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Can't Sleep.....


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I am sitting around tonight. I can't sleep due to the headace, and chest pain tonight, but don't want to go to the hospital, as there really is little they can do. I get so sick of feeling this way...... I wish somedays this would all just go away. I feel bad for venting as many of you have it worse then me, so I feel bad for complaining. I just get so tired of all of this.

Plus my arm look like a burn or somthing as I broke out all over from all the tape they have used to the PICC. I am trying to keep it clean, and keep it from getting infected that all I need.

Well sorry for venting...... see how I get when I can sleep. B)

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I'm so sorry you're feeling so bad. I have sleep problems too, and I deal with daily migraines. I know how scary it can be when the chest pain gets bad too. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way for you to be able to get some much-needed sleep. I know for me that when I can't sleep at all, the headache, chest pain, muscle twitching, and jitteriness, etc. gets so much worse. I feel so wired but so tired. Like you, I haven't been able to sleep much at all for days, so I haven't been feeling well at all.

I wish I had some good advice for you, but about the only things I can think of is to suggest that you listen to some type of relaxation music if you can. Or if you can find something to watch on TV that would calm you. Visualizations are good too...picture yourself in a nice, calm, and safe place...a favorite place, vacation spot, some place by the ocean or in nature, etc.

I hope your arm heals soon, and I hope you'll be feeling much better soon!

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Everything feels worse when you're trying to sleep. I'm sorry you had a bad night, and by all means, vent away! I hope you were able to settle down eventually.

I sometimes listen to the radio when I can't fall asleep. Something that's distracting, but not too dramatic or involving. Given how often I fall asleep while listening to the news, I think there must be something soothing about hearing the voices going in the background.

Take care.


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