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Last Night's Episode - Dream?


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Hi all

Yesterday I was pretty potsy and went to bed feeling like I was buzzing and vibrating and on sympathetic over drive. I was able to fall asleep but I had two episodes during the night that were really wierd. I feel like I woke up twice to a huge adrenaline serge with heart beating and stomach clenching. I remeber feeling really scared. When I woke up this am I just couldn't believe that while asleep my body would have such a major pots attack. I started to question whether not it was a dream. Anyone else have these episodes at night?


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This happens to me as well. It's very uncomfortable and takes a while to "get over."

I wish I could help but just wanted you to know that you're not alone.


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Try elevating the head of your bed by 45 degrees. Are our meds wearing off by bedtime? I know that my midodrine and mestinon wear off by bedtime. In addition, I suspect that dreaming could activate our sympathetic nervous system. I know that I will wake up sweating with my heart pounding after a nightmare. My heart races just driving when someone pulls out unexpectly in front of me.


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Lina, Every night, like clockwork. Every 60-75 minutes I'm startled out of an unpleasant dream, drenched in sweat and short of breath. I go through several t-shirts each and every night and usually change the sheets at least once, though that's when most often I throw in the towel and get up out of bed. Like three hours ago. Quite annoying. An endocrinologist of some renown told me that this was atypical panic disorder. Now, I appreciate a valid psychiatric diagnosis and I have the couch time to prove it. More to the point, I like a good yarn as much as the next guy. But really . . .

Take Care,


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I experience this also at times, more so when my body is completely exhausted from too long of a day, too much stress, virus', and so many other things that cause my sympathetic system to over-react. When I spoke with both my cardio and my endocrinologist, they both feel these are a type of panic attack that may be caused by dreams.... however, I never remember any dreams when these happen and when I wake up from a bad dream, I don't have this sort of a physical reaction, so don't think it's dreams that are doing it so much :huh: Needless to say, these "panic attack" are no fun in the least ! If you can tolerate a beta blocker in the evening, it could be helpful for these.... but for some of us, beta blocker give severe insomnia which can be a worser evil, so to speak ;)

Hope you are getting some uninterrupted sleep soon :lol:

- Tammy

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