Ever bungee jumped? too chicken

    Eye color: blueish green

    Hair color: dark blonde

    Farthest you have ever been: California

    Siblings: 2 brothers, 2 sisters

    Last time you cried: hmmmm have I stopped

    Favorite game: pinochle

    Black or White? Black

    Rollingstones or The Beatles: Nope/Van Halen

    Last food you ate: cereal

    Diamonds or sapphires: diamonds

    Beach or the mountains: Beach

    Sweats or jeans: pajamas

    Ever went skinny dipping: no

    Married more than once: no

    What book are you reading now: Notebook

    Hobbies: camping, photography, my family/pets

    Favorite actor: don't really have one

    Favorite actress: ditto

    Favorite candy bar: frozen m and m's

    Ever toilet papered someones house:yes, family tradition once a year, a friends house

    Gatorade: lemonade

    Favorite Fruit: strawberries

    Men with facial hair? the "just need" to shave look

    Steak or lobster: steak

    Gold or silver: Gold

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