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Everything posted by Tessa

  1. According to my experience eating gluten while being gluten intolerant can cause many other diseases not related with your gut, so it is also to avoid more diseases and health problems that one has to follow a strict gluten free diet. In fact, it is said that when someone eats gluten (being gluten intolerant), there are more possibilities to develop Cancer... I have a friend who - among other problems - was unable to open her right eye and after starting the gluten free diet, her general health has improved, and she is able to open and close her eye... Have you read the website I mentioned? There is a list of diseases related with gluten intolerance. As you can see, we can develop many other diseases... Take care, Love, Tessa.
  2. I still have no dx and have been all my existence suffering from this and that... Without knowing what it really was. I have been going from one physician to another and every symptom I had, they said that they were not related... I have POTS, I am sure, but I need to find a physician who knows about it and who wants to help. POTS not only is a rare syndrome, most do not know what it is. My GP said it means vasovagal syncope = fainting when standing up (not when standing for long, etc.)... Last year, I went to an internist and talked about all the symptoms. My husband talked about my syncopes and pre-syncopes. We did mention everything and she looked at me and said: "I am sure you have hyperglicemia". I already had a fasting test years ago, with a positive result but she told us it was important to try again and make some blood tests... And then it was negative. She did not bother about the syncopes we mentioned. Then she asked for an excercise stress test... Lightheadedness, Dizziness and feeling exhausted was my body?s quick response to excercise. The result: intolerance to exercise. When we met the internist again, she said that there was nothing wrong about the tests. We asked what she had to say about the excercise stress test... Well, she said, you are not used to excercise, that?s all. Your heart was fine, everything was fine... Nothing important, she added. Nothing important? As you see, many docs. do not know about POTS... It is not that we are not lucky with the physicians we see, it is that most do not know. Love, Tessa
  3. Sarah, I am so sorry for you feeling so bad. I hope you are much better now. Take care Love, Tessa
  4. Hi Elaine I am gluten and casein intolerant. You do not need to carry out a gastroscopy and blood test to get the diagnosis. There is a new accurated test, which is much easier and painless: a stool test. It is carried out by a Laboratory called Enterolab. Take a look to their website: https://www.enterolab.com/Home.htm From my own experience, it is much simple, painless, quicker and you are sure about the results. I hope this can be of any help, Take care, Love, Tessa
  5. Yes, me I always thought it was part of the headache as it stopped some hours after the headache was gone. You will feel much better... After the storm, the sun shines. Take care, Tessa
  6. I am on a Gluten and dairy free diet since August 2005. It is difficult to start when you have no idea of the content of products, but I agree, the Gluten free diet is more complicated to follow and as you are already on a GF diet you will not find it very difficult to avoid milk products. I always refused drinking milk and was, in fact, happy when they said I had to stop it... I changed it for SOY. Look for lactose free products. There are plenty. Take care, Tessa P.S.: A dairy-free diet contains no milk, cheese, butter, cream cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, ice cream, whey, casein, or foods that contain any of these ingredients. Links of interest: http://www.pccnaturalmarkets.com/health/Di...y_Free_Diet.htm http://www.godairyfree.org/
  7. Hi Kady Your experience explains many I had... And I agree with the others, it is time to look for another doctor and, if possible, one who knows about POTS. Do not feel sad about your visit to the Doc. It is not your fault that he had no idea of what he was saying. You can feel frustrated because he was of no help but we cannot expect much from those who have no information about POTS... I hope you can find someone soon who can deal with your problem and help you. When I have such kind of headaches, I have to rest in my bedroom, without noise and without light. I avoid eating too much and drink plenty of water with sugar and a little lemmon juice added to it and try to relax laying down and moving as less as possible. I hope you are better by now. Take care, Tessa
