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Dreading The Thanksgiving Bloat And Pots Attack


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Okay so maybe I am being a bit negative but Thanksgiving used to be about eating and then eating some more! I am bloated even before eating these days so I am determined to enjoy Thanksgiving by NOT overeating and just enjoying everyone's company. Plus my folks keep the heat way up so I know I will be super hot. Do think everyone will think I am strange when I show up in shorts and a t-shirt when it is cold outside. Of course it will be just my luck that I will be having one of those -I can't get warm days-my fingers and feet are numb- and then everyone will say why did you dress like that! We can't win. What are your thanksgiving day survival strategies? Can anyone tell me how to get rid of the BLOAT!!? Thanks!!


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Eating is difficult for most of us.

Keep it simple. DON'T OVER EAT!! Why ask for problems? :P

Drink ginger tea before your meal or take ginger capsules as long as you don't have ulcer or GERD issues. Or take digestive ENZYMES after your meal. AVOID carbonated drinks.

Dress in layers as COOL as possible. A long sleeveless summer dress with a sweater works for me. Take a bottle of water or Gatorade. Just put bite sized bits of food on your plate. NOBODY will pay attention...or just move it around on your plate.

We can not control our ANS but we CAN control what we eat.

Avoid carbs and other trigger foods.

It's not about the FOOD. The holiday is about being grateful though sometimes we have to LOOK for the things to be thankful for if we are truly struggling.

Be grateful you have family/friends to INVITE YOU.

Be happy you have too much food to worry about eating?

Enjoy talking to those you care about?

Watch the football games on tv if you like sports and enjoy the comraderie.sp?

And RELAX and excuse yourself to a room to rest in if need be or find a chair outside if possible.

Good luck. Yes, try thinking a bit more positive.

BE GRATEFUL you do not have to COOK!!!


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Hi Lina,

I'd suggest dressing in layers for Thanksgiving. You can wear a short sleeved shirt underneath of a sweater or something else warm. That way you don't get cold walking from the car to the house, and if you happen to have an "I can't get warm day" then you're prepared. If you get hot, you can just shed the outer layer(s). You could also arrive in pants, but bring a pair of shorts or a skirt just incase. You could even wear a knee length skirt so that you stay cool enough, but it would look dressy enough that your family might not notice.

As for how to not bloat - if you already have a problem with it then there probably isn't much you can do. Just take small protions and take home some leftovers! :P

It is nice to have a lot of good food for Thanksgiving, but it is also very nice to have family, be able to spend time with them, and remember the many things we have to be thankful for. (See Mary's recent post!) Maybe you would even enjoy reading up on more details of the history of Thanksgiving - the Indians and the Pilgrims, Abraham Lincoln making it a national holiday as a way to unite our nation, and Franklin Roosevelt moving Thanksgiving to the 3rd Thursday to lengthen the Christmas shopping season!!! (It was later pushed back to the 4th Thursday again). There's some interesting history there!

I hope you find a way to enjoy the holiday despite the difficulties. And if the holiday is still too difficult, remember this too shall pass. :)

Take care,


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Sorry, I don't have any great words of wisdom, but I think the taking a bunch of leftovers and snacking on them for a few days sounds fun!!!

I wonder if you ask your folks because there will be so many extra people there and with all the cooking if it would make more sense to turn the heat back a bit? If not I guess just run outside everyone and a while, freeze and then come back in. I do that some at school. :P

Maybe even sneak over and crack a window and then sit by it! I like to be sneaky! :)

I wonder is there any antacids/Beano etc. that can be taken before eating to decrease symptoms?

Good luck! (and pace yourself B) )

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My primary care doctor prescribes Pamine Forte for my intestinal issues. They can be pretty embarrassing. It's an off-label use, and I'm not sure why she thought it would work, but that stuff is fantastic for me!

My former doctors just told me to eat more fiber, which made me want to give them a good smack, since I had just explained that foods high in fiber made it worse!

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