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Back Pain

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I started having lower back pain about 2 months ago, very mild, on and off and it went away for about a month, so I figured I had pulled something and it healed. Well, last week it came back full force and is hurting soooo bad. This pain is like a constant burning sensation just above my tailbone and to the right of my spine. It's almost behind my pelvic area or hip structure, and it gets worse when I am sitting for a long time. I tried doing some yoga postures for back pain and it got so much worse- tried heating pad alternated with cooling muscle rub, and those things just dont' help at all, which is strange.

I don't have health insurance, and my local free clinic can't get me in until August (ha, we are moving away in 2 weeks) and so I made an appointment with my old PCP for this afternoon...they think it might be a UTI...anyone have any insight? I recently got a diaphragm (too much info, I know :) and was told to be alert for symtpoms of UTI for the first few months, but I'm not having any urinary problems other than the usual frequency from drinking so much water.

The pain gets worse too when I press on my back or bend over to pick up the baby...hmmm? I'm just not prone to back pain so this is odd.

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I had horrible trouble with back pain for about 5 years, especially lower back, until I started taking magnesium. It calms the muscles and nerves, among many other things. B6 also can play a role in muscle pain. Magnesium helps B6 to work, so maybe it's really the B6 that helped my back. But either way, I seldom have any real back trouble any more.

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I don't think this is a UTI. I have had at least five of them and never got pain like that. I even had a kidney infection once and had mild pain up near my kidneys in my back, but not lower.

Sounds like sciatic nerve pain. Does it feel nervy in nature? Pressing on it and it hurting more makes me think this. I am a certified massage therapist, and although I cannot make a diagnosis, I have several clients who describe the pain the same way as you do -- always there and burning, plus occasional bouts of it shooting down the leg. Could also be sacroiliitis, which is inflammation of the sacral jt.

Massage does help sciatic pain & sacroiliitis not by direct pressure in that area, but by loosening up nearby muscles and tendons that may be tight and are compressing the nerve. Stretching will help. Exercise and moving will help, and sitting/lying down will make it worse. Strengthening the muscles in these areas is helpful. I know, none of this is easy with POTS, but needs to happen or else you will continue to have problems.

Good luck!


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I have had chronic back pain for years, mostly upper back. Once in a while, I've had low back pain. It was " nerve inflamation" my Doc said. He told me to rest with my legs elevated and to ice my back every few hours as needed. He also recomended ibuprofen, Which I can't take.

I'm a fraid I can't help more than that.

Good luck :rolleyes:

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Can you take plain old no-caffeine aspirin? Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, you may be better off with that than with ibuprofen anyway. Most of the time if I need something, aspirin works for me.

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Well, I wasted $50 on that doctor's appointment. He said I probably pulled something and I should take Ibuprofen around the clock. No UTI, I'm not pregnant, no nerve inflammation, and the list goes on, everything is fine.

Now, I had already been taking Motrin and it didn't even take the edge off, which is strange- usually 600mg of Motrin knocks out anything for me, and this pain keeps burning away all day long, and is searing when I pick up Ethan or put him down. It almost feels like it's wrapping around to my hips and uterine area at times- I am getting ready to start my period and as the cramping starts, the pain gets worse too. What could this mean? Maybe I'd be better off seeing a GYN. Maybe I did just injure myself somehow. It's just frustrating!!

Thanks for the responses and suggestions :rolleyes:

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  • 6 months later...
Well, I wasted $50 on that doctor's appointment.  He said I probably pulled something and I should take Ibuprofen around the clock.  No UTI, I'm not pregnant, no nerve inflammation, and the list goes on, everything is fine.

Now, I had already been taking Motrin and it didn't even take the edge off, which is strange- usually 600mg of Motrin knocks out anything for me, and this pain keeps burning away all day long, and is searing when I pick up Ethan or put him down.  It almost feels like it's wrapping around to my hips and uterine area at times- I am getting ready to start my period and as the cramping starts, the pain gets worse too.  What could this mean?  Maybe I'd be better off seeing a GYN.  Maybe I did just injure myself somehow.  It's just frustrating!! 

Thanks for the responses and suggestions  :P

interesting, because I have POTS with the same pain. I was told I have SI joint inflammation, but I've had it intermittently for 2-3 years seeing numerous doctors for it. so far my MRI shows up great, but the pain is still there. I'm seeing a rheomatologist tomorrow who thinks it could be spondylolisthesis, but I will find out for sure tomorrow. It is mind boggling with all of these problems and I was wondering if they were connected with a possible stenosis putting more pressure on my lower spine causing POTS symptoms, but I think that is more related to cervical (neck) stenosis. Any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated


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