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I know this topic has come up before (I have already read the previous threads) but I want to ask about latest opinions and people's experiences.

I went to see my gynae yesterday an he is changing my contraceptive pill. I have taken Dianette on and off for the last 7 years. Dianette is a BC pill with cyproterone (an anti-testosterone) in it and eostrogen but no progesterone. It is especially designed as an acne treatment and when I am taking it my acne virtually disapears - in fact my gynae said "you obviously don't have acne"!!!

A while back in the UK they recommended that women didn't take Dianette for more than 2 years (my gynae advised me to take it even though I had been on it twice before already). Now they are advising that you only take it for 6 months in total so I have to change my BC pill.

Dianette helps with POTS as well as reducing bleeding (I have very very heavy periods when not on dianette), reducing period pains and sorting out my greasy skin and acne. Plus I go up 2 cup sizes in bras which makes my figure look much more balanced - 34B rather than 34AA.

I'm rather nervous about stopping Dianette but even more nervous about starting the replacement that he has asked my GP to prescribe - Yasmin. My gynae told me that yasmin had mineralocorticoid effects but I looked it up and it has anti-mineralocorticoid effects / diuretic effects. I already take Fludrocortisone 300mcg daily to try to boost my blood volume.

Is Yasmin going to be a bad idea for me?? My gynae thought that standard BC pills would cause acne and worsen my cystic ovaries (I don't actually have PCOS but do have multiple ovarian cysts).

Any advice would be much appreciated.



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Why don't they want people taking Dianette longer than a couple of years? It seems like in your case, if it works for you, it might be worth the risk of whatever they're worried about.

I'm considering going back on my birth-conrol pill because it raised my blood pressure enough that I wasn't so lightheaded all the time. I quit taking it because I have migraines, and having migraines and taking BCP is supposed to raise your stroke risk. But if it raises your stroke risk by raising blood pressure, I don't think that's much of a risk with me (I tested 80/50 one of the last times it was checked.)

Incidently, I was diagnosed with PCOS because I have ovarian cysts and irregular periods. But I'm not overweight, I don't have excess hair, I'm not balding, my hormones are normal -- I certainly don't LOOK like I have PCOS. I think that maybe in most people, PCOS is caused by insulin resistance, but it my case, it's caused by a screwy autonomic nervous system. Just a theory.


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I'm on Yasmin and really like it. I had tried other meds before that made me feel crazy (emotional). I haven't had any side effects from Yasmin which is great. It does lessen the duration/intensity of my period as well.

I'm not sure if I've answered your question or not.

Talk to you later,


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Hi thanks for the replies.

Amy - they are trying to limit Dianette to 6 months as it has a much higher risk of stroke than other birth control pills.

Lisa - it is so good to know that you take yasmin without any POTS problems, I am worried that the diuretic effect of it will counteract my fludrocortisone.


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Lisa, Do you take Yasmin to help with POTS or for something else? If for POTS, has it helped at all? I'm starting it next week...



I'm on Yasmin and really like it. I had tried other meds before that made me feel crazy (emotional). I haven't had any side effects from Yasmin which is great. It does lessen the duration/intensity of my period as well.

I'm not sure if I've answered your question or not.

Talk to you later,


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I take OrthoTriCyclen Lo. My Gyn thought it would help with acne (which it does) and also with PCOS...although many of the PCOS symptoms overlap with POTS and so I'm not sure I have PCOS in the first place. My symptoms are more aligned with POTS. I would personally try to avoid Yasmin due to the diuretic side effects. You could always try topical treatments for the acne.

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I was told that most BC pills worsen acne. I have had acne for the last 14 years - still waiting to "grow out of it". I've tried most things over the years - topical antibiotics, topical retinoic acid, oral antibiotics (6 months x3) and Dianette. So far Dianette has been the only thing that has helped my skin - most of the other treatments are aimed at stopping blackheads from getting infected and turning into spots, dianette reduces the amount of testosterone in your body and reduces the amount of grease that the skin produces (less grease, less blackheads, less spots). It also prevents the pre-menstrual acne break-out.

