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If My Body Temperature Is Low...


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I know some of you have posted saying that your body temp. is often low. Mine is as well and seems to run around 96.

How do I know if I have a fever then? Is it the same temp. as a normal person or is it when it's elevated. For example...the other day I felt feverish and it was 98.9. Would that be considered a fever for me?

Any thoughts??


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Mine runs about 96.8. So I guess 98.9 would be a little elevated. But it probably still isn't anything to worry about at that level.

I guess I'd just add a couple of degrees. Round up, if you will. And don't worry too much if it's around 100 or less when you round up. That isn't much of a fever.

But I'm no doctor. Just a copy editor!


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Mine is also in the 96 range. Getting sick for me is 99-100. When I had the infection last time my "fever" was only 101.3 I guess you know your body the best. If you think its high for you , you could all the doctofs office and see what they think! How you start feeling better soon!

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I have a lower body temp too, about 96-97. For me I get lots of chills and that is an indication I have a fever and 99-100 is a fever for me. Not that I am having a bad fever at 99-100, but I know I am sick. My husband sometimes laughs when i say I have a fever and it is only 99.5. I reminded him that my normal temperature is lower. That made sense to him.

Have a good Labor Day weekend,


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My mom tends to pick on me for this. I'll come to her and say I have a fever & when I tell her that my temp is 99 she'll laugh tell me thats not a fever. I even take advil/tylenol bc rarely does my body temp ever get around normal let alone higher..

But for people with lower temps to begin with, when our bodies reach normal temps we feel just like we would if we had a fever. B)

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Hi, can't help with the actual numbers as we measure temperatures in celcius medically in the UK. Over here 36 - 37 is normal, 38 is when a doctor would call it a fever.

It is useful to know your own "normal" temperature. I would think that the difference between your own "normal" and your temperature when you're ill would be more important than the actual temperature. I guess if it goes up a couple of degrees then it may be a sign of an infection, and taking paracetamol (acetaminophen) may help to bring it down to your "normal" level and make you feel a bit better.

Just my thoughts though - if you're not sure, a call to the doctor is probably the best thing to do.


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