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For Those With Lyme


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Thank you so much for posting this link!

The trailor for the documentary is incredibly moving and powerful. WOW!

The website itself is also incredibly informative with definitions of Lyme disease, personal stories, and links to many, many resources about Lyme.

I was so struck by the Faces page in which they had 44 faces.

I do not know if Michelle and the documetary folks are still open to suggestions for the documentary but this documentary looks so powerful. It's ironic that I had just posted about DINET's documentary and the faces part right before this post popped up and then the site had a 'faces' page.

For anyone who has Lyme, thinks they may have Lyme or is still skeptical--this site is really worth your time.



P.S. I too saw that Bush had Lyme, but he was treated right away so I don't see that he is going to see it as an 'emergent' health care need in our country. Not to mention his history for funding health care research to begin with--the NIH is so strapped and so many researchers have lost their funding. So, I can't see Lyme making the cut anytime soon! UGH!

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