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Boredom Busters?

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For those of you with POTS who can't work, attend school, etc. regularly- how do you cope with the boredom? :DB)

I know that for me, its hard to stay occupied and at the same time is hard to have the energy to do something entertaining. Books are always good, and there's tv and the internet; but what "boredom busters" do you use to cope???

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Play with my daughter...this forum...other internet stuff...reading (I like non-fiction and maintain a pretty good library at home)...bother my husband on the phone...go to the roof (it's flat w/walls) and look out at the city...call my parents...look at interesting pictures (usually I get "bored" as in want to SEE something interesting)...eat...Skittles...very...slowly...sit with my mother-in-law across the hall...water the plants...laundry and other household chores...occasionally hobby writing/composition...drawing dream house floor plans...making other ridiculous plans...look up jokes online...stuff like that.

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are you a person who likes crafts or puzzles? online games or hobbies like crocheting or scrapbooking might be satisfying for you. those things can be done in short bursts and stopped whenever you need to stop.

reaching out to people is also a great way to spend time-- very rewarding to make a phone call or write a note/email. staying in contact with the outside world is so important when we can't get out!

:blink: hope these help!

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I have to say, I agree with what you said....at times I am too sick to feel bored! Its the inbetween times that are the hardest for me.....not so sick that I don't want to move or feel like doing anything, but sick enough that I can't be up and around....I feel restless and frustrated but any little thing makes me feel gross.

I do a lot of crafts....knitting, beading, painting and so on. I keep piles of projects all over my house. I do best emotionally if I have a project that I can get lost in. It also helps me feel like I'm accomplishing something durring the week, when I'm too sick to do much. and it keeps me down on the couch and not up over doing it.

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Well I think by now you all must realise I do loads of art work to stop 'going round the bend ' ( mad with boredom) :blink:

At the minute I'm making a large picture frame about 3 feet X 2 feet , I've used some hardboard for the back and some old foam ceiling covering to make the edges.

I have then painted the frame with pale gold paint first them when just tacky dry I painted over this with burnished gold and swirled it about a it , so now the frame looks all old and antique ,mmmmmma bit like me then :lol:

Now I'm sticking on loads of those kids plastic jewels , you buy them in packs for about ?1 in the UK all sorts of sizes and colours and making a really expensise jewelled heading for the frame ...............OMG then I'm going to cut 2 eye holes in the back boarding and make a cover so that you cannot see them . :ph34r:

Cover the inside of the frame with all the dragon stuff I have , like how to fly and pictures of that and dragon signs and symbols , in the middle of the frame and in line with the 2 eye holes I'm going to stick a very large dragons head , cutting out the dragons eyes and sticking these to the piece of moving board behind them ......if you get the picture ???

SO when a child comes to look at the picture frame one of my crew can draw back the eye hole section at the back and stand and look out of the 2 holes ...........at a distance the picture should just look normal , but near and you'd see the eye's move ...............well creepy :lol::lol:

I just love doing this sort of thing for Halloween , what about getting some stuff in and having a go yourself , you can take your time and store it away ( as I do ) for the big day , the kids just adore all the creepy , silly and interesting things I make each year , and I , well I just am never board , ever ..............AMI

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To be honest, I don't have the energy to be bored. I am so fatigued most of the time that I just lay on

the couch and think of all the things I would like to get up and do but do not have the energy to do so.

When I did have more energy I did alot of scrapbooking. I really liked that and the time flew by.


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Oh, how I wish I felt well enough to feel bored! I always have so many things I'd like to do but don't feel well enough to do. But I guess what I do to try to get my mind off of how ill I'm feeling, provided that I'm well enough to walk to my lab top and lay back down with it, is surf the net a little bit as I can tolerate it, so that's really all I'm able to do as a boredom buster :ph34r: Today's one of those really yucky, ill days and guess what... here I am :blink:

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