  8. Hi again Dionna. - Thank you for your support and the "good days" wish. MighthyMouse.- Here I am! Posting. Thank you for your help, Nina. Amber.- I have no faintings for years but other symptoms got worse... Thank you for your comprehension. Ernie.- Thanks for your kind words. Willows.- Oh, yes. Having a diagnosis would be great, not to know what I have (because I already know), but at least to get an appropriated treatment. I hope to read you more... Thank you for your answer. And for all of you (readers and writers), thank you for your support, welcome words and help. I?ll try to do my best sharing my experiences with all, Love, Tessa
  9. Hi everyone. I am new and wanted to introduce myself. First of all, I would like to thank both, Dinet?s President and MightyMouse for helping me when I was unable to post. I really appreciate your help and patience these days. I am here, thanks to you! I have been reading your posts already for a while and read the website, experiences, symtoms, etc. Many will understand what I mean when saying that I came across this website and POTS without ever having an idea of what was happening exactly to my health. I hope you don?t mind if I make a summary of my "history": I have always been a weak child, ill many times. I cannot remember when I started fainting but the first time I remember, I think I was 6 years old. I had been standing for long and was in the bathroom. My parents seemed to be worried but, in fact, they never talked with a doctor about it and the second and third time it happened, they just avoided what seemed to trigger the faintings... When I was older, (around 6 years later) the faintings returned, but this time not at home. My teachers were extremely worried and my parents took me to our GP. He had no idea of what it could be and asked me to avoid being in small and warm spaces... After this, I had one different symptom after another, but ... Who could think they were connected? I just lived with it... What else could I do? After this, I have always tried to know what was going on with my health but went from one physician to another... A few years ago, things got worse (abdominal pain, headache, sensitivity to light and noise, nausea and vomits, weight loss...) and I was admitted into the Hospital for about 20 days. At the Hospital I got all kind of fluids and medications and recovered. I underwent a wide range of tests, but with no result. I have had other pre-syncopes, but never thought they could be important. Later, the diagnosis was: Microscopic Colitis. A long time of no hungry at all followed to this period until I was diagnosed with Intolerance to gluten and casein. It was not until I started the Gluten and Casein free diet that I started feeling better and recovered my appetite. And then something went wrong (or we were finally aware of the real symptoms) People had been smoking at work and I started feeling breathlessness and chest discomfort. A few days later, it was real chest pain and we had to run to the Emergency Room. They had no idea... But it took me a few months to recover... By that time, my GP thought I could feel better if I took INYESPRIN (a kind of aspirin) and Omeprazole and it was true. I am taking it since then (for over a year now) and cannot stop it. If I stop with it, symptoms get worse and start all over again, but even with INYESPRIN I am not able to follow a "normal" life. Let?s talk about some symptoms: Unable to carry out the housework, cannot take a bathe without feeling exhausted, cannot keep standing for too long, cannot exercise at all, cannot walk up the stairs, tachycardia, Lightheadedness, Dizziness (most of the times), palpitations, Chest discomfort and/or pain ... Well, too many to summarize without boring you. Two days ago I had a blood test done and had a pre-syncope, felt dizzy, lightheaded and with tachycardia. I was also feeling exhausted, unable to keep my eyes open because feeling so tired... They obliged me to lay down for a while to recover and when feeling better (around 10 minutes later), I went back to work. An hour later I started feeling really sick: cold hands and feet, light headedness, frequent urination (well, I was very thirsty and I think I drank almost 1 l. of water in a short time), increased heart rate, chest discomfort, hyperventilation, weakness, dizziness... I was scared. It took around 3 or 4 hours to feel better and the rest of the day to fully recover. I?ve always had reactions to blood tests but never so strong... Ok. I am starting to be boring... This is too long for being my first post. But I am sure you know how it is being frustrated, feeling ill so many times and disabled for many "normal" things... Thank you for reading my post. Thank you for your time and attention. To end, I will tell you I am trying to find a physician who knows about POTS where I live, cause my GP told me that ortostatic disfunction means feeling dizzy when getting up and that it is nothing to worry about... If anyone knows a good POTS physician in the South of Spain (on the Costa del Sol), please, please, tell me. I would me most grateful, Looking forward to hearing from you, Love, Tessa
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