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Anyone Ever Have This Symptom--like Organs In Your Torso Are Boiling Hot?

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This is a new one for me. Just wondering if anyone else had it.

Before I felt like my arms and legs had ice running through them--now I just felt like my organs in my torso are boiling hot. I also had this on the back of my head last week.

Years ago I had this in my left foot and it was a parasthesia--I wonder if it's the same thing.

Anyone? It would be nice to know I'm not alone on this one!

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The symptoms are due to the inability of nerves to send proper signals to and from your brain:

* Numbness (inability to feel things properly)

* Pain -- burning, pins and needles, or shooting pains

* Loss of coordination

* Clumsy gait

* Weakness

Usually, these symptoms start in the toes and feet and progress up the legs, eventually affecting the hands and arms.

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Hi, I have times where it feels like parts of my body are boiling hot. This has happened off and on for years. Sometimes others can feel the heat coming off these areas too. I've recently been having it feel like it starts in my stomach and spreads out from there. This occurs suddenly when I haven't eaten or drank anything. It's very disturbing. I also have painful cold sensations. I don't have any knowledgeable doctors who can tell me what causes it. I have POTS, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME), Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Raynaud's, GERD, Severe Allergies, Dermatographia/Dermographism (Skin Writing), Migraines, etc. I also have had constant electrical shock and burning sensations through my whole body for 5 years. The electrical shock sensations started after someone rear-ended my car again. I also get numbness, pins and needles and shooting pains.

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Hi, I have times where it feels like parts of my body are boiling hot. This has happened off and on for years. Sometimes others can feel the heat coming off these areas too. I've recently been having it feel like it starts in my stomach and spreads out from there. This occurs suddenly when I haven't eaten or drank anything. It's very disturbing. I also have painful cold sensations. I don't have any knowledgeable doctors who can tell me what causes it. I have POTS, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME), Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Raynaud's, GERD, Severe Allergies, Dermatographia/Dermographism (Skin Writing), Migraines, etc. I also have had constant electrical shock and burning sensations through my whole body for 5 years. The electrical shock sensations started after someone rear-ended my car again. I also get numbness, pins and needles and shooting pains.

Right now I especially have it on my ribs under my breasts and my back. They feel so hot to the touch. I also have CFS, MCS and skin writing--but it is transient and only appears in the evenings (and temperature fluctuations and weird blisters and red spots on my tongue). I just had a mammogram and looked like I had a sunburn afterwards. My mom has the electric shock sensations. She got hers in her mouth after getting a wisdom tooth removed and in her legs after a bone density scan. I too had weird cold sensations in my arms and legs--they were really pronounced the week before my Autonomic Dysfunction hit me. We sound quite similar. I't's a relief to hear you have had the hot sensations for years--it must be benign then!

Thanks for sharing yor story--it helps to know we are not alone.

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