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Orthostatic Hypotension


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Hello! Thanks for posting this. It's GREAT to see you!! :)

Take care,


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no offense but I was disappointed in this article. HELLO saying it' anxiety or even ALLUDING to that sets us back.

you mean NOBODY at CNN could do a short google search and discover Vanderbilt or Mayo or Dr. Grubb Articles?? They could NOT contact the experts about ANS issues. Dopes!

Really not informing the public but just left folks hanging. SHAME

I want to write the folks in this article and say it's GRAVITY problems you idiots. ;):P :P

Just my three coins.


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It is too bad that one of us did not have a chance to post a comment before the opportunity for comments closed. I would have loved to send a comment.

I felt like screaming that neck pain can trigger migraines. Migraines and syncope ARE comorbid conditions. At least florinef and pindolol were very reasonable drug choices. I am appalled that the neurologists did not have a clue that neck pain, migraines and syncope are related!


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What a shame that the two consulting docs kind of missed the opportunity to really provide help to the woman... and to thousands of readers who share similar symptoms and are still foundering in the muck dished out by so many doctors (the good guys excepted...who are way to far and few between).

Oy. Reading that transcript made me cringe.


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Wondering if there is something more we can do here, seriously.

Karyn is right, I tried to post a comment too but they weren't accepting anymore. I did send an email to the editor but you never know if they are read.

Nina you're pretty could at brainstorming, isn't there a way we can get them to continue this story and even help that poor woman out, not to mention all the other readers that probably could relate to those problems.


Good to drop in again, thx for noticing me :)


I doubt those doctor's are aware of Dysautonomia, Orthostatic Hypotension, POTS, Neurocardiogenic syncope, etc. If you don't know what you're looking at, how do you know to google it?

I really hope that more of you guys think about writing in to the editors, doctor's, etc. give your 2 cents.



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There is thought to be autonomic nervous system dysfunction in BOTH migraines and POTS. Dr. Low at Mayo told me that himself. I know that I have read that in at least one migraine research article recently. It made so much sense to me that I did not save the article. I know that the book written by Dr. Low about the autonomic nervous system lists migraines as having a high incidence in POTS patients.

Whenever my POTS is bad, my migraines are bad too. THey go hand and hand.


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Briar, you could send them a letter --via email if you like-- or, what gets more attention is a large envelope such as the ones you find at the post office for priority mail (same as 1st class mail). You might want to write a cover letter, print out this thread with it, along with, perhaps the article from American Family Physician describing ID and treatment.


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I found an article about migraines and autonomic nervous system function. The article is:

Migraine and autonomic nervous system function, Neurology, 2002:58;422-427. I have never learned how to provide a link for an article in an email. Sorry to admit that I am not computer gifted. I will have to ask my 11 year old to teach me someday.


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