I know that I have to come off Dianette, I have just started my last 21 day packet and will soon be able to pick up a prescription for Yasmin from my GP.

I don't have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) as my hormone profile was normal. However I do have polycystic ovaries and hate having natural menstrual cycles - very irregular cycle, bad ovulation pain, long heavy menses with dreadful period pains, bad acne pre-menstrually and PMT!!

Arghhhhh do I try the yasmin and risk that the diuretic effect might worsen my POTS or do I ask my GP for a different pill and go back to having horrible acne??

I know no-one can tell me what to do but I really can't decide!


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I've never been able to tolerate the pill. I tried one in my early 20s( don't remember which one), and then ten years ago, tried alesse, a low-dose one supposedly. It made me moodier, nauseated, and made my periods worse!!!

But now, at age 40, my premenstrual phase is making me nuts--literally and figuratively. From the time I ovulate until the end of my cycle, I feel progressively worse, in terms of aches and pains, joint laxity, pots symptoms, migraines, gastro stuff, and mood. My new gyne thought yaz (which I think is a little different from yasmin) might be worth a try, as it's a different formulation from what I tried back in the day. I'm somewhat reluctant, esp with migraines, past pill experience, and varicose veins (one previous superficial clot), family hitory of breast cancer, but I am becoming desperate. It's hard to read online reviews-- those who feel moved to write are either thrilled or have terrible experiences. My actual period is only really bad on the first day--it's the leadup which is killing me.

I think I'll give it a try, though.n

I hope yasmin works for you. Keep us posted.

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My hormone levels are also entirely normal, but in the U.S., you can get diagnosed with PCOS anyway (because I have some acne and polycystic ovaries.) So I need to move to the U.K. Then I won't have PCOS anymore!

Of course, I think it's because I have dysautonomia and my body does a bad job of regulating itself.


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I don't know what bc pills are available in the UK; however, Ortho-tri-cyclen-Lo was designed to help with acne. Might be worth a try.

Also, ask if there are some other anti-testerone meds that might help.

Good luck!

I used to have all the symtoms you ladies are describing: crazy time prior to period, cramps, irregular cycles, PAIN, and heavy bleeding. I was SO thankful when an OB-GYN suggested a hysto. We had tried literally every other option to control my symptoms. Different things would work for a time, but then symtoms would return. I had bad endometriosis as well. So, I'm coming up on 2 years with no period and it is heavenly! I am so thankful not to have to go through that struggle anymore.

It is not all roses. .. moods have been an issue as we try to regulate the estrogen levels and then I got POTS (perhaps had it boferr, who knows) and moods are all over the place again. I'm quite a thrill to be around when moods are swinging all over the place.

Good luck. Hope the doc is receptive to your concerns.

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The Yasmin prescribing information has the following warning, in boldface type:

YASMIN contains 3 mg of the progestin drospirenone that has antimineralocorticoid activity, including the potential for hyperkalemia in high-risk patients, comparable to a 25 mg dose of spironolactone.

Spironolactone is a diuretic (water pill). An antimineralocorticoid effect is essentially an anti-Florinef effect. It doesn't make sense to me to take a drug that counteracts Florinef.


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  • 2 months later...


I thought I'd post an update to let you know how I've been getting along with Yasmin. I'm now part-way through my third packet and have had no major problems. My acne is only slightly worse than it was on Dianette so that is good. I haven't noticed any change in the slight bit of oedema (fluid) around my ankles or and change in my blood pressure - hopefully that means that the dose of fludrocortisone that I take is more than compensating for the mild diuretic effect of the Yasmin.

I hope that things continue without any problems for me - Yasmin seems to suit my body well.


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Hi Mary,

it was the Dianette that really boosted my bra size, but the Yasmin seems to leave me with a decent shape too (I didn't shrink back down after stopping the Dianette). I have put on a lot of weight due to one of my other meds so am now a 38B but happy with my chest (if I could just shrink my legs, bum and tum!).


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