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Digestive Issues


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I've been reading all the recent potss about slow bowel motility and I'm thankful I don't have that issue, however I do have the opposite - my food zooms right through. I can be in a restaurant, or at home or whereever, and it is not uncommon for me to have to go to the WC before we are finished with our meal. The food that comes through is what I've just eaten. Somethings are not completely digested, you know. So it is easy to tell.

Anyone have suggestions on dealing with this issue?

I can't help but wonder if I'm getting adequate nutrition given the fast trip my food makes through my body.

Thanks for comments or advice.


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Hi Dari,

I have spent most of my life with the same problem. My autonomic issues probably started in my late 20's and I suffered with "D" horribly. My docs called it IBS because, the "D" was often preceeded by horrible cramping. Now, I'm 45 y/o and I have intermittent "D" with really slow periods in between. I actually take up to 3 doses of Miralax a day to get things moving OR (like you) the food just flies through. I seem to swing from one extreme to the other. Perhaps as you get older, your motility will eventually slow as it seems to have done for many of us with autonomic problems.

I suspect that my POTS may be caused by Mast Cell Activation Disorder. "D" is very common with this. Just thought I'd throw that idea out there for you to consider.

All the best-


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i also had this prob a few years ago. it has slowed down some. but not enough. i do not eat out and have a cup of coffe afterwards, i'd have people coming to check on me in the WC. if i ave errands to run i cannot eat.

basically i can't eat if i am away from home. i know where every WC is where i am shopping at. i even know where port-a-pottys are on the road. i don't like going places i don't know where the WC is.

i have found that a xanax helps alittle.

but it can still happen to me on a muscle relaxer. go figure. the only thing that is 100% is not eating. i am sorry u have this too. it does cause a serious change in lifestyle.

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Humm . . .

I read a bit about mast cell activation disorder and you might just be right.

It sounds as if getting that diagnosed is as difficult as a POTS diagnosis! Yipee!

I'll mention it to my doc at the next visit. This has been going on for years so there is no rush I suppose!

I do have lots of hives and episodes where they cover my body rather rapidly for no apparent reason. I've been to the ER on more than one occasion for a shot of vistaril or steroids. Many things set off breathing difficulties, headaches, drippy nose, hives . . .

This is an intersting thought.

Glad I asked!

Thanks for the information.


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I go from one extreme to another. There are days where I can't stop using the bathroom and then there are days where I can't go. The other day I had no control over my bowels and didn't make it to the toilet. It's pretty embarressing as you can imagine, expecailly because I was at my boyfriend's family cookout! :angry:


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You're so right. It's a difficult DX to get. I'm being treated for MCAD right now based on clinical symptoms alone. I've had idiopathic anaphylaxsis a few times in addition to those durned hives that I never really get rid of. Some days I am really lightheaded, really low BP, chest pain when I breathe in, horrible nausea, headaches, bone pain, etc. That's a sign to carry my epi-pen and/ or up my meds. I'd love a more definitive DX. I'm working on it, too.

I'm sorry you think this may be the cause of your POTS, too. I learned about MCAD on this site. Since I've been treated, I feel so much better. I pray that treatment will turn things around for you, too.

And Jacquie, oh dear! I've been there, too. So embarassing. I actually have some funny/horrifying stories to tell too. Hang in there.


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Just dropping in to drop off my 2 cents. I've had the same problem with "D" ever since I had my gallbladder removed. They treat me for IBS with a medication called Welchol. This is usually used for cholesterol, but it has a binding agent that works well for those that suffer from chronic "D". I take it daily and love it. No more "D" when I do take it. I did do some research and found that there is another disorder that causes these symptoms for those of you that still have your gallbladder. It is called Habba Syndrome. Here is a link about it http://habbasyndrome.com/_wsn/page2.html. I see a GI specialist later this month to follow up on my current treatment by my PCP. But I will not stop taking my Welchol unless they can give me something that works just as good or better. Like others have posted...I have some very embarrassing stories about my problems and lets just say they are not pleasant.

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Thanks for the info on Welchol. It seems I have had more trouble with this since having my gallbladder out.

Actually these were the symptoms I had when the GB ceased to function. Interesting! I'll ask the doc.

It would be so great to be able to not worry about whether or not I'm going to make it to the WC. Not to mention the cramping is painful!


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I just came across something in a magazine I was reading the other day, where it said that food that seemed to go through very fast can be down to Microscopic colitis. Worth checking out.

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